/usr/include/lvtk-1/lvtk/ext/event.hpp is in lvtk-dev 1.2.0~dfsg0-1build1.
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event.hpp - Support file for writing LV2 plugins in C++
Copyright (C) 2012 Michael Fisher <mfisher31@gmail.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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@file event.hpp
C++ convenience header for the LV2 Event extension.
LV2 C Version Support: 1.6 (2012-04-17) DEPRECATED
This extension defines a generic time-stamped event port type, which can
be used to create plugins that read and write real-time events, such as
MIDI, OSC, or any other type of event payload. The type(s) of event supported
by a port is defined in the data file for a plugin.
#include <lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event/event.h>
#include <lv2/lv2plug.in/ns/ext/event/event-helpers.h>
#warning "this header uses the deprecated lv2 extension event. \
please use Atoms instead."
#include "lvtk/private/types.hpp"
namespace lvtk {
/** The event ref/unref function, required for
plugins with event ports.
@ingroup pluginmixins
@ingroup guimixins
@headerfile lvtk/ext/event.hpp
@see The internal struct I for details
template <bool Required = true>
struct EventRef
template <class Derived>
struct I : Extension<Required>
typedef I<Derived> Mixin;
I() : m_callback_data(0), m_ref_func(0), m_unref_func(0) { }
/** @internal */
static void
map_feature_handlers(FeatureHandlerMap& hmap)
hmap[LV2_EVENT_URI] = &Mixin::handle_feature;
/** @internal */
static void
handle_feature(void* instance, void* data)
Derived* derived = reinterpret_cast<Derived*>(instance);
I<Derived>* mixin = static_cast<I<Derived>*>(derived);
LV2_Event_Feature* edata =
mixin->m_callback_data = edata->callback_data;
mixin->m_ref_func = edata->lv2_event_ref;
mixin->m_unref_func = edata->lv2_event_unref;
mixin->m_ok = true;
check_ok() {
std::clog<<" [LV2::EventRef] Validation "
<<(this->m_ok ? "succeeded" : "failed")<<"."<<std::endl;
return this->m_ok;
/** This should be called by the plugin for any event of type 0 if it
creates an additional copy of it, either by saving more than one copy
internally, passing more than one copy through to an output port,
or a combination of those. It must be called once for each additional
copy of the event.
Note that you must not call this function if you just save one copy
of the event, or just passes one copy through to an output port.
@c param event The event, as returned by @c lv2_event_get().
event_ref(LV2_Event* event) {
return m_ref_func(m_callback_data, event);
/** This should be called by the plugin for any event of type 0, unless
it keeps a copy of it or passes it through to an event output port.
@c param event The event, as returned by @c lv2_event_get().
event_unref(LV2_Event* event) {
return m_unref_func(m_callback_data, event);
LV2_Event_Callback_Data m_callback_data;
uint32_t (*m_ref_func)(LV2_Event_Callback_Data, LV2_Event*);
uint32_t (*m_unref_func)(LV2_Event_Callback_Data, LV2_Event*);
} /* namespace lvtk */
#endif /* LVTK_EVENT_HPP */