/usr/share/gmod/chado/bin/ddltrans is in chado-utils 1.31-3.
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# DDLTRANS: Transform sql schema definitions into various useful formats.
# (DDL=data definition language, the schema defining subset of SQL -- create table, etc.)
# Syntax: ddltrans [-s schemaname] [-f format] ddlfiles
# Writes to stdout.
# Converts ddl files to dtd, xml, perl or html according to format arg. Default is html.
# -s arg is used to define outermost element in XML; required iff format is dtd.
# -dtd: generates a DTD according to translation rules of XORT (XML Object To Relational
# Translator) system, which specify a fixed mapping from a relational schema to an (optionally
# hierarchical, i.e. object-like) XML format.
# There is a loader and dumper that will load/dump XORT XML into corresponding PostGreSQL databases.
# -perl: generates a hierarchical Perl data structure (hashes and arrays) containing all the
# metadata extracted from DDL, for use by schema-driven perl applications. Suitable for loading
# with "do".
# -html: generates very simple html presentation of schema, suitable (possibly) for developers.
# -xml: generates straighforward XML representation of schema suitable for schema-driven applications
# in languages other than Perl; e.g. Java.
# WARNING: The SQL parser is not robust; stylistic variations of legal SQL may break it.
use Getopt::Std;
use Data::Dumper;
my %opts;
getopts('s:f:', \%opts);
# open(STDIN,"/users/stan/sql/sequence.sql") || die "Can't read .sql"; $opts{f}=dtd;
$date=`date`; chop($date);
$schema = {_entity=>set}; # set of tables
$output_format = "html"; # default
{ if($known_format{$opts{f}})
{ $output_format = $opts{f}; }
else { die "Unknown format $opts{f} -- supported formats are perl, xml and html.\n"; }}
if( $output_format eq "dtd"){
die "Must supply -s schemaname when generating dtd\n" if ! defined($opts{s});
next if $_ !~ /\S/; # skip blank lines
next if /^##/; # skip blank lines
if( /^\s*(\S.*\S)\s*$/ ){ $_ = $1; } # eliminate leading/trailing blanks
if(/^([^-]*)\-\-(.*)$/) # handle comments
{ $_=$1; $newcomment=$2;
if($newcomment !~ /=====*/ & $newcomment !~ /TABLE/ ) # ignore header comments
{ $comment="$comment $newcomment"; # concat comments
if($comment=~/^\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/){ $comment=$1; }} # remove blanks
next if $_ !~ /\S/;
if( /^(.*\S)\s+$/ ){ $_ = $1; }
if(/create table\s+(\S+)\s\((.*)$/) {
die Dumper($currobj) if $currobj;
$currobj = { _entity=>table,
name=>$1, column=>{_entity=>list, _order=>[]}};
if( $output_format eq "xml"){ $currobj->{_order} = [name, comment, column, unique, "index"]; }
if($comment){ $currobj->{comment}=$comment; $comment=""; }
if( $rest =~ /\S/ ){ die "Unexpected stuff after ( in create table line"; }
} elsif( $currobj->{_entity} eq "table" ){
if(/^\s*(\S.*),\s*$/){ $_=$1;} # lose any final comma
if( /^(.*)\)\s*;\s*/ ){ $_=$1; $eoc=1; } # lose any final );
{ $fkcol=$1;
{ $currobj->{primarykey}=$1;
die "Can't find primary key $1 of $currobj->{name}" if ! defined($currobj->{column}->{$1});
elsif(/^unique\s*\(\s*(\S.*)\s*\)$/) # Assumes only one to a table -- not correct?
{ @ucols=split(/\s*,\s*/,$1);
foreach $col (@ucols)
{ die "Can't find $currobj->{name}.$col in uniqueness constraint" if ! defined($currobj->{column}->{$col});
push(@{$currobj->{unique}}, $col);
$currobj->{column}->{$col}->{unique}=@ucols+0; # store of # columns in unique key under each col: eg 1 of 3, 1 or 2, etc.
{ $colname=$1;
if($type=~/^(\S+)\s(\S.*)$/){ $type = $1; $rest=$2; }
else { $rest=""; }
name=>$colname, type=>$type };
if( $output_format eq "xml")
{ $col->{_order} = [name, type, allownull, comment, fk_table, fk_column, foreign_references]; }
if( $rest )
{ if($rest =~ /\s*not\s+null/i ){
$col->{allownull}="no"; }
if($rest =~ /default\s+(\S.*)$/ )
{ $col->{default}=$1; }}
if( $comment ){ $col->{comment}=$comment; $comment=""; }
elsif( /^\s*\)\s*;\s*$/ ){
elsif(/create index\s+(\S+)\s+on\s+(\S+)\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*\)\s*;$/i) {
$index=$1; $table=$2; $cols=$3;
$schema->{$table}->{indexes}->{$index} = { _entity=>"index", name=>$index, columns=>$cols };
$schema->{$table}->{indexes}->{_entity} = set;
{ # ignore permissions for now; should annotate tables
{ # ignore
elsif(/^\s*create /i)
{ # ignore
if($_ !~ /;$/){ while(<>){ last if /;\s*$/; }}
else { warn "Unrecognized sql: $_\n"; if($_ !~ /;$/){ while(<>){ last if /;$/; }}}
{ die "No name in ", Dumper($currobj) if ! defined($currobj->{name});
$schema->{$currobj->{name}} = $currobj;
# print Dumper($currobj), "\n";
# Create inverse foreign key reference info
foreach $table (keys(%{$schema}))
{ foreach $col (keys(%{$schema->{$table}->{column}}))
{ next if $col =~ /^\_/;
{ $fk_table=$schema->{$table}->{column}->{$col}->{fk_table};
{ if(defined($schema->{$fk_table}->{column}->{$fk_col}))
{ push(@{$schema->{$fk_table}->{column}->{$fk_col}->{foreign_references}},
{table=>$table, column=>$col}); }
else { warn "Foreign key reference from $table.$col to unknown column $fk_col of $fk_table.\n"; }}
else { warn "Foreign key reference from $table.$col to unknown table $fk_table.$fk_col.\n"; }}}}
if( $output_format eq "perl"){
print "# Schema metadata produced by ddltrans on $date\n";
print Data::Dumper->Dump([$schema], [schema]), "\n"; }
elsif( $output_format eq "xml"){
print "<!-- Schema metadata produced by ddltrans on $date>\n\n";
print_xml( {schema=>{schema=>$schema}} ); }
elsif( $output_format eq "html"){
print "<em>Schema metadata produced by ddltrans on $date</em>\n\n";
print print_html($schema); }
elsif( $output_format eq "dtd"){ print_dtd($schema); }
else { die "Unrecognized output format $output_format"; }
sub print_xml {
my($x, $indent)=@_;
if( ! defined($indent)){ $indent = 0; }
# print ref($x), "\n"; # Dumper($x);
if(ref($x) eq "HASH")
{ my($k);
{ @keys=(); foreach $k (@{$x->{_order}}){ if(defined($x->{$k})){ push(@keys, $k); }}}
if($x->{_entity} eq "set" | $x->{_entity} eq "list")
{ foreach $k (@keys)
{ if($k !~ /^_/){ print_xml( $x->{$k}, $indent); }}}
else {
if(defined($x->{_entity})){ print "\n", " " x $indent, "<$x->{_entity}>"; $indent += 3; }
foreach $k (@keys)
{ next if $k =~ /^\_/;
my $show_ent=1;
if( ref($x->{$k}) eq "HASH")
{ $show_ent=0 if $x->{$k}->{_entity} eq "set" || $x->{$k}->{_entity} eq "list"; }
{ print "\n", " " x $indent, "<$k>";
print_xml( $x->{$k}, $indent + 3);
if( $show_ent & ref($x->{$k}) eq "HASH" | ref($x->{$k}) eq "ARRAY")
{ print "\n", " " x $indent; }
print "</$k>"; }
else { print_xml( $x->{$k}, $indent); }
if(defined($x->{_entity})){ $indent -= 3; print "\n", " " x $indent, "<\\$x->{_entity}>"; }}
elsif(ref($x) eq "ARRAY" )
{ my($i);
{ print "\n", " " x $indent, "<li>";
print_xml( $x->[$i], $indent + 4 );
print "<\\li>"; }}
else { print $x; }
sub print_html {
my($schema, $indent)=@_;
print "<html>\n";
foreach $table (sort(keys(%{$schema})))
{ next if $table =~ /^_/;
print "<h2>$table</h2>\n$schema->{$table}->{comment}\n<table border=1><tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>NULL?</th><th>Comment</th><th>References</th></tr>\n";
foreach $colname (keys(%{$schema->{$table}->{column}}))
{ next if $colname =~ /^_/;
$col = $schema->{$table}->{column}->{$colname};
print "<tr><td>$col->{name}</td><td>$col->{type}</td><td>$col->{allownull}</td><td>$col->{comment}</td><td>";
{ print "$col->{fk_table}.$col->{fk_column}"; }
{ foreach $fk (@{$col->{foreign_references}})
{ print "<li>$fk->{table}.$fk->{column}"; }}
print "</td></tr>\n"; }
print "</table>\n\n";
sub print_dtd {
my($schema, $tables)=@_;
print "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>\n\n";
print "<!-- ********************** $schemaname XML DTD **************************
autogenerated on $date by ddltrans
for use with XORT dumper and loader.
Relational Schema to DTD Conversion rules:
-Outermost element is <$schemaname> -- permits any table elements in any order as children
-Every table has a corresponding element. Table elements have a child element for every
column except the primary key, in order, followed optionally by all tables
containing foreign keys to this table, in any order.
-Tables may be nested inside other tables iff the inner table
has a foreign key column to the primary key of the outer table.
If the foreign key field is required, it can be omitted, as it
will be inferred from the nesting context.
-Table elements take an optional id attribute which can be used to define
a local id for the table row within the file. This id can be any string,
and it can be used in foreign key fields to refer to the table row.
-Table elements take on optional op attribute which can be insert, update,
delete, force, or lookup. insert is default. Lookup is used to retrieve
primary keys of objects in DB.
-The number of instances of a column element within a table element is
context dependent. In an insert operation, non-null data columns must
appear once. Required foreign key columns may be omitted if they can
be inferred from nesting context -- the first outer element of the
appropriate type will be plugged in. In an update op, unique key columns
may appear twice if the key is being modified: once to specify the
object to be updated in terms of its unique key values, and once to
specify the new values (with op=update).
-Column elements have op=update attribute if the column is being
-Foreign key columns may contain any of the following:
-an instance of the table element for the referenced table --
typically this will have op=lookup and supply the values of those
columns that make up a unique key for this table
-a local id defined previously in the file (def before ref!)
-a global accession number. This applies only to objects that have
a primary dbxref in their maintable (e.g. feature, cvterm)
and the value must match an entry in the dbxref table.
-When op is update or delete, the affected object can be specified by a
ref=value attribute, where value is a local id or global accession number.
foreach $tablename (sort(keys(%{$schema})))
{ next if $tablename =~ /^_/;
next if $tablename =~ /_audit$/;
push(@{$tablenames},$tablename); }
print "<!ELEMENT $schemaname ( ", join(" | ", @{$tablenames}), ")*>\n";
print "<!ATTLIST $schemaname\n\tdumpspec CDATA #IMPLIED\n\tdata CDATA #IMPLIED>\n\n";
foreach $tablename (@{$tablenames})
{ $table=$schema->{$tablename};
# print documentation comment
print "\n<!-- ********************* TABLE $tablename *****************************\n";
for $colname (@{$colnames})
{ $col=$table->{column}->{$colname};
print "*\t$col->{name}\t$col->{type}";
if($col->{allownull} eq "no"){ print "\tnot null"; }
if($col->{default}){ print "\tdefault $col->{default}"; }
if($col->{primarykey}){ print "\tprimary key"; }
if($col->{fk_table}){ print "\tforeign key to $col->{fk_table}.$col->{fk_column}"; }
if($col->{unique}){ print "\tunique($col->{unique})"; }
if($col->{comment}){print " - $col->{comment}"; }
print "\n"; }
print " ************************************************************************* -->\n";
# print table element
print "<!ELEMENT $tablename ";
# column subelements
print "(";
for $colname (@{$colnames})
{ next if $colname eq $table->{primarykey};
# Cardinality of table fields:
# if part of a unique key, may appear twice in an update context: once to refer, once to modify
# if a foreign key, may be ommitted due to hierarchy rule
# if a non-null field, may still be ommitted in an update or delete context.
if( defined($table->{column}->{$colname}->{unique}) ) { $card="*"; }
print "$dlm$colname"; $dlm = " | "; }
print ")* ";
# linking table subelements
{ print "\n\t, ( ", $dlm = "";
foreach $join (@{$joins})
{ next if $printed->{$join->{table}};
print $dlm, $join->{table}; $dlm=" | "; }
print ")*\n "; }
print ">\n"; # end table element
# Table element ttribute list
print "\n<!ATTLIST $tablename\n\tid CDATA #IMPLIED\n\tref CDATA #IMPLIED\n\top (lookup | insert | update | force | delete) #IMPLIED>\n";
# column elements
for $colname (@{$colnames})
{ next if $colname eq $table->{primarykey};
if(defined($col->{fk_table})){ $def=$col->{fk_table}; }
else { $def=$col->{type}; }
{ if($def ne $defined{$colname}->{to})
{ next if canonical_type( $def ) eq canonical_type( $defined{$colname}->{to});
warn "Warning: Incompatible definitions of column `$colname':\n\tin table $defined{$colname}->{from} as $defined{$colname}->{to}\n\tin table $tablename as $def\n"; }
next; }
$defined{$colname}={from=>$tablename, to=>$def};
print "<!ELEMENT $colname ";
if($col->{fk_table}){ print "( #PCDATA | $col->{fk_table} )"; }
else { print "(#PCDATA)"; }
print " >";
print "\t<!ATTLIST $colname op (update) #IMPLIED>";
print "\n";
sub canonical_type {
# canonicalize datatypes for purposes of checking compatibility of XML entity defs
# eg varchar and text are equivalent, int and integer, etc.
if( $type =~ /^int/ ){ return "int"; }
elsif( $type =~ /^varchar/ ){ return "char"; }
elsif( $type eq "text" ){ return "char"; }
else { return $type; }