/usr/share/tcltk/xotcl1.6.8-actiweb/Invoker.xotcl is in xotcl 1.6.8-1.
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package provide xotcl::actiweb::invoker 1.0
package require XOTcl 1
namespace eval ::xotcl::actiweb::invoker {
namespace import ::xotcl::*
Class AbstractInvoker
AbstractInvoker abstract instproc invokeCall {o method arguments}
AbstractInvoker abstract instproc eval {obj method arguments}
# error types are: tclError, invocationError
AbstractInvoker abstract instproc callError {type msg obj arguments}
Class Invoker -superclass AbstractInvoker -parameter {{place [self]}}
Invoker instproc handleException {response} {
if {[my isExceptionObject $response]} {
set exceptionObj $response
switch [$exceptionObj info class] {
::RedirectException {
set obj [$exceptionObj obj]
set method [$exceptionObj method]
set arguments [$exceptionObj arguments]
set response [my eval $obj $method $arguments]
::ErrorException {
set response [$exceptionObj set errorText]
$exceptionObj destroy
return $response
Invoker instproc invokeCall {o s method arguments} {
upvar [self callinglevel] $o obj $s status
my instvar place
set response ""
if {[$place isExportedObj $obj]} {
# if method is not given -> call default on the object
if {$method eq ""} {
set method default
if {[$obj isExportedProc $method]} {
#puts stderr "ExportedProcs of $obj: [$obj exportedProcs]"
#puts stderr "Call: $obj -- $method -- $arguments"
set response [my eval $obj $method $arguments]
} else {
#puts stderr "ExportedProcs of $obj: [$obj exportedProcs]"
set response [my callError invocationError [$place startingObj] \
"Method not found or not exported" \
"$obj $method $arguments"]
set status 405
} else {
set called $obj
set obj [$place startingObj]
set response [my callError invocationError $obj \
"Object '$called' unknown" ""]
set status 404
return [my handleException $response]
# tests whether "name" is an exception object or not
Invoker instproc isExceptionObject name {
if {[Object isobject $name] && [$name istype Exception]} {
return 1
return 0
# central eval -- all remote call
# are invoked through this method
Invoker instproc eval {obj method arguments} {
puts stderr "[clock format [clock seconds] \
-format %Y/%m/%d@%H:%M:%S] \
Eval Call: $obj $method $arguments"
if {[catch {
set r [::eval $obj $method $arguments]
} ei]} {
set r [my callError tclError $obj $ei "$obj $method $::errorInfo"]
return $r
Invoker instproc callError {type obj msg arguments} {
[my set place]::error $type $obj $msg $arguments
Class ErrorMgr
ErrorMgr instproc isHtml o {
if {[my isobject $o]} {
if {[$o exists contentType]} {
if {[$o set contentType] eq "text/html"} {
return 1
return 0
ErrorMgr instproc invocationError {obj msg arguments} {
my showCall
set ee [ErrorException [self]::[my autoname ee]]
$ee instvar errorText
if {[my isHtml $obj]} {
set errorText "<p> invocation error: $msg"
if {[llength $arguments] > 0} {
append errorText ":\n<p> object: '[lindex $arguments 0]' \n"
} else {
append errorText \n
if {[llength $arguments] > 1} {
append errorText "<p> call: '[lrange $arguments 1 end]' \n"
} else {
set errorText "invocation error: $msg $arguments"
return $ee
ErrorMgr instproc tclError {obj msg arguments} {
set ee [ErrorException [self]::[my autoname ee]]
if {[my isHtml $obj]} {
$ee errorText "<p>tcl error: '$msg' \n<code><p><pre>$arguments</pre></code>"
} else {
$ee errorText "tcl error: '$msg'\n$::errorInfo"
return $ee
# exceptions in invocation behavior
Class Exception
# Execpetion that tells the invoker to redirect the call to
# parameters
Class RedirectException -superclass Exception -parameter {
{obj ""}
{method ""}
{arguments ""}
Class ErrorException -superclass Exception -parameter {
{errorText ""}
namespace export AbstractInvoker \
Invoker ErrorMgr Exception \
RedirectException ErrorException
namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::invoker::*