/usr/lib/ocaml/sqlexpr/sqlexpr_sqlite.mli is in libsqlexpr-ocaml-dev 0.5.5-2build4.
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module Types : sig
(** Type used internally. *)
type st = Sqlite3.Data.t list * int * string * string option
type st = Types.st
(** All the exceptions raised by the code in {Sqlexpr_sqlite} are wrapped in
Error except when indicated otherwise. *)
exception Error of string * exn
(** Errors reported by SQLite are converted into [Sqlite_error _] exceptions,
so they can be matched with
[try ... with Sqlexpr.Error (_, Sqlexpr.sqlite_error _)] *)
exception Sqlite_error of string * Sqlite3.Rc.t
(** *)
module type S =
(** Concurrency monad value. *)
type 'a result
(** Type of SQL statements (no output parameters). *)
type ('a, 'b) statement =
sql_statement : string;
stmt_id : string option;
directive : (st -> 'b) -> st -> 'a;
(** Type of SQL expressions (output parameters). *)
type ('a, 'b, 'c) expression =
statement : ('a, 'c) statement;
get_data : int * (Sqlite3.Data.t array -> 'b);
(** Database type *)
type db
(** Exception identical to the toplevel [Error], provided for convenience.
Note that [Sqlexpr_sqlite.Error _] matches this exception. *)
exception Error of string * exn
(** Exception identical to the toplevel [Sqlite_error], provided for
convenience. Note that [Sqlexpr_sqlite.Sqlite_error _] matches this
exception. *)
exception Sqlite_error of string * Sqlite3.Rc.t
(** Open the DB whose filename is given. [":memory:"] refers to an in-mem DB.
* [init] function to be applied to [Sqlite3.db] handle(s) before
* they are used (can be used to register functions or initialize schema in
* in-mem tables. *)
val open_db : ?init:(Sqlite3.db -> unit) -> string -> db
(** Close the DB and finalize all the associated prepared statements. *)
val close_db : db -> unit
(** [borrow_worker db f] evaluates [f db'] where [db'] borrows a 'worker'
* from [db] and [db'] is only valid inside [f]. All the operations on
* [db'] will use the same worker. Use this e.g. if you have an in-mem
* database and a number of operations that must go against the same
* instance (since data is not shared across different [:memory:]
* databases). [db'] will not spawn new workers and will be closed and
* invalidated automatically. *)
val borrow_worker : db -> (db -> 'a result) -> 'a result
(** [steal_worker db f] is similar to [borrow_worker db f], but ensures
* that [f] is given exclusive access to the worker while it is being
* evaluated. *)
val steal_worker : db -> (db -> 'a result) -> 'a result
(** Execute a SQL statement. *)
val execute : db -> ('a, unit result) statement -> 'a
(** Execute an INSERT SQL statement and return the last inserted row id.
[insert db sqlc"INSERT INTO users(name, pass) VALUES(%s, %s)" name pass]
val insert : db -> ('a, int64 result) statement -> 'a
(** "Select" a SELECT SQL expression and return a list of tuples; e.g.
[select db sqlc"SELECT \@s\{name\}, \@s\{pass\} FROM users"]
[select db sqlc"SELECT \@s\{pass\} FROM users WHERE id = %L" user_id]
val select : db -> ('c, 'a, 'a list result) expression -> 'c
(** [select_f db f expr ...] is similar to [select db expr ...] but maps the
results using the provided [f] function. *)
val select_f : db -> ('a -> 'b result) -> ('c, 'a, 'b list result) expression -> 'c
(** [select_one db expr ...] takes the first result from
[select db expr ...].
@raise Not_found if no row is found. *)
val select_one : db -> ('c, 'a, 'a result) expression -> 'c
(** [select_one_maybe db expr ...] takes the first result from
[select db expr ...].
@return None if no row is found. *)
val select_one_maybe : db -> ('c, 'a, 'a option result) expression -> 'c
(** [select_one_f db f expr ...] is returns the first result from
[select_f db f expr ...].
@raise Not_found if no row is found. *)
val select_one_f : db -> ('a -> 'b result) -> ('c, 'a, 'b result) expression -> 'c
(** [select_one_f_maybe db expr ...] takes the first result from
[select_f db f expr ...].
@return None if no row is found. *)
val select_one_f_maybe : db -> ('a -> 'b result) ->
('c, 'a, 'b option result) expression -> 'c
(** Run the provided function in a DB transaction. A rollback is performed
if an exception is raised inside the transaction.
If the BEGIN or COMMIT SQL statements from the outermost transaction fail
with [SQLITE_BUSY], they will be retried until they can be executed.
A [SQLITE_BUSY] (or any other) error code in any other operation inside
a transaction will result in an [Error (_, Sqlite_error (code, _))]
exception being thrown, and a rollback performed.
One consequence of this is that concurrency control is very simple if
you use [`EXCLUSIVE] transactions: the code can be written
straightforwardly as [S.transaction db (fun db -> ...)], and their
execution will be serialized (across both threads and processes).
Note that, for [`IMMEDIATE] and [`DEFERRED] transactions, you will
have to retry manually if an
[Error (_, Sqlite_error (Sqlite3.Rc.Busy, _))] is raised.
All SQL operations performed within a transaction will use the same
worker. This worker is used exclusively by only one thread per
instantiated module (see {!steal_worker}).
That is, given
module S1 = Sqlexpr_sqlite.Make(Sqlexpr_concurrency.Id)
module S2 = Sqlexpr_sqlite.Make(Sqlexpr_concurrency.Lwt)
let db = S1.open_db somefile
there is no exclusion between functions from [S1] and those from [S2].
@param kind transaction kind, only meaningful for outermost transaction
(default [`DEFERRED])
val transaction :
db -> ?kind:[`DEFERRED | `IMMEDIATE | `EXCLUSIVE] ->
(db -> 'a result) -> 'a result
(** [fold db f a expr ...] is
[f (... (f (f a r1) r2) ...) rN]
where [rN] is the n-th row returned for the SELECT expression [expr]. *)
val fold :
db -> ('a -> 'b -> 'a result) -> 'a -> ('c, 'b, 'a result) expression -> 'c
(** Iterate through the rows returned for the supplied expression. *)
val iter : db -> ('a -> unit result) -> ('b, 'a, unit result) expression -> 'b
(** Module used by the code generated for SQL literals. *)
module Directives :
type ('a, 'b) directive = (st -> 'b) -> st -> 'a
val literal : string -> ('a, 'a) directive
val int : (int -> 'a, 'a) directive
val text : (string -> 'a, 'a) directive
val blob : (string -> 'a, 'a) directive
val float : (float -> 'a, 'a) directive
val int32 : (int32 -> 'a, 'a) directive
val int64 : (int64 -> 'a, 'a) directive
val bool : (bool -> 'a, 'a) directive
val any : (('b -> string) -> 'b -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_int : (int option -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_text : (string option -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_blob : (string option -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_float : (float option -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_int32 : (int32 option -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_int64 : (int64 option -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_bool : (bool option -> 'a, 'a) directive
val maybe_any : (('b -> string) -> 'b option -> 'a, 'a) directive
(** Module used by the code generated for SQL literals. *)
module Conversion :
val text : Sqlite3.Data.t -> string
val blob : Sqlite3.Data.t -> string
val int : Sqlite3.Data.t -> int
val int32 : Sqlite3.Data.t -> int32
val int64 : Sqlite3.Data.t -> int64
val float : Sqlite3.Data.t -> float
val bool : Sqlite3.Data.t -> bool
val maybe : (Sqlite3.Data.t -> 'a) -> Sqlite3.Data.t -> 'a option
val maybe_text : Sqlite3.Data.t -> string option
val maybe_blob : Sqlite3.Data.t -> string option
val maybe_int : Sqlite3.Data.t -> int option
val maybe_int32 : Sqlite3.Data.t -> int32 option
val maybe_int64 : Sqlite3.Data.t -> int64 option
val maybe_float : Sqlite3.Data.t -> float option
val maybe_bool : Sqlite3.Data.t -> bool option
(** [db] type shared by single-worker ("identity pool") {!S} implementations. *)
type single_worker_db
module Make : functor (M : Sqlexpr_concurrency.THREAD with type 'a key = 'a Lwt.key) ->
include S with type 'a result = 'a M.t and type db = single_worker_db
val make : Sqlite3.db -> db
(** Return the [Sqlite3.db] handle from a [db]. *)
val sqlite_db : db -> Sqlite3.db
module type POOL =
type 'a result
module TLS : Sqlexpr_concurrency.THREAD_LOCAL_STATE with type 'a t := 'a result
type db
type stmt
val open_db : ?init:(Sqlite3.db -> unit) -> string -> db
val close_db : db -> unit
val prepare :
db -> (stmt -> string -> Sqlite3.Data.t list -> 'a result) -> st -> 'a result
val step :
?sql:string -> ?params:Sqlite3.Data.t list -> stmt -> Sqlite3.Rc.t result
val step_with_last_insert_rowid :
?sql:string -> ?params:Sqlite3.Data.t list -> stmt -> Int64.t result
val reset : stmt -> unit result
val row_data : stmt -> Sqlite3.Data.t array result
val raise_error :
stmt -> ?sql:string -> ?params:Sqlite3.Data.t list -> ?errmsg:string ->
Sqlite3.Rc.t -> 'a result
val unsafe_execute : db -> ?retry_on_busy:bool -> string -> unit result
val borrow_worker : db -> (db -> 'a result) -> 'a result
val steal_worker : db -> (db -> 'a result) -> 'a result
val transaction_key : db -> unit TLS.key
module Make_gen :
functor (M : Sqlexpr_concurrency.THREAD) ->
functor(P : POOL with type 'a result = 'a M.t) ->
S with type 'a result = 'a M.t
val prettify_sql_stmt : string -> string
val string_of_param : Sqlite3.Data.t -> string
val string_of_params : Sqlite3.Data.t list -> string
module Stmt :
type t
val prepare : Sqlite3.db -> string -> t
val db_handle : t -> Sqlite3.db
val finalize : t -> unit
val reset : t -> Sqlite3.Rc.t
val step : t -> Sqlite3.Rc.t
val bind : t -> int -> Sqlite3.Data.t -> Sqlite3.Rc.t
val row_data : t -> Sqlite3.Data.t array
module Stmt_cache :
type t
val create : unit -> t
val flush_stmts : t -> unit
val find_remove_stmt : t -> string -> Stmt.t option
val add_stmt : t -> string -> Stmt.t -> unit
module Profile : functor (M : Sqlexpr_concurrency.THREAD) ->
val profile_execute_sql :
string -> ?full_sql:string -> ?params:Sqlite3.Data.t list ->
(unit -> 'b M.t) -> 'b M.t
val profile_prepare_stmt : string -> (unit -> 'a M.t) -> 'a M.t