/usr/share/octave/packages/tsa-4.3.3/arfit2.m is in octave-tsa 4.3.3-1.
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% ARFIT2 estimates multivariate autoregressive parameters
% of the MVAR process Y
% Y(t,:)' = w' + A1*Y(t-1,:)' + ... + Ap*Y(t-p,:)' + x(t,:)'
% ARFIT2 uses the Nutall-Strand method (multivariate Burg algorithm)
% which provides better estimates the ARFIT [1], and uses the
% same arguments. Moreover, ARFIT2 is faster and can deal with
% missing values encoded as NaNs.
% [w, A, C, sbc, fpe] = arfit2(v, pmin, pmax, selector, no_const)
% v data - each channel in a column
% pmin, pmax minimum and maximum model order
% selector 'fpe' or 'sbc' [default]
% no_const 'zero' indicates no bias/offset need to be estimated
% in this case is w = [0, 0, ..., 0]';
% w mean of innovation noise
% A [A1,A2,...,Ap] MVAR estimates
% C covariance matrix of innovation noise
% sbc, fpe criteria for model order selection
% see also: ARFIT, MVAR
% [1] A. Schloegl, 2006, Comparison of Multivariate Autoregressive Estimators.
% Signal processing, p. 2426-9.
% [2] T. Schneider and A. Neumaier, 2001.
% Algorithm 808: ARFIT-a Matlab package for the estimation of parameters and eigenmodes
% of multivariate autoregressive models. ACM-Transactions on Mathematical Software. 27, (Mar.), 58-65.
% $Id: arfit2.m 11693 2013-03-04 06:40:14Z schloegl $
% Copyright (C) 1996-2005,2008,2012 by Alois Schloegl <alois.schloegl@ist.ac.at>
% This is part of the TSA-toolbox. See also
% http://pub.ist.ac.at/~schloegl/matlab/tsa/
% http://octave.sourceforge.net/
% http://biosig.sourceforge.net/
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
%%%%% checking of the input arguments was done the same way as ARFIT
if (pmin ~= round(pmin) || pmax ~= round(pmax))
error('Order must be integer.');
if (pmax < pmin)
error('PMAX must be greater than or equal to PMIN.')
% set defaults and check for optional arguments
if (nargin == 3) % no optional arguments => set default values
mcor = 1; % fit intercept vector
selector = 'sbc'; % use SBC as order selection criterion
elseif (nargin == 4) % one optional argument
if strcmp(selector, 'zero')
mcor = 0; % no intercept vector to be fitted
selector = 'sbc'; % default order selection
mcor = 1; % fit intercept vector
elseif (nargin == 5) % two optional arguments
if strcmp(no_const, 'zero')
mcor = 0; % no intercept vector to be fitted
error(['Bad argument. Usage: ', '[w,A,C,SBC,FPE,th]=AR(v,pmin,pmax,SELECTOR,''zero'')'])
%%%%% Implementation of the MVAR estimation
if mcor,
[m,N] = sumskipnan(Y,1); % calculate mean
m = m./N;
Y = Y - repmat(m,size(Y)./size(m)); % remove mean
[MAR,RCF,PE] = mvar(Y, pmax, 2); % estimate MVAR(pmax) model
N = min(N);
%if 1;nargout>3;
ne = N-mcor-(pmin:pmax);
for p=pmin:pmax,
% Get downdated logarithm of determinant
logdp(p-pmin+1) = log(det(PE(:,p*M+(1:M))*(N-p-mcor)));
% Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion
sbc = logdp/M - log(ne) .* (1-(M*(pmin:pmax)+mcor)./ne);
% logarithm of Akaike's Final Prediction Error
fpe = logdp/M - log(ne.*(ne-M*(pmin:pmax)-mcor)./(ne+M*(pmin:pmax)+mcor));
% Modified Schwarz criterion (MSC):
% msc(i) = logdp(i)/m - (log(ne) - 2.5) * (1 - 2.5*np(i)/(ne-np(i)));
% get index iopt of order that minimizes the order selection
% criterion specified by the variable selector
if strcmpi(selector,'fpe');
[val, iopt] = min(fpe);
else %if strcmpi(selector,'sbc');
[val, iopt] = min(sbc);
% select order of model
popt = pmin + iopt-1; % estimated optimum order
if popt<pmax,
[MAR, RCF, PE] = mvar(Y, popt, 2);
C = PE(:,size(PE,2)+(1-M:0));
if mcor,
I = eye(M);
for k = 1:popt,
I = I - MAR(:,k*M+(1-M:0));
w = -I*m';
w = zeros(M,1);
if nargout>5, th=[]; fprintf(2,'Warning ARFIT2: output TH not defined\n'); end;