/usr/share/maq/maq_sanger.pl is in maq 0.7.1-6.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o755.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 | #!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: lh3
use strict;
use warnings;
use Cwd qw/getcwd/;
use Getopt::Std;
use File::Spec;
my $version = '0.1.16';
my %opts = (l=>36, 1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>0, a=>250, n=>2000000, d=>'', A=>0,
R=>'select[mem>800 && type==X86_64] rusage[mem=800]');
getopts('l:1:2:a:n:sR:zd:S3:4:f:A:e:', \%opts);
Program: maq_sanger.pl (run maq jobs on Sanger Inst's computing farm)
Contact: lh3
Version: $version
Usage: maq_sanger.pl [options] <run.dir> <ref.bfa> <read1.fastq> [<read2.fastq> [...]]
Options: -l INT length of the read1 [$opts{l}]
-n INT number of reads in a .bfq file [$opts{n}]
-1 INT skip the first few bases of read1 [$opts{1}]
-2 INT skip the first few bases of read2 [$opts{2}]
-3 INT length of read1 [$opts{3}]
-4 INT length of read2 [$opts{4}]
-a INT maximum insert size [$opts{a}]
-A INT maximum insert size of RF pairs, 0 for short [$opts{A}]
-R STR resources [$opts{R}]
-d FILE 3'-adapter file [null]
-f FILE flag file to delete in the end [null]
-S qualities are scaled in the Solexa way
-s single end (suppress -l, -1, -2 and -4)
-z the input is compressed
Example: maq_sanger.pl -l 35 255 /lustre/scratch1/lh3/data/human_b36_female.bfa /nfs/repository/d0033/SLX_1000_A2_TRIO_NA12_WG/255_s*.fastq | sh
\n)) if (@ARGV < 3);
$opts{n} >>= 1 unless (defined $opts{s});
$opts{R} = $opts{R}? qq/-R'$opts{R}'/ : '';
my $maq = gwhich('maq') || die("[maq_sanger] fail to find 'maq'");
my $maq_pl = gwhich('maq.pl') || die("[maq_sanger] fail to find 'maq.pl'");
my $asub = gwhich('asub') || die("[maq_sanger] fail to find 'asub'");
my $outdir = shift(@ARGV);
my $ref = File::Spec->rel2abs(shift(@ARGV));
die("[maq_sanger] fail to stat reference file '$ref'\n") unless (-e $ref);
my $files = '';
for my $f (@ARGV) {
die("[maq_sanger] read files must be ended with '.fastq' or '.fq'\n")
unless ($f =~ /\.fastq$/ || $f =~ /\.fastq\.gz$/ || $f =~ /\.fq$/ || $f =~ /\.fq\.gz$/);
die("[maq_sanger] fail to stat read file '$f'\n") unless (-e $f);
$files .= " " . File::Spec->rel2abs($f);
my $is_paired = !defined($opts{s})? 1 : 0;
$_ = $outdir;
my $jn = "$_.$$";
# compose the command lines
my $cwd = getcwd;
my $sol2sanger = (defined $opts{S})? "| $maq sol2sanger - -" : '';
my $cmd_generic = qq(bsub -w "done($jn.map)" -J"$jn.merge" -q long $opts{R} -o /dev/null -e aln-rmdup.log 'find map -name "*.map" | xargs $maq mapmerge - | tee aln.map | $maq rmdup aln-rmdup.map -';
$asub -w "done($jn.merge)" -j "$jn.post" $opts{R} <<EOF
$maq_pl statmap $jn.map.err/* > aln.stat; $maq mapstat aln-rmdup.map > aln-rmdup.mapstat
$maq mapcheck $ref aln-rmdup.map > aln-rmdup.mapcheck
cat unmap/*.txt | gzip > unmap.txt.gz
bsub -w "done($jn.post)" 'rm -f aln-rmdup.mapcheck.touch aln.map.touch';
my $adap3 = $opts{d}? "-d ".File::Spec->rel2abs($opts{d}) : '';
if ($is_paired) { # paired end
my $cat2pair;
if (defined $opts{z}) {
$cat2pair = qq(ls $files | sed 's/\.gz\$//' | xargs -i echo 'gzip -dc {}.gz | $maq catfilter - $sol2sanger | $maq_pl cat2pair -1 $opts{1} -2 $opts{2} $opts{l} - {}' | $asub -j "$jn.cat" $opts{R};);
} else {
$cat2pair = qq/ls $files | xargs -i echo '$maq catfilter {} $sol2sanger | $maq_pl cat2pair -1 $opts{1} -2 $opts{2} $opts{l} - {}' | $asub -j "$jn.cat" $opts{R};/;
print qq(mkdir -p $outdir/map $outdir/unmap;
cd $outdir;
cat >run_script.sh <<EOT
find read1 -name "*.bfq" | sed "s/\.bfq\$//" | sed "s/^read1//" | xargs -i echo $maq map -A $opts{A} -a $opts{a} -1 $opts{3} -2 $opts{4} $adap3 -u unmap{}.txt map{}.map $ref read1{}.bfq read2{}.bfq | $asub -j "$jn.map" -q long $opts{R};
bsub -w "done($jn.cat)" -o /dev/null -e /dev/null <<EOF
find . -name "*.fastq" | sed "s/\.fastq\$//" | xargs -i echo '$maq fastq2bfq -n $opts{n} {}.fastq {}' | $asub -j "$jn.bfq" $opts{R};
cat run_script.sh | bsub -w "done($jn.bfq)" $opts{R} -o /dev/null -e /dev/null
cd $cwd;
} else {
my $catfilter = '';
if (defined $opts{z}) {
$catfilter = qq(
ls *.fastq.gz | sed "s/\.gz\$//" | xargs -i echo 'gzip -dc {}.gz | $maq catfilter -s - $sol2sanger > {}' | $asub -j "$jn.cat" $opts{R};\n);
} else {
$catfilter = qq(
ls *.fastq | xargs -i mv {} {}.tmp;
ls *.tmp | sed "s/\.tmp\$//" | xargs -i echo '$maq catfilter -s {}.tmp $sol2sanger > {}' | $asub -j "$jn.cat" $opts{R};\n);
print qq(mkdir -p $outdir/read1;
cd $outdir/read1;
ls $files | xargs -i ln -s {};
find . -name "*.fq.gz" | sed "s/\.gz$//" | xargs -i ln -s {} {}.fastq.gz
find . -name "*.fq" | xargs -i ln -s {} {}.fastq
cd ..; mkdir -p map unmap;
cat >run_script.sh <<EOT
find read1 -name "*.bfq" | sed "s/\.bfq\$//" | sed "s/^read1//" | xargs -i echo $maq map -1 $opts{3} $adap3 -u unmap{}.txt map{}.map $ref read1{}.bfq | $asub -j "$jn.map" -q long $opts{R};
bsub -w "done($jn.cat)" -o /dev/null -e /dev/null <<EOF
find . -name "*.fastq" | sed "s/\.fastq\$//" | xargs -i echo '$maq fastq2bfq -n $opts{n} {}.fastq {}' | $asub -j "$jn.bfq" $opts{R};
cat run_script.sh | bsub -w "done($jn.bfq)" -o /dev/null -e /dev/null $opts{R}
cd $cwd;
sub dirname
my $prog = shift;
my $cwd = getcwd;
return $cwd if ($prog !~ /\//);
$prog =~ s/\/[^\s\/]+$//g;
return $prog;
sub which
my $file = shift;
my $path = (@_)? shift : $ENV{PATH};
return if (!defined($path));
foreach my $x (split(":", $path)) {
$x =~ s/\/$//;
return "$x/$file" if (-x "$x/$file" && -f "$x/$file");
sub gwhich
my $progname = shift;
my $addtional_path = shift if (@_);
my $dirname = &dirname($0);
my $tmp;
if (-x $progname && -f $progname) {
return File::Spec->rel2abs($progname);
} elsif (defined($addtional_path) && ($tmp = &which($progname, $addtional_path))) {
return $tmp; # lh3: Does it work? I will come back to this later
} elsif (defined($dirname) && (-x "$dirname/$progname" && -f "$dirname/$progname")) {
return File::Spec->rel2abs("$dirname/$progname");
} elsif (($tmp = &which($progname))) { # on the $PATH
return $tmp;
} else {
warn("[gwhich] fail to find executable $progname anywhere.");