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/usr/share/saga/saga_tip.txt is in saga 2.2.3+dfsg-1build1.

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that you can resize the Manager, Messages and Properties windows by grabbing the border of the window?
that you can move the Manager, Messages and Properties windows by grabbing the title bar of the windows? Once you approach a docking position, it will be displayed in transparent grey.
that a lot of functionality becomes available when you do a right-click on an object in the Manager window?
that you can display a histogram of a grid data layer by a right-click on a data set in the Data tab of the Manager window?
that you can use the mouse pointer in a histogram window to interactively adjust the value range the selected color ramp is applied to? Just click and drag to mark the desired range. A right-click returns to the full value range.
that you can overlay multiple data sets in a Map View? In order to change the drawing order of the map layers do a right-click on a data set selected in the Maps tab of the Manager window.
that you can create nice hillshaded maps by overlaying your data on top of an analytical hillshading grid and setting the transparency of your grid to an appealing amount?
that there are two ways to execute a tool? You can use the Geoprocessing menu to open up its dialog or you can access it via the Manager Tools tab. In case you do the latter, there will be more information about tool operation available via the Description tab of the Properties window.
that interactive tools are executed as long as you execute them again, i.e. to exit an interactive tool you simply have to execute it again?
that once you executed an interactive tool you need to select the Arrow tool and use it in an Map View?
that there is a history file kept with each data set, documenting how this data set was derived? The history is displayed in the Description tab of the Properties window as soon as you select the data set in the Manager window.
that there is also a Command Line Interpreter available? It can be used for automating your tasks via batch scripting.
that you can access the SAGA API via python?
that you can use the Synchronize Map Extents button in the toolbar to synchronize the map extents of all open Map View windows?
that you can use the Action tool to select a feature on the active shapes data layer and display its' attributes in the Attributes tab area of the Properties window?
that you can use the Shapes - Tools - Merge Layers tool to merge two shapes data layers into a composite?
that you can view actual grid cell data values on a grid data layer by checking the Show Cell Values parameter in the Settings tab of the data set and zooming in to grid cell level granularity?
that you can use the Table - Shapes - Table Calculator (Shapes) tool to create a new attribute field in a shapes data layer based on one or more existing attributes for the layer?
that you can use the Terrain Analysis - Lighting, Visibility - Visibility (single point) [Interactive] tool to create a seen area for a vantage point?
that you can use the 3D View - Sequencer tool to create a fly-through based on a DEM Map View window that optionally includes other grid and shapes data layers?