/usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/http/mimepack.pl is in swi-prolog-nox 7.2.3-2.
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Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 1985-2012, University of Amsterdam
VU University Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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:- module(mime_pack,
[ mime_pack/3 % +Input, +Stream, ?Boundary
:- use_module(mimetype).
:- use_module(html_write).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(error)).
/** <module> Create a MIME message
Simple and partial implementation of MIME encoding. MIME is covered by
RFC 2045. This library is used by e.g., http_post_data/3 when using the
form_data(+ListOfData) input specification.
MIME decoding is now arranged through library(mime) from the clib
package, based on the external librfc2045 library. Most likely the
functionality of this package will be moved to the same library someday.
Packing however is a lot simpler then parsing.
%% mime_pack(+Inputs, +Out:stream, ?Boundary) is det.
% Pack a number of inputs into a MIME package using a specified or
% generated boundary. The generated boundary consists of the
% current time in milliseconds since the epoch and 10 random
% hexadecimal numbers. Inputs is a list of _documents_ that is
% added to the mime message. Each element is one of:
% * Name = Value
% Name the document. This emits a header of the form below. The
% =filename= is present if Value is of the form file(File).
% Value may be any of remaining value specifications.
% ==
% Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Name"[; filename="<File>"
% ==
% * html(Tokens)
% Tokens is a list of HTML tokens as produced by html//1. The
% token list is emitted using print_html/1.
% * file(File)
% Emit the contents of File. The =|Content-type|= is derived
% from the File using file_mime_type/2. If the content-type
% is =|text/_|=, the file data is copied in text mode, which
% implies that it is read in the default encoding of the system
% and written using the encoding of the Out stream. Otherwise
% the file data is copied binary.
% * stream(In, Len)
% Content is the next Len units from In. Data is copied using
% copy_stream_data/3. Units is bytes for binary streams and
% characters codes for text streams.
% * stream(In)
% Content of the stream In, copied using copy_stream_data/2.
% This is often used with memory files (see new_memory_file/1).
% * mime(Attributes, Value, [])
% Create a MIME header from Attributes and add Value, which can
% be any of remaining values of this list. Attributes may
% contain type(ContentType) and/or character_set(CharSet). This
% can be used to give a content-type to values that otherwise
% do not have a content-type. For example:
% ==
% mime([type(text/html)], '<b>Hello World</b>', [])
% ==
% * mime([], '', Parts)
% Creates a nested multipart MIME message. Parts is passed
% as Inputs to a recursive call to mime_pack/2.
% * Atomic
% Atomic values are passed to write/1. This embeds simple atoms
% and numbers.
% @param Out is a stream opened for writing. Typically, it should
% be opened in text mode using UTF-8 encoding.
% @bug Does not validate that the boundary does not appear in
% any of the input documents.
mime_pack(Inputs, OutputStream, Boundary) :-
make_boundary(Inputs, Boundary),
pack_list(Inputs, OutputStream, Boundary).
pack_list([], Out, Boundary) :-
format(Out, '--~w--\r\n', [Boundary]).
pack_list([H|T], Out, Boundary) :-
format(Out, '--~w\r\n', [Boundary]),
pack(H, Out),
format(Out, '\r\n', []),
pack_list(T, Out, Boundary).
pack(X, _Out) :-
var(X), !,
pack(Name=Value, Out) :- !,
( Value = file(FileName)
-> format(Out, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="~w"; filename="~w"\r\n',
[Name, FileName])
; format(Out, 'Content-Disposition: form-data; name="~w"\r\n', [Name])
pack(Value, Out).
pack(html(HTML), Out) :-
format(Out, 'Content-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n', []),
print_html(Out, HTML).
pack(file(File), Out) :- !,
( file_mime_type(File, Type)
-> true
; Type = text/plain
format(Out, 'Content-Type: ~w\r\n\r\n', [Type]),
( Type = text/_
-> setup_call_cleanup(
open(File, read, In),
copy_stream_data(In, Out),
; stream_property(Out, encoding(OldEncoding)),
set_stream(Out, encoding(octet)),
open(File, read, In, [type(binary)]),
copy_stream_data(In, Out),
set_stream(Out, encoding(OldEncoding)))
pack(stream(In, Len), Out) :- !,
format(Out, '\r\n', []),
copy_stream_data(In, Out, Len).
pack(stream(In), Out) :- !,
format(Out, '\r\n', []),
copy_stream_data(In, Out).
pack(mime(Atts, Data, []), Out) :- !, % mime_parse compatibility
write_mime_attributes(Atts, Out),
pack(Data, Out).
pack(mime(_Atts, '', Parts), Out) :-
make_boundary(Parts, Boundary),
format('Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=~w\r\n\r\n',
mime_pack(Parts, Out, Boundary).
pack(Atom, Out) :-
atomic(Atom), !,
format(Out, '\r\n', []),
write(Out, Atom).
pack(Value, _) :-
throw(error(type_error(mime_part, Value), _)).
write_mime_attributes([], _) :- !.
write_mime_attributes(Atts, Out) :-
select(type(Type), Atts, A1), !,
( select(character_set(CharSet), A1, A2)
-> format(Out, 'Content-type: ~w; charset=~w\r\n', [Type, CharSet]),
write_mime_attributes(A2, Out)
; format(Out, 'Content-type: ~w\r\n', [Type]),
write_mime_attributes(A1, Out)
write_mime_attributes([_|T], Out) :-
write_mime_attributes(T, Out).
%% make_boundary(+Inputs, ?Boundary) is det.
% Generate a boundary. This should check all input sources whether
% the boundary is enclosed.
make_boundary(_, Boundary) :-
atomic(Boundary), !.
make_boundary(_, Boundary) :-
A is random(1<<16),
B is random(1<<16),
C is random(1<<16),
D is random(1<<16),
E is random(1<<16),
format(atom(Boundary), '------~3f~16r~16r~16r~16r~16r',
[Now, A, B, C, D, E]).