/usr/lib/swi-prolog/library/heaps.pl is in swi-prolog-nox 7.2.3-2.
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Author: Lars Buitinck
E-mail: larsmans@gmail.com
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 2010-2015, Lars Buitinck
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
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library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
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the GNU General Public License.
:- module(heaps,
[ add_to_heap/4, % +Heap0, +Priority, ?Key, -Heap
delete_from_heap/4, % +Heap0, -Priority, +Key, -Heap
empty_heap/1, % +Heap
get_from_heap/4, % ?Heap0, ?Priority, ?Key, -Heap
heap_size/2, % +Heap, -Size:int
heap_to_list/2, % +Heap, -List:list
is_heap/1, % +Term
list_to_heap/2, % +List:list, -Heap
merge_heaps/3, % +Heap0, +Heap1, -Heap
min_of_heap/3, % +Heap, ?Priority, ?Key
min_of_heap/5, % +Heap, ?Priority1, ?Key1,
% ?Priority2, ?Key2
singleton_heap/3 % ?Heap, ?Priority, ?Key
/** <module> heaps/priority queues
* Heaps are data structures that return the entries inserted into them in an
* ordered fashion, based on a priority. This makes them the data structure of
* choice for implementing priority queues, a central element of algorithms
* such as best-first/A* search and Kruskal's minimum-spanning-tree algorithm.
* This module implements min-heaps, meaning that items are retrieved in
* ascending order of key/priority. It was designed to be compatible with
* the SICStus Prolog library module of the same name. merge_heaps/3 and
* singleton_heap/3 are SWI-specific extension. The portray_heap/1 predicate
* is not implemented.
* Although the data items can be arbitrary Prolog data, keys/priorities must
* be ordered by @=</2. Be careful when using variables as keys, since binding
* them in between heap operations may change the ordering.
* The current version implements pairing heaps. These support insertion and
* merging both in constant time, deletion of the minimum in logarithmic
* amortized time (though delete-min, i.e., get_from_heap/3, takes linear time
* in the worst case).
* @author Lars Buitinck
* Heaps are represented as heap(H,Size) terms, where H is a pairing heap and
* Size is an integer. A pairing heap is either nil or a term
* t(X,PrioX,Sub) where Sub is a list of pairing heaps t(Y,PrioY,Sub) s.t.
* PrioX @< PrioY. See predicate is_heap/2, below.
%% add_to_heap(+Heap0, +Priority, ?Key, -Heap) is semidet.
% Adds Key with priority Priority to Heap0, constructing a new
% heap in Heap.
add_to_heap(heap(Q0,M),P,X,heap(Q1,N)) :-
N is M+1.
%% delete_from_heap(+Heap0, -Priority, +Key, -Heap) is semidet.
% Deletes Key from Heap0, leaving its priority in Priority and the
% resulting data structure in Heap. Fails if Key is not found in
% Heap0.
% @bug This predicate is extremely inefficient and exists only for
% SICStus compatibility.
delete_from_heap(Q0,P,X,Q) :-
get_from_heap(Q0,P,X,Q), !.
delete_from_heap(Q0,Px,X,Q) :-
%% empty_heap(?Heap) is semidet.
% True if Heap is an empty heap. Complexity: constant.
%% singleton_heap(?Heap, ?Priority, ?Key) is semidet.
% True if Heap is a heap with the single element Priority-Key.
% Complexity: constant.
singleton_heap(heap(t(X,P,[]), 1), P, X).
%% get_from_heap(?Heap0, ?Priority, ?Key, -Heap) is semidet.
% Retrieves the minimum-priority pair Priority-Key from Heap0.
% Heap is Heap0 with that pair removed. Complexity: logarithmic
% (amortized), linear in the worst case.
get_from_heap(heap(t(X,P,Sub),M), P, X, heap(Q,N)) :-
N is M-1.
%% heap_size(+Heap, -Size:int) is det.
% Determines the number of elements in Heap. Complexity: constant.
%% heap_to_list(+Heap, -List:list) is det.
% Constructs a list List of Priority-Element terms, ordered by
% (ascending) priority. Complexity: $O(n \log n)$.
heap_to_list(Q,L) :-
to_list(heap(nil,0),[]) :- !.
to_list(Q0,[P-X|Xs]) :-
%% is_heap(+X) is semidet.
% Returns true if X is a heap. Validates the consistency of the
% entire heap. Complexity: linear.
is_heap(V) :-
var(V), !, fail.
is_heap(heap(Q,N)) :-
( Q == nil
-> N == 0
; N > 0,
Q = t(_,MinP,Sub),
are_pairing_heaps(Sub, MinP)
% True iff 1st arg is a pairing heap with min key @=< 2nd arg,
% where min key of nil is logically @> any term.
is_pairing_heap(V, _) :-
var(V), !,
is_pairing_heap(nil, _).
is_pairing_heap(t(_,P,Sub), MinP) :-
MinP @=< P,
are_pairing_heaps(Sub, P).
% True iff 1st arg is a list of pairing heaps, each with min key @=< 2nd arg.
are_pairing_heaps(V, _) :-
var(V), !,
are_pairing_heaps([], _).
are_pairing_heaps([Q|Qs], MinP) :-
is_pairing_heap(Q, MinP),
are_pairing_heaps(Qs, MinP).
%% list_to_heap(+List:list, -Heap) is det.
% If List is a list of Priority-Element terms, constructs a heap
% out of List. Complexity: linear.
list_to_heap(Xs,Q) :-
list_to_heap([P-X|Xs],Q0,Q) :-
%% min_of_heap(+Heap, ?Priority, ?Key) is semidet.
% Unifies Key with the minimum-priority element of Heap and
% Priority with its priority value. Complexity: constant.
min_of_heap(heap(t(X,P,_),_), P, X).
%% min_of_heap(+Heap, ?Priority1, ?Key1, ?Priority2, ?Key2) is semidet.
% Gets the two minimum-priority elements from Heap. Complexity: logarithmic
% (amortized).
% Do not use this predicate; it exists for compatibility with earlier
% implementations of this library and the SICStus counterpart. It performs
% a linear amount of work in the worst case that a following get_from_heap
% has to re-do.
min_of_heap(Q,Px,X,Py,Y) :-
%% merge_heaps(+Heap0, +Heap1, -Heap) is det.
% Merge the two heaps Heap0 and Heap1 in Heap. Complexity: constant.
merge_heaps(heap(L,K),heap(R,M),heap(Q,N)) :-
N is K+M.
% Merge two pairing heaps according to the pairing heap definition.
meld(nil,Q,Q) :- !.
meld(Q,nil,Q) :- !.
meld(L,R,Q) :-
L = t(X,Px,SubL),
R = t(Y,Py,SubR),
( Px @< Py
-> Q = t(X,Px,[R|SubL])
; Q = t(Y,Py,[L|SubR])
% "Pair up" (recursively meld) a list of pairing heaps.
pairing([], nil).
pairing([Q], Q) :- !.
pairing([Q0,Q1|Qs], Q) :-
meld(Q0, Q1, Q2),
pairing(Qs, Q3),
meld(Q2, Q3, Q).