/usr/lib/R/site-library/rms/INDEX is in r-cran-rms 4.4-1-1.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 | anova.rms Analysis of Variance (Wald and F Statistics)
bj Buckley-James Multiple Regression Model
bootBCa BCa Bootstrap on Existing Bootstrap Replicates
bootcov Bootstrap Covariance and Distribution for
Regression Coefficients
bplot 3-D Plots Showing Effects of Two Continuous
Predictors in a Regression Model Fit
calibrate Resampling Model Calibration
contrast.rms General Contrasts of Regression Coefficients
cph Cox Proportional Hazards Model and Extensions
cr.setup Continuation Ratio Ordinal Logistic Setup
datadist Distribution Summaries for Predictor Variables
ExProb Function Generator For Exceedance Probabilities
fastbw Fast Backward Variable Selection
Function.rms Compose an S Function to Compute X beta from a
gendata Generate Data Frame with Predictor Combinations
ggplot.Predict Plot Effects of Variables Estimated by a
Regression Model Fit Using ggplot2
gIndex Calculate Total and Partial g-indexes for an
rms Fit
Glm rms Version of glm
Gls Fit Linear Model Using Generalized Least
groupkm Kaplan-Meier Estimates vs. a Continuous
hazard.ratio.plot Hazard Ratio Plot
ie.setup Intervening Event Setup
latex.cph LaTeX Representation of a Fitted Cox Model
latexrms LaTeX Representation of a Fitted Model
lrm Logistic Regression Model
lrm.fit Logistic Model Fitter
matinv Total and Partial Matrix Inversion using
Gauss-Jordan Sweep Operator
nomogram Draw a Nomogram Representing a Regression Fit
npsurv Nonparametric Survival Estimates for Censored
ols Linear Model Estimation Using Ordinary Least
orm Ordinal Regression Model
orm.fit Ordinal Regression Model Fitter
pentrace Trace AIC and BIC vs. Penalty
plot.Predict Plot Effects of Variables Estimated by a
Regression Model Fit
plot.xmean.ordinaly Plot Mean X vs. Ordinal Y
pphsm Parametric Proportional Hazards form of AFT
predab.resample Predictive Ability using Resampling
Predict Compute Predicted Values and Confidence Limits
predict.lrm Predicted Values for Binary and Ordinal
Logistic Models
predictrms Predicted Values from Model Fit
print.cph Print cph Results
print.ols Print ols
psm Parametric Survival Model
residuals.cph Residuals for a cph Fit
residuals.lrm Residuals from an 'lrm' or 'orm' Fit
residuals.ols Residuals for ols
rms rms Methods and Generic Functions
rmsMisc Miscellaneous Design Attributes and Utility
rmsOverview Overview of rms Package
rms.trans rms Special Transformation Functions
robcov Robust Covariance Matrix Estimates
Rq rms Package Interface to quantreg Package
sensuc Sensitivity to Unmeasured Covariables
setPb Progress Bar for Simulations
specs.rms rms Specifications for Models
summary.rms Summary of Effects in Model
survest.cph Cox Survival Estimates
survest.psm Parametric Survival Estimates
survfit.cph Cox Predicted Survival
survplot Plot Survival Curves and Hazard Functions
validate Resampling Validation of a Fitted Model's
Indexes of Fit
validate.cph Validation of a Fitted Cox or Parametric
Survival Model's Indexes of Fit
validate.lrm Resampling Validation of a Logistic or Ordinal
Regression Model
validate.ols Validation of an Ordinary Linear Model
validate.rpart Dxy and Mean Squared Error by Cross-validating
a Tree Sequence
validate.Rq Validation of a Quantile Regression Model
val.prob Validate Predicted Probabilities
val.surv Validate Predicted Probabilities Against
Observed Survival Times
vif Variance Inflation Factors
which.influence Which Observations are Influential