/usr/share/tcltk/xotcl1.6.8-comm/PCache.xotcl is in xotcl 1.6.8-1.
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# Persistent Cache object, using gdbm
# Configuration:
# The persistent cache is kept in a directory which is determined by
# the following three rules.
# 1) the global variable "CACHE_DIR", which has to be set,
# before this file is loaded
# 2) If "CACHE_DIR" is not set, the global variable "homedir"
# is checked, which is assumed to be the home directory
# of the Cineast browser
# 3) As a last resource the tmp directory is used as the cache directory
# Additionally, the cache directory can be specified after loading of this
# file (before the first open) through the instance variable "dir"
# in the object persistentCache.
package provide xotcl::comm::pcache 1.0
#package require xotcl::package
package require XOTcl 1
namespace eval ::xotcl::comm::pcache {
namespace import ::xotcl::*
variable CACHE_DIR
variable homeDir
if {![info exists CACHE_DIR]} {
if {![info exists homeDir]} {
set homeDir [::xotcl::tmpdir]
set CACHE_DIR $homeDir/cache2
Object persistentCache
persistentCache set dir $CACHE_DIR
persistentCache proc flush { {cmd {}} } {
my instvar DBID
if {[info exists DBID]} { $DBID close }
if {{} ne $cmd } {
if {[catch {eval $cmd} err]} {puts stderr err=$err}
my open ;# UZ: wenn hier das self weggenommen wird, crashed das lintFilter
#open ;# UZ: wenn hier das self weggenommen wird, crashed das lintFilter
# the open method for the first invocation
persistentCache proc open {} {
my instvar dir DBID
package require xotcl::store
set DBID [Storage someNewChildStore]
if {![file isdirectory $dir]} {
# if the cache directory does not exist, create it..
file mkdir $dir
# the open method for later invocations, doing the real work
my proc open {} {
my instvar dir DBID
$DBID open $dir/index
# invoke the method
persistentCache proc clear {} {
my instvar cacheFileName contentType meta entry validated dir
my flush [list eval file delete -force $dir/index \
[glob -nocomplain $dir/\[0-9\]*::*]]
foreach var {cacheFileName contentType meta entry validated} {
catch {unset $var}
persistentCache proc clearEntry {url} {
my instvar DBID cacheFileName contentType meta entry validated
my inCache $url
if {[info exists cacheFileName($url)]} {
my flush [list eval file delete -force $cacheFileName($url)]
foreach var {cacheFileName contentType meta entry validated} {
my showMsg "unset ${var}($url)"
catch {unset ${var}($url)}
catch {$DBID unset $url}
persistentCache proc lazyFlush {} {
my instvar flushPending
if {[info exists flushPending]} { after cancel $flushPending }
set flushPending [after 100 [self] flush]
persistentCache proc newEntry {url access doCache name} {
my instvar cacheFileName contentType meta dir
if {$name ne ""} {
#$access set caching 0
return $name
} elseif {$doCache} {
set cacheFileName($url) $dir/[pid]-$access
set contentType($url) [$access set contentType]
set meta($url) [$access set meta]
return $cacheFileName($url)
} else {
# we use the Memory cache only for non-persistent cache entries
# which are deleted when the program terminates
set fileName $dir/v[pid]-$access
MemoryCache + $url $fileName
return $fileName
persistentCache proc entryDone {url} {
my instvar entry cacheFileName contentType DBID meta
if {![info exists DBID]} { open }
$DBID set $url [list \
cacheFileName $cacheFileName($url) \
contentType $contentType($url) \
meta $meta($url) ]
my lazyFlush
#my showMsg "size=[file size $cacheFileName($url)]"
set entry($url) 1
my set validated($url) 1
persistentCache proc inCache {url} {
my instvar entry
if {[info exists entry($url)]} {
set result 1
} else {
my instvar cacheFileName contentType meta DBID
if {![info exists DBID]} { open }
set result [$DBID set $url]
my lazyFlush
if {$result ne ""} {
set entry($url) 1
array set r $result
set cacheFileName($url) $r(cacheFileName)
set contentType($url) $r(contentType)
set meta($url) $r(meta)
set result 1
} else {
set result 0
return $result
persistentCache proc validated {url} {
my set validated($url) 1
persistentCache proc invalidate {url} {
if {[my exists validated($url)]} {
my unset validated($url)
persistentCache proc isValidated {url} {
if {[my exists validated($url)]} {
return 1
return 0
persistentCache proc ifModifiedHeader {url ifModVar} {
set result 0
if {[my inCache $url]} {
#puts stderr inCache:$url
upvar [self callinglevel] $ifModVar ifModifiedHeader
my instvar meta
array set m $meta($url)
if {[info exists m(last-modified)]} {
set ifModifiedHeader [list If-Modified-Since $m(last-modified)]
set result 1
} else {
#puts stderr "url=$url is not in cache"
return $result
persistentCache proc dump {} {
my instvar DBID
puts stderr DUMP:
foreach k [$DBID names] {
puts stderr $k
puts stderr " [$DBID set $k]"
persistentCache proc cacheFileName {url} {
my instvar cacheFileName
return $cacheFileName($url)
persistentCache proc contentType {url} {
my instvar contentType
return $contentType($url)
persistentCache proc meta {url} {
my instvar meta
return $meta($url)
persistentCache proc destroy {} {
#my showCall
#persistentCache flush
########################################################### Cache
Object MemoryCache
MemoryCache proc query {url entry} {
my instvar cache
if {[info exists cache($url)]} {
upvar [self callinglevel] $entry e
#puts stderr "-->[self] [self proc] finds: $url"
set e $cache($url)
return 1
return 0
MemoryCache proc + {url entry} {
#puts stderr "-->[self class]:[self] [self proc] $url"
my set cache($url) $entry
MemoryCache proc - {url} {
#puts stderr "-->[self class]:[self] [self proc] $url"
catch {my unset cache($url)}
MemoryCache proc destroy {} {
my instvar cache
foreach url [array names cache] {
set f $cache($url)
if {[regexp ^/ $f]} {
#my showMsg "trying to remove $f [file exists $f]"
file delete -force $f
Object instproc allInstances {} {
# Diese Methode ermittelt rekursiv alle direkten und indirekten
# Instanzen einer Klasse
::set inst [my info instances]
foreach s [my info subclass] {
foreach i [$s allInstances] { ::lappend inst $i }
return $inst
# onExit is automatically called when wafe terminates
proc onExit {} {
#puts stderr "allinstances of Access: [Access allInstances]"
#foreach i [Access allInstances] {
# if {[info command $i] eq ""} continue
# $i destroy
#MemoryCache clear
persistentCache flush
#Trace statReport
namespace export persistentCache MemoryCache
namespace import ::xotcl::comm::pcache::*