/usr/include/root/TMultiDimFit.h is in libroot-hist-dev 5.34.30-0ubuntu8.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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// Author: Christian Holm Christensen 07/11/2000
#ifndef ROOT_TMultiDimFit
#define ROOT_TMultiDimFit
#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TVectorD
#include "TVectorD.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TMatrixD
#include "TMatrixD.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TList
#include "TList.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TVirtualFitter
#include "TVirtualFitter.h"
class TBrowser;
class TMultiDimFit : public TNamed {
enum EMDFPolyType {
static TMultiDimFit* fgInstance; // Static instance
TVectorD fQuantity; // Training sample, dependent quantity
TVectorD fSqError; // Training sample, error in quantity
Double_t fMeanQuantity; // Mean of dependent quantity
Double_t fMaxQuantity; // Max value of dependent quantity
Double_t fMinQuantity; // Min value of dependent quantity
Double_t fSumSqQuantity; // SumSquare of dependent quantity
Double_t fSumSqAvgQuantity; // Sum of squares away from mean
TVectorD fVariables; // Training sample, independent variables
Int_t fNVariables; // Number of independent variables
TVectorD fMeanVariables; // mean value of independent variables
TVectorD fMaxVariables; // max value of independent variables
TVectorD fMinVariables; // min value of independent variables
Int_t fSampleSize; // Size of training sample
TVectorD fTestQuantity; // Test sample, dependent quantity
TVectorD fTestSqError; // Test sample, Error in quantity
TVectorD fTestVariables; // Test sample, independent variables
Int_t fTestSampleSize; // Size of test sample
Double_t fMinAngle; // Min angle for acepting new function
Double_t fMaxAngle; // Max angle for acepting new function
Int_t fMaxTerms; // Max terms expected in final expr.
Double_t fMinRelativeError; // Min relative error accepted
Int_t *fMaxPowers; // [fNVariables] maximum powers
Double_t fPowerLimit; // Control parameter
TMatrixD fFunctions; // Functions evaluated over sample
Int_t fMaxFunctions; // max number of functions
Int_t *fFunctionCodes; // [fMaxFunctions] acceptance code
Int_t fMaxStudy; // max functions to study
Int_t fMaxFuncNV; // fMaxFunctions*fNVariables
TMatrixD fOrthFunctions; // As above, but orthogonalised
TVectorD fOrthFunctionNorms; // Norm of the evaluated functions
Int_t *fMaxPowersFinal; // [fNVariables] maximum powers from fit;
Int_t *fPowers; // [fMaxFuncNV] where fMaxFuncNV = fMaxFunctions*fNVariables
Int_t *fPowerIndex; // [fMaxTerms] Index of accepted powers
TVectorD fResiduals; // Vector of the final residuals
Double_t fMaxResidual; // Max redsidual value
Double_t fMinResidual; // Min redsidual value
Int_t fMaxResidualRow; // Row giving max residual
Int_t fMinResidualRow; // Row giving min residual
Double_t fSumSqResidual; // Sum of Square residuals
Int_t fNCoefficients; // Dimension of model coefficients
TVectorD fOrthCoefficients; // The model coefficients
TMatrixD fOrthCurvatureMatrix; // Model matrix
TVectorD fCoefficients; // Vector of the final coefficients
TVectorD fCoefficientsRMS; // Vector of RMS of coefficients
Double_t fRMS; // Root mean square of fit
Double_t fChi2; // Chi square of fit
Int_t fParameterisationCode; // Exit code of parameterisation
Double_t fError; // Error from parameterization
Double_t fTestError; // Error from test
Double_t fPrecision; // Relative precision of param
Double_t fTestPrecision; // Relative precision of test
Double_t fCorrelationCoeff; // Multi Correlation coefficient
TMatrixD fCorrelationMatrix; // Correlation matrix
Double_t fTestCorrelationCoeff; // Multi Correlation coefficient
TList* fHistograms; // List of histograms
Byte_t fHistogramMask; // Bit pattern of hisograms used
Int_t fBinVarX; // Number of bin in independent variables
Int_t fBinVarY; // Number of bin in dependent variables
TVirtualFitter* fFitter; //! Fit object (MINUIT)
EMDFPolyType fPolyType; // Type of polynomials to use
Bool_t fShowCorrelation; // print correlation matrix
Bool_t fIsUserFunction; // Flag for user defined function
Bool_t fIsVerbose; //
virtual Double_t EvalFactor(Int_t p, Double_t x) const;
virtual Double_t EvalControl(const Int_t *powers) const;
virtual void MakeCoefficientErrors();
virtual void MakeCorrelation();
virtual Double_t MakeGramSchmidt(Int_t function);
virtual void MakeCoefficients();
virtual void MakeCandidates();
virtual void MakeNormalized();
virtual void MakeParameterization();
virtual void MakeRealCode(const char *filename,
const char *classname,
Option_t *option="");
virtual Bool_t Select(const Int_t *iv);
virtual Bool_t TestFunction(Double_t squareResidual,
Double_t dResidur);
TMultiDimFit(Int_t dimension,
EMDFPolyType type=kMonomials,
Option_t *option="");
virtual ~TMultiDimFit();
virtual void AddRow(const Double_t *x, Double_t D, Double_t E=0);
virtual void AddTestRow(const Double_t *x, Double_t D, Double_t E=0);
virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b);
virtual void Clear(Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
virtual void Draw(Option_t * ="d") { }
virtual Double_t Eval(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *coeff=0) const;
virtual Double_t EvalError(const Double_t *x, const Double_t *coeff=0) const;
virtual void FindParameterization(Option_t* option=""); // *MENU*
virtual void Fit(Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
Double_t GetChi2() const { return fChi2; }
const TMatrixD* GetCorrelationMatrix() const { return &fCorrelationMatrix; }
const TVectorD* GetCoefficients() const { return &fCoefficients; }
const TVectorD* GetCoefficientsRMS() const { return &fCoefficientsRMS; }
Double_t GetError() const { return fError; }
Int_t* GetFunctionCodes() const { return fFunctionCodes; }
const TMatrixD* GetFunctions() const { return &fFunctions; }
virtual TList* GetHistograms() const { return fHistograms; }
Double_t GetMaxAngle() const { return fMaxAngle; }
Int_t GetMaxFunctions() const { return fMaxFunctions; }
Int_t* GetMaxPowers() const { return fMaxPowers; }
Double_t GetMaxQuantity() const { return fMaxQuantity; }
Int_t GetMaxStudy() const { return fMaxStudy; }
Int_t GetMaxTerms() const { return fMaxTerms; }
const TVectorD* GetMaxVariables() const { return &fMaxVariables; }
Double_t GetMeanQuantity() const { return fMeanQuantity; }
const TVectorD* GetMeanVariables() const { return &fMeanVariables; }
Double_t GetMinAngle() const { return fMinAngle; }
Double_t GetMinQuantity() const { return fMinQuantity; }
Double_t GetMinRelativeError() const { return fMinRelativeError; }
const TVectorD* GetMinVariables() const { return &fMinVariables; }
Int_t GetNVariables() const { return fNVariables; }
Int_t GetNCoefficients() const { return fNCoefficients; }
Int_t GetPolyType() const { return fPolyType; }
Int_t* GetPowerIndex() const { return fPowerIndex; }
Double_t GetPowerLimit() const { return fPowerLimit; }
const Int_t* GetPowers() const { return fPowers; }
Double_t GetPrecision() const { return fPrecision; }
const TVectorD* GetQuantity() const { return &fQuantity; }
Double_t GetResidualMax() const { return fMaxResidual; }
Double_t GetResidualMin() const { return fMinResidual; }
Int_t GetResidualMaxRow() const { return fMaxResidualRow; }
Int_t GetResidualMinRow() const { return fMinResidualRow; }
Double_t GetResidualSumSq() const { return fSumSqResidual; }
Double_t GetRMS() const { return fRMS; }
Int_t GetSampleSize() const { return fSampleSize; }
const TVectorD* GetSqError() const { return &fSqError; }
Double_t GetSumSqAvgQuantity() const { return fSumSqAvgQuantity; }
Double_t GetSumSqQuantity() const { return fSumSqQuantity; }
Double_t GetTestError() const { return fTestError; }
Double_t GetTestPrecision() const { return fTestPrecision; }
const TVectorD* GetTestQuantity() const { return &fTestQuantity; }
Int_t GetTestSampleSize() const { return fTestSampleSize; }
const TVectorD* GetTestSqError() const { return &fTestSqError; }
const TVectorD* GetTestVariables() const { return &fTestVariables; }
const TVectorD* GetVariables() const { return &fVariables; }
static TMultiDimFit* Instance();
virtual Bool_t IsFolder() const { return kTRUE; }
virtual Double_t MakeChi2(const Double_t* coeff=0);
virtual void MakeCode(const char *functionName="MDF", Option_t *option=""); // *MENU*
virtual void MakeHistograms(Option_t* option="A"); // *MENU*
virtual void MakeMethod(const Char_t* className="MDF", Option_t* option=""); // *MENU*
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="ps") const; // *MENU*
void SetBinVarX(Int_t nbbinvarx) {fBinVarX = nbbinvarx;}
void SetBinVarY(Int_t nbbinvary) {fBinVarY = nbbinvary;}
void SetMaxAngle(Double_t angle=0);
void SetMaxFunctions(Int_t n) { fMaxFunctions = n; }
void SetMaxPowers(const Int_t *powers);
void SetMaxStudy(Int_t n) { fMaxStudy = n; }
void SetMaxTerms(Int_t terms) { fMaxTerms = terms; }
void SetMinRelativeError(Double_t error);
void SetMinAngle(Double_t angle=1);
void SetPowerLimit(Double_t limit=1e-3);
virtual void SetPowers(const Int_t *powers, Int_t terms);
ClassDef(TMultiDimFit,2) // Multi dimensional fit class