/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ngs/ReadCollection.py is in python-ngs 1.2.3-2.
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# National Center for Biotechnology Information
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from ctypes import c_void_p, c_uint64, byref, create_string_buffer, c_char_p, c_int
from . import NGS
from .Refcount import Refcount
from .ErrorMsg import ErrorMsg
from .String import NGS_RawString, getNGSString, getNGSValue
from .Read import Read
from .ReadIterator import ReadIterator
from .ReadGroup import ReadGroup
from .ReadGroupIterator import ReadGroupIterator
from .Reference import Reference
from .ReferenceIterator import ReferenceIterator
from .Alignment import Alignment
from .AlignmentIterator import AlignmentIterator
class ReadCollection(Refcount):
"""Represents an NGS-capable object with a collection of
*Reads*, *References* and *Alignments*.
Each of the basic content types may be accessed by *id*
as either a standalone object, or more commonly through
an *Iterator* over a selected collection of objects.
Reads are grouped by *ReadGroup*. When
not specifically assigned, Reads will be placed into the
*default* ReadGroup.
def getName(self):
"""Access the simple name of the ReadCollection.
This name is generally extracted from the "spec"
used to create the object, but may also be mapped
to a canonical name if one may be determined and
differs from that given in the spec.
if the name is extracted from "spec" and contains
well-known file extensions that do not form part of
a canonical name (e.g. ".sra"), they will be removed.
:returns: the simple name of the ReadCollection
:throws: ErrorMsg if the name cannot be retrieved
return getNGSString(self, NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetName)
def getReadGroups(self):
"""Access all non-empty ReadGroups.
Iterator will contain at least one ReadGroup
unless the ReadCollection itself is empty.
:returns: an unordered Iterator of ReadGroups
:throws: ErrorMsg only upon an error accessing data
ret = ReadGroupIterator()
ret.ref = getNGSValue(self, NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetReadGroups, c_void_p) # TODO: check if it works
return ret
def hasReadGroup(self, spec):
"""check existence of a ReadGroup by name.
:param spec: the name of a possibly contained read group
:returns: true if the read group exists
ret = c_int()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionHasReadGroup(self.ref, spec.encode(), byref(ret), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return bool(ret.value)
def getReadGroup(self, spec):
"""Access a single ReadGroup by name.
:param spec: the name of a contained read group
:returns: an instance of the designated ReadGroup
:throws: ErrorMsg if specified ReadGroup is not found
:throws: ErrorMsg upon an error accessing data
ret = ReadGroup()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetReadGroup(self.ref, spec, byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
def getReferences(self):
"""Access all References having aligned Reads.
Iterator will contain at least one ReadGroup
unless no Reads are aligned.
:returns: an unordered Iterator of References
:throws: ErrorMsg upon an error accessing data
ret = ReferenceIterator()
ret.ref = getNGSValue(self, NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetReferences, c_void_p) # TODO: check if it works
return ret
def hasReference(self, spec):
"""check existence of a Reference by name.
:param spec: the name of a possibly contained reference sequence
:returns: true if the reference exists
ret = c_int()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionHasReference(self.ref, spec.encode(), byref(ret), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return bool(ret.value)
def getReference(self, spec):
ret = Reference()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetReference(self.ref, spec.encode(), byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
def getAlignment(self, alignmentId):
""":returns: an individual Alignment
:throws: ErrorMsg if Alignment does not exist
ret = Alignment()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetAlignment(self.ref, alignmentId, byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
# AlignmentCategory
# see Alignment for categories
def getAlignments(self, categories):
:returns: an iterator of all Alignments from specified categories
ret = AlignmentIterator()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetAlignments(self.ref, categories, byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
def getAlignmentCount(self, categories=Alignment.all):
'''"categories" provides a means of filtering by AlignmentCategory
:returns: count of all alignments
ret = c_uint64()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetAlignmentCount(self.ref, categories, byref(ret), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret.value
def getAlignmentRange(self, first, count, categories=Alignment.all): # TODO: parameters order!
'''"first" is an unsigned ordinal into set
"categories" provides a means of filtering by AlignmentCategory
:returns: an iterator across a range of Alignments
ret = AlignmentIterator()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetAlignmentRange(self.ref, first, count, categories, byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
def getRead(self, readId):
:returns: an individual Read
:throws: ErrorMsg if Read does not exist
ret = Read()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetRead(self.ref, readId, byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
# ReadCategory
# see Read for categories
def getReads(self, categories):
:returns: an iterator of all contained machine Reads
ret = ReadIterator()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetReads(self.ref, categories, byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
def getReadCount(self, categories=Read.all):
"""of all combined categories
:returns: the number of reads in the collection
ret = c_uint64()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetReadCount(self.ref, categories, byref(ret), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret.value
def getReadRange(self, first, count, categories=Read.all):
ret = ReadIterator()
ngs_str_err = NGS_RawString()
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_ReadCollectionGetReadRange(self.ref, first, count, categories, byref(ret.ref), byref(ngs_str_err.ref))
return ret
def openReadCollection(spec):
"""Create an object representing a named collection of reads
:param: spec may be a path to an object or may be an id, accession, or URL
:throws: ErrorMsg if object cannot be located
:throws: ErrorMsg if object cannot be converted to a ReadCollection
:throws: ErrorMsg if an error occurs during construction
ret = ReadCollection()
str_err = create_string_buffer(ERROR_BUFFER_SIZE)
from . import PY_RES_OK
res = NGS.lib_manager.PY_NGS_Engine_ReadCollectionMake(spec.encode(), byref(ret.ref), str_err, len(str_err))
if res != PY_RES_OK:
raise ErrorMsg(str_err.value)
return ret