/usr/lib/R/site-library/rms/NAMESPACE is in r-cran-rms 4.4-1-1.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 | export(annotateAnova,asis,bj,bjplot,bootBCa,bootcov,bootplot,bplot,calibrate,cph,catg,combineRelatedPredictors,confplot,contrast,coxphFit,cph,cr.setup,datadist,dxy.cens,effective.df,ExProb,fastbw,formatNP,gendata,gIndex,GiniMd,Glm,Gls,groupkm,Hazard,hazard.ratio.plot,histdensity,"%ia%",ie.setup,interactions.containing,legend.nomabbrev,lm.pfit,lrm,lrm.fit,lrtest,lsp,matinv,matrx,Newlabels,Newlevels,nomogram,npsurv,ols,ols.influence,oos.loglik,orm,orm.fit,pantext,Penalty.matrix,Penalty.setup,pentrace,perimeter,perlcode,plotmathAnova,plot.lrm.partial,plot.xmean.ordinaly,pol,pphsm,predab.resample,Predict,psm,rcs,related.predictors,reVector,robcov,Rq,sascode,scored,sensuc,setPb,show.influence,specs,strat,survreg.auxinfo,survdiffplot,survest,Survival,survplot,univarLR,validate,val.prob,val.probg,val.surv,vif,which.influence)
importFrom(survival, Surv, is.Surv, survConcordance.fit, coxph.fit, coxph.control, survfit, survfitcoxph.fit, survreg.fit, survreg.control, survpenal.fit, survfitKM, survreg.distributions, agreg.fit, agexact.fit, attrassign, untangle.specials)
importFrom(stats, nobs)
#importFrom(SparseM, solve, t, as.matrix)
#importFrom(gridExtra, arrangeGrob)
importFrom(quantreg, rq.wfit, rq.fit, summary.rq)
importFrom(rpart, rpart, rpart.control, prune)
importFrom(polspline, hare, phare)
# importFrom(multcomp, confint.glht, glht) FAILS confint.glht not exported by namespace:multcomp
importFrom(grDevices, gray, grey, rgb)
importFrom(graphics, abline, axis, boxplot, hist, legend,
lines, locator, mtext, par, plot, plot.new,
points, segments, strwidth, symbols, text,
importFrom(methods, existsFunction, getFunction, new)
importFrom(stats, .getXlevels, AIC, approx, as.formula,
asOneSidedFormula, coef, confint, contrasts, cor,
dcauchy, delete.response, density, deviance,
dnorm, family, fitted, formula, gaussian,
glm.control, glm.fit, is.empty.model, lm, lm.fit,
lm.influence, lm.wfit, logLik, lowess, lsfit,
make.link, median, model.extract, model.frame,
model.offset, model.weights, na.omit, naresid,
nlminb, optim, pcauchy, pchisq, pf, plogis,
pnorm, predict, pt, qcauchy, qchisq, qlogis,
qnorm, qqline, qqnorm, qt, quantile,
reformulate, reshape, resid, residuals, runif,
supsmu, terms, uniroot, update, var, vcov)
importFrom(utils, capture.output, de, getS3method)
S3method(AIC, rms)
S3method(anova, rms)
S3method(calibrate, cph)
S3method(calibrate, default)
S3method(calibrate, psm)
S3method(contrast, rms)
S3method(ExProb, orm)
S3method(Function, cph)
S3method(Function, rms)
S3method(Hazard, psm)
S3method(latex, anova.rms)
S3method(latex, bj)
S3method(latex, cph)
S3method(latex, Glm)
S3method(latex, Gls)
S3method(latex, lrm)
S3method(latex, naprint.delete)
S3method(latex, ols)
S3method(latex, orm)
S3method(latex, pphsm)
S3method(latex, psm)
S3method(latex, Rq)
S3method(latex, summary.rms)
S3method(latex, validate)
S3method(lines, residuals.psm.censored.normalized)
S3method(logLik, Gls)
S3method(logLik, ols)
S3method(logLik, rms)
S3method(Mean, cph)
S3method(Mean, lrm)
S3method(Mean, orm)
S3method(Mean, psm)
S3method(Newlabels, rms)
S3method(Newlevels, rms)
S3method(nobs, rms)
S3method(plot, anova.rms)
S3method(plot, calibrate)
S3method(plot, calibrate.default)
S3method(plot, ExProb)
S3method(plot, gIndex)
S3method(plot, lrm.partial)
S3method(plot, nomogram)
S3method(plot, pentrace)
S3method(plot, Predict)
S3method(plot, sensuc)
S3method(plot, summary.rms)
S3method(plot, validate.rpart)
S3method(plot, val.prob)
S3method(plot, val.surv)
S3method(plot, val.survh)
S3method(plot, xmean.ordinaly)
S3method(ggplot, Predict)
S3method(predict, bj)
S3method(predict, cph)
S3method(predict, Glm)
S3method(predict, Gls)
S3method(predict, lrm)
S3method(predict, ols)
S3method(predict, orm)
S3method(predict, psm)
S3method(predict, Rq)
S3method(print, anova.rms)
S3method(print, bj)
S3method(print, calibrate)
S3method(print, contrast.rms)
S3method(print, cph)
S3method(print, datadist)
S3method(print, fastbw)
S3method(print, gIndex)
S3method(print, Glm)
S3method(print, Gls)
S3method(print, lrm)
S3method(print, lrtest)
S3method(print, nomogram)
S3method(print, ols)
S3method(print, orm)
S3method(print, pentrace)
S3method(print, pphsm)
S3method(print, Predict)
S3method(print, psm)
S3method(print, Rq)
S3method(print, specs.rms)
S3method(print, summary.rms)
S3method(print, summary.survreg2)
S3method(print, survest.psm)
S3method(print, validate)
S3method(print, val.prob)
S3method(print, val.survh)
S3method(Quantile, cph)
S3method(Quantile, orm)
S3method(Quantile, psm)
S3method(rbind, Predict)
S3method(residuals, bj)
S3method(residuals, cph)
S3method(residuals, lrm)
S3method(residuals, ols)
S3method(residuals, orm)
S3method(residuals, psm)
S3method(specs, rms)
S3method(summary, rms)
S3method(survest, cph)
S3method(survest, psm)
S3method(survfit, cph)
S3method(survplot, residuals.psm.censored.normalized)
S3method(survplot, rms)
S3method(survplot, npsurv)
S3method(Survival, cph)
S3method(Survival, psm)
S3method(validate, bj)
S3method(validate, cph)
S3method(validate, lrm)
S3method(validate, ols)
S3method(validate, orm)
S3method(validate, psm)
S3method(validate, rpart)
S3method(validate, Rq)
S3method(vcov, cph)
S3method(vcov, Glm)
S3method(vcov, Gls)
S3method(vcov, lrm)
S3method(vcov, ols)
S3method(vcov, orm)
S3method(vcov, pphsm)
S3method(vcov, psm)
S3method(vcov, rms)
S3method("[", rms)