/usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/http/ax.pl is in swi-prolog-nox 7.2.3-2.
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Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 2013, VU University Amsterdam
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:- module(http_ax,
[ http_ax_attributes/2, % +Spec, -AttributeList
ax_form_attributes/2 % +Form, -Values
:- use_module(library(error)).
/** <module> Attribute Exchange library
This library can be used to create HTTP request parameters and analyse
form-data for _attribute exchange_. Attribute exchange (AX) is used by
OpenID and OAuth to fetch attributes for accounts, such as the real
username or e-mail address.
%% http_ax_attributes(+Spec, -HTTPAttributes) is det.
% True when HTTPAttributes is a list of Name=Value pairs that can
% be used with an HTTP request to query for the attributes Spec.
% Spec is a list of elements =|Alias(Value[, Options])|=. Options
% include:
% - required
% The attribute is required. This is mutually exclusive
% with =if_available=.
% - if_available
% Only provide the attribute if it is available. This is
% mutually exclusive with =required=. This is the default.
% - url(+URL)
% Can be used to ovcerrule or extend the ax_alias/2.
% - count(+Count)
% Maximum number of values to provide
% For example:
% ==
% ?- http_ax_attributes([ nickname(Nick),
% email(Email, [required])
% ], Params).
% Params = [ 'openid.ax.mode' = fetch_request,
% 'openid.ax.type.nickname' = 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly',
% 'openid.ax.type.email' = 'http://axschema.org/contact/email',
% 'openid.ax.required' = email,
% 'openid.ax.if_available' = nickname
% ].
% ==
http_ax_attributes(Spec, [ 'openid.ns.ax' = 'http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0',
'openid.ax.mode' = fetch_request
| AllAttr
]) :-
maplist(type_alias, Spec, AliasAttrs),
partition(required, Spec, Required, Optional),
alias_list(Required, 'openid.ax.required', RequiredAttr),
alias_list(Optional, 'openid.ax.if_available', IfAvailableAttr),
count_attr(Spec, CountAttr),
append([AliasAttrs, RequiredAttr, IfAvailableAttr, CountAttr], AllAttr).
type_alias(Spec, Attr=URL) :-
functor(Spec, Alias, Arity),
( Arity > 1,
arg(2, Spec, Options),
memberchk(url(URL), Options)
-> true
; ax_alias(Alias, URL)
-> true
; existence_error(ax_alias, Alias)
atom_concat('openid.ax.type.', Alias, Attr).
required(Spec) :-
functor(Spec, _, 2),
arg(2, Spec, Options),
memberchk(required, Options).
alias_list([], _, []).
alias_list(Specs, A, [A=V]) :-
maplist(alias_name, Specs, Aliases),
atomic_list_concat(Aliases, ',', V).
alias_name(Spec, Alias) :-
functor(Spec, Alias, _).
count_attr([], []).
count_attr([Spec|T0], [A=Count|T]) :-
functor(Spec, Alias, 2),
arg(2, Spec, Options),
memberchk(count(Count), Options), !,
atomic_list_concat('openid.ax.count.', Alias, A),
count_attr(T0, T).
count_attr([_|T0], T) :-
count_attr(T0, T).
%% ax_alias(?Alias, ?URL) is nondet.
% True when Alias is an alias name for the AX schema URL. This
% predicate is defined as _multifile_.
% Note that Google federated login only supports =email=,
% =country=, =language=, =firstname= and =lastname=.
:- multifile
ax_alias(nickname, 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/friendly').
ax_alias(email, 'http://axschema.org/contact/email').
ax_alias(fullname, 'http://axschema.org/namePerson').
ax_alias(dob, 'http://axschema.org/birthDate').
ax_alias(gender, 'http://axschema.org/person/gender').
ax_alias(postcode, 'http://axschema.org/contact/postalCode/home').
ax_alias(country, 'http://axschema.org/contact/country/home').
ax_alias(language, 'http://axschema.org/pref/language').
ax_alias(timezone, 'http://axschema.org/pref/timezone').
ax_alias(prefix, 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/prefix').
ax_alias(firstname, 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/first').
ax_alias(lastname, 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/last').
ax_alias(suffix, 'http://axschema.org/namePerson/suffix').
%% ax_form_attributes(+Form, -Values) is det.
% True if Values is a list Alias(Value) for each exchanged
% attribute.
% Note that we assume we get the same alias names as we used for
% requesting the data. Not sure whether this is true.
% @arg Form is an HTTP form as returned using the form(Form)
% option of http_parameters/3.
ax_form_attributes(Form, Values) :-
( memberchk('openid.ax.mode'=fetch_response, Form)
-> Ext = ax
; memberchk(ExtNS='http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0', Form),
atomic_list_concat([openid,ns,Ext], '.', ExtNS)
-> true
ax_attributes(Form, Ext, Values).
ax_form_attributes(_, []).
ax_attributes([], _, []).
ax_attributes([Name=Value|T0], Ext, AXs) :-
atomic_list_concat([openid, Ext, value, Alias|_Num], '.', Name), !,
AX =.. [Alias,Value],
AXs = [AX|AXT],
ax_attributes(T0, Ext, AXT).
ax_attributes([_|T0], Ext, AXs) :-
ax_attributes(T0, Ext, AXs).