/usr/lib/swi-prolog/boot/bags.pl is in swi-prolog-nox 7.2.3-2.
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Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 1985-2014, University of Amsterdam,
VU University Amsterdam
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:- module('$bags',
[ findall/3, % +Templ, :Goal, -List
findall/4, % +Templ, :Goal, -List, +Tail
findnsols/4, % +Count, +Templ, :Goal, -List
findnsols/5, % +Count, +Templ, :Goal, -List, +Tail
bagof/3, % +Templ, :Goal, -List
setof/3 % +Templ, :Goal, -List
:- meta_predicate
findall(?, 0, -),
findall(?, 0, -, ?),
findnsols(+, ?, 0, -),
findnsols(+, ?, 0, -, ?),
bagof(?, ^, -),
setof(?, ^, -).
:- noprofile((
:- '$iso'((findall/3,
%% findall(-Var, +Goal, -Bag) is det.
%% findall(-Var, +Goal, -Bag, +Tail) is det.
% Bag holds all alternatives for Var in Goal. Bag might hold
% duplicates. Equivalent to bagof, using the existence operator
% (^) on all free variables of Goal. Succeeds with Bag = [] if
% Goal fails immediately.
% The findall/4 variation is a difference-list version of
% findall/3.
findall(Templ, Goal, List) :-
findall(Templ, Goal, List, []).
findall(Templ, Goal, List, Tail) :-
findall_loop(Templ, Goal, List, Tail),
findall_loop(Templ, Goal, List, Tail) :-
( Goal,
'$add_findall_bag'(Templ) % fails
; '$collect_findall_bag'(List, Tail)
%% findnsols(+Count, @Template, :Goal, -List) is nondet.
%% findnsols(+Count, @Template, :Goal, -List, ?Tail) is nondet.
% True when List is the next chunk of maximal Count instantiations
% of Template that reprensents a solution of Goal. For example:
% ==
% ?- findnsols(5, I, between(1, 12, I), L).
% L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ;
% L = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] ;
% L = [11, 12].
% ==
% @compat Ciao, but the SWI-Prolog version is non-deterministic.
% @error domain_error(not_less_than_zero, Count) if Count is less
% than 0.
% @error type_error(integer, Count) if Count is not an integer.
findnsols(Count, Template, Goal, List) :-
findnsols(Count, Template, Goal, List, []).
findnsols(Count, Template, Goal, List, Tail) :-
integer(Count), !,
findnsols2(count(Count), Template, Goal, List, Tail).
findnsols(Count, Template, Goal, List, Tail) :-
Count = count(Integer),
integer(Integer), !,
findnsols2(Count, Template, Goal, List, Tail).
findnsols(Count, _, _, _, _) :-
'$type_error'(integer, Count).
findnsols2(Count, Template, Goal, List, Tail) :-
nsols_count(Count, N), N > 0, !,
copy_term(Template+Goal, Templ+G),
findnsols_loop(Count, Templ, G, List, Tail),
findnsols2(Count, _, _, List, Tail) :-
nsols_count(Count, 0), !,
Tail = List.
findnsols2(Count, _, _, _, _) :-
nsols_count(Count, N),
'$domain_error'(not_less_than_zero, N).
findnsols_loop(Count, Templ, Goal, List, Tail) :-
nsols_count(Count, FirstStop),
State = state(FirstStop),
( call_cleanup(Goal, Det=true),
'$add_findall_bag'(Templ, Found),
Det \== true,
arg(1, State, Found),
'$collect_findall_bag'(List, Tail),
( '$suspend_findall_bag'
; nsols_count(Count, Incr),
NextStop is Found+Incr,
nb_setarg(1, State, NextStop),
; '$collect_findall_bag'(List, Tail)
nsols_count(count(N), N).
%% bagof(+Var, +Goal, -Bag) is semidet.
% Implements Clocksin and Melish's bagof/3 predicate. Bag is
% unified with the alternatives of Var in Goal, Free variables of
% Goal are bound, unless asked not to with the existential
% quantifier operator (^).
bagof(Templ, Goal0, List) :-
'$free_variable_set'(Templ^Goal0, Goal, Vars),
( Vars == v
-> findall(Templ, Goal, List),
List \== []
; findall(Vars-Templ, Goal, Answers),
keysort(Answers, Sorted),
pick(Sorted, Vars, List)
bind_bagof_keys([], _).
bind_bagof_keys([W-_|WTs], Vars) :-
term_variables(W, Vars, _),
bind_bagof_keys(WTs, Vars).
pick(Bags, Vars1, Bag1) :-
pick_first(Bags, Vars0, Bag0, RestBags),
select_bag(RestBags, Vars0, Bag0, Vars1, Bag1).
select_bag([], Vars0, Bag0, Vars1, Bag1) :- !, % last one: deterministic
Vars0 = Vars1,
Bag0 = Bag1.
select_bag(_, Vars, Bag, Vars, Bag).
select_bag(RestBags, _, _, Vars1, Bag1) :-
pick(RestBags, Vars1, Bag1).
%% pick_first(+Bags, +Vars, -Bag1, -RestBags) is semidet.
% Pick the first result-bag from the list of Templ-Answer. Note
% that we pick all elements that are equal under =@=, but because
% the variables in the witness are canonized this is the same as ==.
% @param Bags List of Templ-Answer
% @param Vars Initial Templ (for rebinding variables)
% @param Bag1 First bag of results
% @param RestBags Remaining Templ-Answer
pick_first([Vars-Templ|T0], Vars, [Templ|T], RestBag) :-
pick_same(T0, Vars, T, RestBag).
pick_same([V-H|T0], Vars, [H|T], Bag) :-
V == Vars, !,
pick_same(T0, Vars, T, Bag).
pick_same(Bag, _, [], Bag).
%% setof(+Var, +Goal, -Set) is semidet.
% Equivalent to bagof/3, but sorts the resulting bag and removes
% duplicate answers. We sort immediately after the findall/3,
% removing duplicate Templ-Answer pairs early.
setof(Templ, Goal0, List) :-
'$free_variable_set'(Templ^Goal0, Goal, Vars),
( Vars == v
-> findall(Templ, Goal, Answers),
Answers \== [],
sort(Answers, List)
; findall(Vars-Templ, Goal, Answers),
( ground(Answers)
-> sort(Answers,Sorted),
; bind_bagof_keys(Answers,_VDict),
sort(Answers, Sorted),
pick(Sorted, Vars, Listu),
sort(Listu,List) % Listu ordering may be nixed by Vars