/usr/include/root/TProfile3D.h is in libroot-hist-dev 5.34.30-0ubuntu8.
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// Author: Rene Brun 17/05/2006
* Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
* All rights reserved. *
* *
* For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
* For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
#ifndef ROOT_TProfile3D
#define ROOT_TProfile3D
// //
// TProfile3D //
// //
// Profile3D histogram class. //
// //
#ifndef ROOT_TH3
#include "TH3.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TProfile
#include "TProfile.h"
class TProfile3D : public TH3D {
friend class TProfileHelper;
TArrayD fBinEntries; //number of entries per bin
EErrorType fErrorMode; //Option to compute errors
Double_t fTmin; //Lower limit in T (if set)
Double_t fTmax; //Upper limit in T (if set)
Bool_t fScaling; //!True when TProfile3D::Scale is called
Double_t fTsumwt; //Total Sum of weight*T
Double_t fTsumwt2; //Total Sum of weight*T*T
TArrayD fBinSumw2; //Array of sum of squares of weights per bin
static Bool_t fgApproximate; //bin error approximation option
virtual Int_t BufferFill(Double_t, Double_t) {return -2;} //may not use
virtual Int_t BufferFill(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) {return -2;} //may not use
virtual Int_t BufferFill(Double_t, Double_t, Double_t, Double_t) {return -2;} //may not use
virtual Int_t BufferFill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t t, Double_t w);
// helper methods for the Merge unification in TProfileHelper
void SetBins(const Int_t* nbins,const Double_t* range) { SetBins(nbins[0], range[0], range[1],
nbins[1], range[2], range[3],
nbins[2], range[4], range[5]); };
Int_t Fill(const Double_t* v) { return Fill(v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]); };
using TH3::Fill;
Int_t Fill(Double_t, Double_t,Double_t) {return TH3::Fill(0); } //MayNotUse
Int_t Fill(const char *, const char *, const char *, Double_t) {return TH3::Fill(0); } //MayNotUse
Int_t Fill(const char *, Double_t , const char *, Double_t) {return TH3::Fill(0); } //MayNotUse
Int_t Fill(const char *, const char *, Double_t, Double_t) {return TH3::Fill(0); } //MayNotUse
Int_t Fill(Double_t, const char *, const char *, Double_t) {return TH3::Fill(0); } //MayNotUse
Int_t Fill(Double_t, const char *, Double_t, Double_t) {return TH3::Fill(0); } //MayNotUse
Int_t Fill(Double_t, Double_t, const char *, Double_t) {return TH3::Fill(0); } //MayNotUse
virtual TProfile2D *DoProjectProfile2D(const char* name, const char * title, TAxis* projX, TAxis* projY,
bool originalRange, bool useUF, bool useOF) const;
Double_t *GetB() {return &fBinEntries.fArray[0];}
Double_t *GetB2() {return (fBinSumw2.fN ? &fBinSumw2.fArray[0] : 0 ); }
Double_t *GetW() {return &fArray[0];}
Double_t *GetW2() {return &fSumw2.fArray[0];}
void SetBins(Int_t, Double_t, Double_t)
{ MayNotUse("SetBins(Int_t, Double_t, Double_t"); }
void SetBins(Int_t, const Double_t*)
{ MayNotUse("SetBins(Int_t, const Double_t*"); }
void SetBins(Int_t, Double_t, Double_t, Int_t, Double_t, Double_t)
{ MayNotUse("SetBins(Int_t, Double_t, Double_t, Int_t, Double_t, Double_t"); }
void SetBins(Int_t, const Double_t*, Int_t, const Double_t*)
{ MayNotUse("SetBins(Int_t, const Double_t*, Int_t, const Double_t*"); }
TProfile3D(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,Double_t xlow,Double_t xup
,Int_t nbinsy,Double_t ylow,Double_t yup
,Int_t nbinsz,Double_t zlow,Double_t zup, Option_t *option="");
TProfile3D(const char *name,const char *title,Int_t nbinsx,const Double_t *xbins
,Int_t nbinsy,const Double_t *ybins
,Int_t nbinsz,const Double_t *zbins,Option_t *option="");
TProfile3D(const TProfile3D &profile);
virtual ~TProfile3D();
virtual Bool_t Add(TF1 *h1, Double_t c1=1, Option_t *option="");
virtual Bool_t Add(const TH1 *h1, Double_t c1=1);
virtual Bool_t Add(const TH1 *h1, const TH1 *h2, Double_t c1=1, Double_t c2=1); // *MENU*
static void Approximate(Bool_t approx=kTRUE);
void BuildOptions(Double_t tmin, Double_t tmax, Option_t *option);
virtual Int_t BufferEmpty(Int_t action=0);
virtual void Copy(TObject &hnew) const;
virtual Bool_t Divide(TF1 *h1, Double_t c1=1);
virtual Bool_t Divide(const TH1 *h1);
virtual Bool_t Divide(const TH1 *h1, const TH1 *h2, Double_t c1=1, Double_t c2=1, Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
virtual TH1 *DrawCopy(Option_t *option="") const;
virtual Int_t Fill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t t);
virtual Int_t Fill(Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z, Double_t t, Double_t w);
virtual Double_t GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const;
virtual Double_t GetBinContent(Int_t,Int_t) const
{ MayNotUse("GetBinContent(Int_t, Int_t"); return -1; }
virtual Double_t GetBinContent(Int_t binx, Int_t biny, Int_t binz) const {return GetBinContent(GetBin(binx,biny,binz));}
virtual Double_t GetBinError(Int_t bin) const;
virtual Double_t GetBinError(Int_t,Int_t) const
{ MayNotUse("GetBinError(Int_t, Int_t"); return -1; }
virtual Double_t GetBinError(Int_t binx, Int_t biny, Int_t binz) const {return GetBinError(GetBin(binx,biny,binz));}
virtual Double_t GetBinEntries(Int_t bin) const;
virtual Double_t GetBinEffectiveEntries(Int_t bin);
virtual TArrayD *GetBinSumw2() {return &fBinSumw2;}
virtual const TArrayD *GetBinSumw2() const {return &fBinSumw2;}
Option_t *GetErrorOption() const;
virtual void GetStats(Double_t *stats) const;
virtual Double_t GetTmin() const {return fTmin;}
virtual Double_t GetTmax() const {return fTmax;}
virtual Long64_t Merge(TCollection *list);
virtual Bool_t Multiply(TF1 *h1, Double_t c1=1);
virtual Bool_t Multiply(const TH1 *h1);
virtual Bool_t Multiply(const TH1 *h1, const TH1 *h2, Double_t c1=1, Double_t c2=1, Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
virtual TH3D *ProjectionXYZ(const char *name="_pxyz", Option_t *option="e") const;
virtual TProfile2D *Project3DProfile(Option_t *option="xy") const; // *MENU*
virtual void PutStats(Double_t *stats);
virtual void Reset(Option_t *option="");
virtual void RebinAxis(Double_t x, TAxis *axis);
virtual void SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option = "");
virtual void Scale(Double_t c1=1, Option_t *option="");
virtual void SetBinEntries(Int_t bin, Double_t w);
virtual void SetBins(Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax,
Int_t nbinsy, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax,
Int_t nbinsz, Double_t zmin, Double_t zmax);
virtual void SetBins(Int_t nx, const Double_t *xBins, Int_t ny, const Double_t * yBins, Int_t nz,
const Double_t *zBins);
virtual void SetBinsLength(Int_t n=-1);
virtual void SetBuffer(Int_t buffersize, Option_t *opt="");
virtual void SetErrorOption(Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
virtual void Sumw2(Bool_t flag = kTRUE);
ClassDef(TProfile3D,7) //Profile3D histogram class