/usr/share/gmod/chado/bin/chado-fix-flybase-instance.pl is in chado-utils 1.31-3.
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use strict;
use warnings;
use DBIx::DBStag;
use Getopt::Long;
$|= 1;
my $opt = {};
my @commands = split(//,$opt->{commands});
my $dbh = DBIx::DBStag->connect($opt->{db});
$dbh->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
print <<EOM
the chado available from FlyBase uses an older schema. Most of this
can be migrated using chado/doc/flybase_chado/schema_notes.txt
however, making cvterm.dbxref_id NOT NULL (to use it in a UNIQUE
constraint) is more problematic
skipping interactive mode; pre-answer questions like this:
chado-fix-flybase-instance.pl -c nnnnyyynnny
print "Please answer the following questions. y/n\n";
print "Type 'h' for an explanation. If in doubt, select YES\n\n\n";
dosql("UPDATE cv SET name='obs_sequence' WHERE name='SO'");
dosql("UPDATE db SET name='obs_SO' WHERE name='SO'");
dosql("UPDATE cv SET name='obs_relationship' WHERE name='relationship type'");
# triggers slow things down
dosql("drop trigger feature_propagatename_tr_u on feature");
dosql("drop trigger feature_upd_audit on feature");
my $cvterm_rows =
$dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT cvterm_id, cv.name, cvterm.name FROM cvterm INNER JOIN cv USING (cv_id) WHERE dbxref_id IS NULL");
if (yesno("generate fake cvterm dbxrefs",
"flybase chado was built when cvterm.dbxref_id was nullable. we need to add the NOT NULL constraint, but we first need to make sure every cvterm has a unique dbxref. We create fakes ones where db=cv and accession=cvterm.name")) {
foreach my $r (@$cvterm_rows) {
my ($id,$cv,$name) = @$r;
next if $cv =~ /molecular_function/;
next if $cv =~ /biological_process/;
next if $cv =~ /cellular_component/;
my $node = Data::Stag->new(cvterm=>[
dosql("ALTER TABLE cvterm ALTER COLUMN dbxref_id SET NOT NULL");
dosql("ALTER TABLE cvterm ADD CONSTRAINT cvterm_c1 unique (dbxref_id)");
dosql("ALTER TABLE cvterm ADD CONSTRAINT cvterm_c2 unique (name, cv_id, is_obsolete)");
my $ontol_dir = $ENV{ONTOL_DIR} || "$ENV{HOME}/cvs";
my @onts =
# TODO - load real ontologies
foreach my $pair (@onts) {
my ($ont,$path) = @$pair;
if (yesno("load ont: $ont", "the pre-loaded ontologies in flybase are problematic. the cv.name is wrong, and they may be out of date")) {
my $outf = "$ont.chado-xml";
my $cmd = "go2chadoxml $path > $outf";
system($cmd) && die("problem with: $cmd");
my $chadonode = Data::Stag->parse($outf);
$dbh->storenode($_) foreach $chadonode->subnodes;
if (yesno("Migrate type_ids to real ontologies",
"various type_ids may point to the old incorrect ontologies. this fixes that and points to the canonical ontologies: sequence, relationship and feature_property")) {
if (yesno("set type for all subject match features (eg HSPs) to match_part",
"flybase has match part_of match for hits/HSPs. make the subfeature a match part")) {
my $match_id =
selectcol("SELECT DISTINCT cvterm_id FROM cvterm INNER JOIN cv USING (cv_id) WHERE cv.name='sequence' AND cvterm.name='match'");
my $match_part_id =
selectcol("SELECT DISTINCT cvterm_id FROM cvterm INNER JOIN cv USING (cv_id) WHERE cv.name='sequence' AND cvterm.name='match_part'");
dosql("UPDATE feature SET type_id = $match_part_id WHERE type_id = $match_id AND feature_id IN (SELECT subject_id FROM feature_relationship)");
exit 0;
# ---
our %db_id_by_name = ();
sub store_db {
my $n = shift;
my $id =
return $id if $id;
sub dosql {
my $cmd = shift;
if (yesno($cmd, "execute the given SQL")) {
sub selectall {
my $sql = shift;
print STDERR "QUERY:$sql\n";
return $dbh->selectall_arrayref($sql);
sub selectcol {
my $sql = shift;
my $rows = selectall($sql);
my $row = shift @$rows;
if (!$row) {
die("expected row!");
return $row->[0];
sub yesno {
my ($prompt,$help) = @_;
print "$prompt ";
print "[y/n/help]? ";
my $ans;
if (@commands) {
$ans = shift @commands;
else {
$ans = <STDIN>;
if ($ans =~ /^h/i) {
print "EXPLANATION:\n$help\n\n";
return yesno($prompt, "I can't tell you anything more!");
my $yn;
$yn = 1 if $ans =~ /^y/i;
if ($yn) {
print "OK!\n";
else {
print "Skipping\n";
return $yn;
sub migrate_type_ids_by_table {
my ($table,$col,$cv) = @_;
my $pk = $table."_id";
my $skip = $opt->{skip_type_id};
my $rows =
selectall("SELECT DISTINCT t2.cvterm_id, t.cvterm_id FROM $table AS x INNER JOIN cvterm AS t ON (x.$col = t.cvterm_id) INNER JOIN cvterm AS t2 ON (t.name=t2.name) INNER JOIN cv ON (cv.cv_id = t2.cv_id) WHERE cv.name='$cv' AND t.cv_id != cv.cv_id");
foreach my $r (@$rows) {
my ($cvterm_id,$old_cvterm_id) = @$r;
if ($skip) {
if ($old_cvterm_id == $skip) {
print STDERR "SKIPPING $old_cvterm_id to $cvterm_id\n";
print STDERR "mapping $old_cvterm_id to $cvterm_id\n";
$dbh->do("UPDATE feature SET type_id = $cvterm_id WHERE type_id=$old_cvterm_id");
print STDERR "Done!\n";
#print "UPDATE feature SET type_id = $cvterm_id WHERE type_id=$old_cvterm_id\n";
sub migrate_type_id {
my ($table,$col,$cv,$from,$to) = @_;
my $pk = $table."_id";
if (yesno("map $from to $cv/$to in $table.$col",
"the type_ids in the table \"$table\" point to a deprecated cvterm \"$from\" - make them point to \"$to\", which is in the newly loaded \"$cv\" cv")) {
my $rows =
selectall("SELECT DISTINCT cvterm_id FROM cvterm INNER JOIN cv USING (cv_id) WHERE cv.name!='$cv' AND cvterm.name='$from'");
return unless @$rows; # done already
if (@$rows > 1) {
die("assertion error!");
my $old_type_id = $rows->[0]->[0];
$rows =
selectall("SELECT DISTINCT cvterm_id FROM cvterm INNER JOIN cv USING (cv_id) WHERE cv.name='$cv' AND cvterm.name='$to'");
if (@$rows != 1) {
die("assertion error! expected one row for $to in $cv; got: @$rows");
my $new_type_id = $rows->[0]->[0];
print STDERR "map $old_type_id to $new_type_id in $table.$col\n";
$dbh->do("UPDATE $table SET $col = $new_type_id WHERE $col=$old_type_id");
print STDERR "Done!\n";