/usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/readln.pl is in swi-prolog-nox 7.2.3-2.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 | /* $Id$
Read a sentence from the current input stream and convert it
into a list of atoms and numbers.
Letters(A-Z, a-z) are converted to atoms
Digits (0-9) (and a '.' if a real number) are converted to numbers
Some obscure 'rounding' is done, so you have most of the times
only 6 significant digits with an exponent part. (This is caused
by the system predicate 'name'. If you want looonnnggg numbers
then define digits as parts of words).
(N.B. reals work only if '.' is not defined as 'stop-char' but
'escape' will work in this case)
The reader is >>flexible<<, you can define yourself:
- the character on which reading will stop
(this character is escapable with \
to read a \ type this character twice!!)
- the character(s) that make up a word (execpt the
characters A-Z, a-z that always make up words!!
and (real)-numbers that always are grouped together!!)
- whether you want conversion of uppercase letters to
lowercase letters.
The default setting for readln/1 is
- read up till newline
- see underscore('_') and numbers 0-9 as part of words
- make lowercase
- If nothing is read readln/1 succeeds with []
- If an end_of_file is read readln/1 succeeds with [..|end_of_file]
This predicate gives you the flexibility.
It succeeds with arg1 = list of word&atoms
arg2 = Ascii code of last character
(but '-1' in case of ^D).
To change one or more of the defaults you have to
instantiate argument3 and/or argument4 and/or argument5.
!! Uninstantiated arguments are defaulted !!
- stop character(s):
instantiate argument 3 with the list of ASCII code's
of the desired stop characters (Note: you can also
say: ".!?", what is equivalent to [46,33,63]).
- word character(s):
instantiate argument 4 with the list of ASCII code's
of the desired word-part characters (Note: wou can also
say: "", what is equivalent to [] ; i.e. no extra
- lowercase conversion:
instantiate argument 5 with lowercase
Main predicates provided:
readln(P) - Read a sentence up till NewLine and
unify <P> with the list of atoms/numbers
(identical to:
readln(P, [10],"_01213456789",uppercase).)
readln(P, LastCh) - idem as above but the second argument is unified
with the last character read (the ascii-code for
the stop-character or -1)
readln(P, LastCh, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)
- idem as above but the default setting is changed
for the instantiated args:
Arg1: List of stop characters
Arg2: List of word_part characters
Arg3: uppercase/lowercase conversion
read_sentence(P,Case) :-
read_in(P) :- % with numbers as separate
readln(P,Eof,_,"", _). % entities.
read_atom(A) :- % stop on newline,
readln(A,_,_," ",_). % space is part of word
Author: Wouter Jansweijer
Date: 26 april 1985
Modified: Jan Wielemaker
Date: 19 feb 2001
Modernised a bit and fixed some end_of_file/-1 issues. As we have modules
since a while I removed the ugly $ stuff :-)
:- module(readln,
[ readln/1, % -Line
readln/2, % -Line, +EOL
readln/5 % See above
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- license(swipl).
readln(Read) :- % the default is read up to EOL
string_codes("_0123456789", Arg2),
rl_readln(Line, LastCh, [10], Arg2, uppercase),
( LastCh == -1
-> append(Line,[end_of_file], Read)
; Read = Line
readln(Read, LastCh):-
string_codes("_0123456789", Arg2),
rl_readln(Read, LastCh, [10], Arg2, uppercase).
readln(P, EOF, StopChars, WordChars, Case) :-
( var(StopChars)
-> Arg1 = [10]
; Arg1 = StopChars
( var(WordChars)
-> string_codes("01234567890_", Arg2)
; Arg2 = WordChars
( var(Case)
-> Arg3 = lowercase
; Arg3 = Case
rl_readln(P, EOF, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3).
rl_readln(P, EOF, StopChars, WordChars, Case) :-
rl_initread(L, EOF, StopChars),
rl_blanks(L, LL), !,
rl_words(P, LL,[], options(WordChars, Case)), !.
rl_initread(S, EOF, StopChars) :-
rl_readrest(K, S, EOF, StopChars).
rl_readrest(-1, [], end_of_file, _) :- !.
rl_readrest(0'\\, [K1|R], EOF, StopChars) :-
get_code(K1), % skip it, take next char
rl_readrest(K2, R, EOF, StopChars).
rl_readrest(K, [K], K, StopChars) :- % the stop char(s)
member(K, StopChars), !.
rl_readrest(K, [K|R], EOF, StopChars) :- % the normal case
rl_readrest(K1, R, EOF, StopChars).
rl_words([W|Ws], S1, S4, Options) :-
rl_word(W, S1, S2, Options), !,
rl_blanks(S2, S3),
rl_words(Ws, S3, S4, Options).
rl_words([], S1, S2, _) :-
rl_blanks(S1, S2), !.
rl_words([], S, S, _).
rl_word(N, [46|S1], S3, _) :- % the dot can be in the beginning of
rl_basic_num(N1, S1, S2), !, % a real number.
rl_basic_nums(Rest, S2, S3, dot), % only ONE dot IN a number !!
name(N,[48, 46, N1|Rest]). % i.e '0.<number>'
rl_word(N, S0, S2, _) :-
rl_basic_num(N1, S0, S1), !,
rl_basic_nums(Rest, S1, S2, _),
rl_word(W, S0, S2, Options) :-
rl_basic_char(C1, S0, S1, Options), !,
rl_basic_chars(Rest, S1, S2, Options),
name(W, [C1|Rest]).
rl_word(P,[C|R], R, _) :-
name(P, [C]), !.
rl_basic_chars([A|As], S0, S2, Options) :-
rl_basic_char(A, S0, S1, Options), !,
rl_basic_chars(As, S1, S2, Options).
rl_basic_chars([], S, S, _).
rl_basic_nums([46,N|As], [46|S1], S3, Dot) :- % a dot followed by >= one digit
var(Dot), % but not found a dot already
rl_basic_num(N, S1, S2), !,
rl_basic_nums(As, S2, S3, dot).
rl_basic_nums([A|As], S0, S2, Dot) :-
rl_basic_num(A, S0, S1), !,
rl_basic_nums(As, S1, S2, Dot).
rl_basic_nums([], S, S, _).
rl_blanks([C|S0], S1) :-
rl_blank(C), !,
rl_blanks(S0, S1).
rl_blanks(S, S).
/* Basic Character types that form rl_words together */
rl_basic_char(A, [C|S], S, options(WordChars, Case)) :-
rl_lc(C, A, WordChars, Case).
rl_basic_num(N, [N|R], R) :-
code_type(N, digit).
rl_blank(X) :-
code_type(X, space).
rl_lc(X, X1, _, Case) :-
code_type(X, upper), !,
rl_fix_case(Case, X, X1).
rl_lc(X, X, _, _) :-
code_type(X, lower).
rl_lc(X, X, WordChars, _) :-
memberchk(X, WordChars).
rl_fix_case(lowercase, U, L) :- !,
code_type(L, lower(U)).
rl_fix_case(_, C, C).