/usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/prolog_metainference.pl is in swi-prolog-nox 7.2.3-2.
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* This file is part of the Prolog Development Tool (PDT)
* WWW: http://sewiki.iai.uni-bonn.de/research/pdt/start
* Mail: pdt@lists.iai.uni-bonn.de
* Copyright (C): 2004-2012, CS Dept. III, University of Bonn
* Authors: Eva Stoewe, Guenter Kniesel and Jan Wielemaker
* All rights reserved. This program is made available under the terms
* of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution,
* and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
:- module(prolog_metainference,
[ infer_meta_predicate/2, % :Head, -MetaSpec
inferred_meta_predicate/2 % :Head, ?MetaSpec
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(apply)).
:- meta_predicate
inferred_meta_predicate(:, ?),
infer_meta_predicate(:, -).
:- dynamic
inferred_meta_pred/3. % Head, Module, Meta
/** <module> Infer meta-predicate properties
This module infers meta-predicate properties by inspecting the clauses
of predicates that call other predicates. This is extremely useful for
program analysis and refactoring because many programs `in the wild'
have incomplete or incorrect meta-predicate information.
@see This library is used by prolog_walk_code/1 to improve the
accuracy of this analysis.
@tbd Re-introduce some alias-analysis
@tbd Not all missing meta-declarations are interesting. Notably,
meta-predicates that are private and only pass meta-arguments
on behalve of a public meta-predicates do not need a declaration.
%% inferred_meta_predicate(:Head, ?MetaSpec) is nondet.
% True when MetaSpec is an inferred meta-predicate specification
% for Head.
inferred_meta_predicate(M:Head, MetaSpec) :-
inferred_meta_pred(Head, M, MetaSpec).
inferred_meta_predicate(M:Head, MetaSpec) :-
predicate_property(M:Head, imported_from(From)),
inferred_meta_pred(Head, From, MetaSpec).
%% infer_meta_predicate(:Head, -MetaSpec) is semidet
% True when MetaSpec is a meta-predicate specifier for the
% predicate Head. Derived meta-predicates are collected and made
% available through inferred_meta_predicate/2.
infer_meta_predicate(Head, MetaSpec) :-
inferred_meta_predicate(Head, MetaSpec), !.
infer_meta_predicate(M:Head, MetaSpec) :-
predicate_property(M:Head, imported_from(From)), !,
do_infer_meta_predicate(From:Head, MetaSpec),
assertz(inferred_meta_pred(Head, From, MetaSpec)).
infer_meta_predicate(M:Head, MetaSpec) :-
do_infer_meta_predicate(M:Head, MetaSpec),
assertz(inferred_meta_pred(Head, M, MetaSpec)).
:- meta_predicate
do_infer_meta_predicate(:, -).
do_infer_meta_predicate(Module:AHead, MetaSpec):-
functor(AHead, Functor, Arity),
functor(Head, Functor, Arity), % Generalise the head
meta_pred_args_in_clause(Module, Head, MetaSpec),
MetaSpecs \== [],
combine_meta_args(MetaSpecs, MetaSpec).
%% meta_pred_args_in_clause(+Module, +Head, -MetaSpec) is nondet.
meta_pred_args_in_clause(Module, Head, MetaArgs) :-
clause(Module:Head, Body),
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(Body, Module),
meta_annotation(Head, MetaArgs).
%% annotate_meta_vars_in_body(+Term, +Module) is det
% Annotate variables in Term if they appear as meta-arguments.
% @tbd Aliasing. Previous code detected aliasing for
% - =/2
% - functor/3
% - atom_concat/3
% - =../2
% - arg/3
% @tbd We can make this nondet, exploring multiple aliasing
% paths in disjunctions.
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(A, _) :-
atomic(A), !.
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(Var, _) :-
var(Var), !,
annotate(Var, 0).
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(Module:Term, _) :- !,
( atom(Module)
-> annotate_meta_vars_in_body(Term, Module)
; var(Module)
-> annotate(Module, m)
; true % may continue if Term is a system
). % predicate?
annotate_meta_vars_in_body((TermA, TermB), Module) :- !,
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermB, Module),
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermA, Module).
annotate_meta_vars_in_body((TermA; TermB), Module) :- !,
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermB, Module),
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermA, Module).
annotate_meta_vars_in_body((TermA->TermB), Module) :- !,
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermB, Module),
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermA, Module).
annotate_meta_vars_in_body((TermA*->TermB), Module) :- !,
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermB, Module),
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(TermA, Module).
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(A=B, _) :-
var(A), var(B), !,
A = B.
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(Goal, Module) :- % TBD: do we trust this?
predicate_property(Module:Goal, meta_predicate(Head)), !,
functor(Goal, _, Arity),
annotate_meta_args(1, Arity, Goal, Head, Module).
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(Goal, Module) :-
inferred_meta_predicate(Module:Goal, Head), !,
functor(Goal, _, Arity),
annotate_meta_args(1, Arity, Goal, Head, Module).
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(_, _).
%% annotate_meta_args(+Arg, +Arity, +Goal, +MetaSpec, +Module)
annotate_meta_args(I, Arity, Goal, MetaSpec, Module) :-
I =< Arity, !,
arg(I, MetaSpec, MetaArg),
arg(I, Goal, Arg),
annotate_meta_arg(MetaArg, Arg, Module),
I2 is I + 1,
annotate_meta_args(I2, Arity, Goal, MetaSpec, Module).
annotate_meta_args(_, _, _, _, _).
annotate_meta_arg(Spec, Arg, _) :-
var(Arg), !,
annotate(Arg, Spec).
annotate_meta_arg(0, Arg, Module) :- !,
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(Arg, Module).
annotate_meta_arg(N, Arg, Module) :-
callable(Arg), !,
Arg =.. List,
length(Extra, N),
append(List, Extra, ListX),
ArgX =.. ListX,
annotate_meta_vars_in_body(ArgX, Module).
annotate_meta_arg(Spec, Arg, _) :-
Arg = Module:_,
var(Module), !,
annotate(Module, m).
annotate(Var, Annotation) :-
get_attr(Var, prolog_metainference, Annot0), !,
join_annotation(Annot0, Annotation, Joined),
put_attr(Var, prolog_metainference, Joined).
annotate(Var, Annotation) :-
put_attr(Var, prolog_metainference, Annotation).
join_annotation(A, A, A) :- !.
join_annotation(A, B, C) :-
( is_meta(A), \+ is_meta(B)
-> C = A
; \+ is_meta(A), is_meta(B)
-> C = B
; is_meta(A), is_meta(B)
-> C = (:)
; C = *
attr_unify_hook(A0, Other) :-
get_attr(Other, prolog_metainference, A1), !,
join_annotation(A0, A1, A),
put_attr(Other, prolog_metainference, A).
%% meta_annotation(+Head, -Annotation) is semidet.
% True when Annotation is an appropriate meta-specification for
% Head.
meta_annotation(Head, Meta) :-
functor(Head, Name, Arity),
functor(Meta, Name, Arity),
meta_args(1, Arity, Head, Meta, HasMeta),
HasMeta == true.
meta_args(I, Arity, Head, Meta, HasMeta) :-
I =< Arity, !,
arg(I, Head, HeadArg),
arg(I, Meta, MetaArg),
meta_arg(HeadArg, MetaArg),
( is_meta(MetaArg)
-> HasMeta = true
; true
I2 is I + 1,
meta_args(I2, Arity, Head, Meta, HasMeta).
meta_args(_, _, _, _, _).
is_meta(I) :- integer(I), !.
%% meta_arg(+AnnotatedArg, -MetaSpec) is det.
% True when MetaSpec is a proper annotation for the argument
% AnnotatedArg. This is simple if the argument is a plain argument
% in the head (first clause). If it is a compound term, it must
% unify to _:_, otherwise there is no point turning it into a meta
% argument. If the module part is then passed to a module
% sensitive predicate, we assume it is a meta-predicate.
meta_arg(HeadArg, MetaArg) :-
get_attr(HeadArg, prolog_metainference, MetaArg),
MetaArg \== m, !.
meta_arg(HeadArg, :) :-
HeadArg = M:_,
get_attr(M, prolog_metainference, m), !.
meta_arg(_, *).
%% combine_meta_args(+Heads, -Head) is det.
% Combine multiple meta-specifications.
combine_meta_args([], []) :- !.
combine_meta_args([List], List) :- !.
combine_meta_args([Spec,Spec|Specs], CombinedArgs) :- !,
combine_meta_args([Spec|Specs], CombinedArgs).
combine_meta_args([Spec1,Spec2|Specs], CombinedArgs) :-
Spec1 =.. [Name|Args1],
Spec2 =.. [Name|Args2],
maplist(join_annotation, Args1, Args2, Args),
Spec =.. [Name|Args],
combine_meta_args([Spec|Specs], CombinedArgs).