/usr/include/GeographicLib/OSGB.hpp is in libgeographic-dev 1.45-2.
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* \file OSGB.hpp
* \brief Header for GeographicLib::OSGB class
* Copyright (c) Charles Karney (2010-2015) <charles@karney.com> and licensed
* under the MIT/X11 License. For more information, see
* http://geographiclib.sourceforge.net/
#include <GeographicLib/Constants.hpp>
#include <GeographicLib/TransverseMercator.hpp>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// Squelch warnings about dll vs string
# pragma warning (push)
# pragma warning (disable: 4251)
namespace GeographicLib {
* \brief Ordnance Survey grid system for Great Britain
* The class implements the coordinate system used by the Ordnance Survey for
* maps of Great Britain and conversions to the grid reference system.
* See
* - <a href="http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/docs/support/guide-coordinate-systems-great-britain.pdf">
* A guide to coordinate systems in Great Britain</a>
* - <a href="http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/docs/support/national-grid.pdf">
* Guide to the National Grid</a>
* \b WARNING: the latitudes and longitudes for the Ordnance Survey grid
* system do not use the WGS84 datum. Do not use the values returned by this
* class in the UTMUPS, MGRS, or Geoid classes without first converting the
* datum (and vice versa).
* Example of use:
* \include example-OSGB.cpp
typedef Math::real real;
static const std::string letters_;
static const std::string digits_;
static const TransverseMercator& OSGBTM();
enum {
base_ = 10,
tile_ = 100000,
tilelevel_ = 5,
tilegrid_ = 5,
tileoffx_ = 2 * tilegrid_,
tileoffy_ = 1 * tilegrid_,
minx_ = - tileoffx_ * tile_,
miny_ = - tileoffy_ * tile_,
maxx_ = (tilegrid_*tilegrid_ - tileoffx_) * tile_,
maxy_ = (tilegrid_*tilegrid_ - tileoffy_) * tile_,
// Maximum precision is um
maxprec_ = 5 + 6,
static real computenorthoffset();
static void CheckCoords(real x, real y);
OSGB(); // Disable constructor
* Forward projection, from geographic to OSGB coordinates.
* @param[in] lat latitude of point (degrees).
* @param[in] lon longitude of point (degrees).
* @param[out] x easting of point (meters).
* @param[out] y northing of point (meters).
* @param[out] gamma meridian convergence at point (degrees).
* @param[out] k scale of projection at point.
* \e lat should be in the range [−90°, 90°].
static void Forward(real lat, real lon,
real& x, real& y, real& gamma, real& k) {
OSGBTM().Forward(OriginLongitude(), lat, lon, x, y, gamma, k);
x += FalseEasting();
y += computenorthoffset();
* Reverse projection, from OSGB coordinates to geographic.
* @param[in] x easting of point (meters).
* @param[in] y northing of point (meters).
* @param[out] lat latitude of point (degrees).
* @param[out] lon longitude of point (degrees).
* @param[out] gamma meridian convergence at point (degrees).
* @param[out] k scale of projection at point.
* The value of \e lon returned is in the range [−180°,
* 180°).
static void Reverse(real x, real y,
real& lat, real& lon, real& gamma, real& k) {
x -= FalseEasting();
y -= computenorthoffset();
OSGBTM().Reverse(OriginLongitude(), x, y, lat, lon, gamma, k);
* OSGB::Forward without returning the convergence and scale.
static void Forward(real lat, real lon, real& x, real& y) {
real gamma, k;
Forward(lat, lon, x, y, gamma, k);
* OSGB::Reverse without returning the convergence and scale.
static void Reverse(real x, real y, real& lat, real& lon) {
real gamma, k;
Reverse(x, y, lat, lon, gamma, k);
* Convert OSGB coordinates to a grid reference.
* @param[in] x easting of point (meters).
* @param[in] y northing of point (meters).
* @param[in] prec precision relative to 100 km.
* @param[out] gridref National Grid reference.
* @exception GeographicErr if \e prec, \e x, or \e y is outside its
* allowed range.
* @exception std::bad_alloc if the memory for \e gridref can't be
* allocatied.
* \e prec specifies the precision of the grid reference string as follows:
* - prec = 0 (min), 100km
* - prec = 1, 10km
* - prec = 2, 1km
* - prec = 3, 100m
* - prec = 4, 10m
* - prec = 5, 1m
* - prec = 6, 0.1m
* - prec = 11 (max), 1μm
* The easting must be in the range [−1000 km, 1500 km) and the
* northing must be in the range [−500 km, 2000 km). These bounds
* are consistent with rules for the letter designations for the grid
* system.
* If \e x or \e y is NaN, the returned grid reference is "INVALID".
static void GridReference(real x, real y, int prec, std::string& gridref);
* Convert OSGB coordinates to a grid reference.
* @param[in] gridref National Grid reference.
* @param[out] x easting of point (meters).
* @param[out] y northing of point (meters).
* @param[out] prec precision relative to 100 km.
* @param[in] centerp if true (default), return center of the grid square,
* else return SW (lower left) corner.
* @exception GeographicErr if \e gridref is illegal.
* The grid reference must be of the form: two letters (not including I)
* followed by an even number of digits (up to 22).
* If the first 2 characters of \e gridref are "IN", then \e x and \e y are
* set to NaN and \e prec is set to −2.
static void GridReference(const std::string& gridref,
real& x, real& y, int& prec,
bool centerp = true);
/** \name Inspector functions
* @return \e a the equatorial radius of the Airy 1830 ellipsoid (meters).
* This is 20923713 ft converted to meters using the rule 1 ft =
* 10<sup>9.48401603−10</sup> m. The Airy 1830 value is returned
* because the OSGB projection is based on this ellipsoid. The conversion
* factor from feet to meters is the one used for the 1936 retriangulation
* of Britain; see Section A.1 (p. 37) of <i>A guide to coordinate systems
* in Great Britain</i>, v2.2 (Dec. 2013).
static Math::real MajorRadius() {
// result is about 6377563.3960320664406 m
using std::pow;
return pow(real(10), real(48401603 - 100000000) / 100000000)
* 20923713;
* @return \e f the inverse flattening of the Airy 1830 ellipsoid.
* For the Airy 1830 ellipsoid, \e a = 20923713 ft and \e b = 20853810 ft;
* thus the flattening = (20923713 − 20853810)/20923713 =
* 7767/2324857 = 1/299.32496459... (The Airy 1830 value is returned
* because the OSGB projection is based on this ellipsoid.)
static Math::real Flattening()
{ return real(20923713 - 20853810) / 20923713; }
/// \cond SKIP
* @return \e r the inverse flattening of the Airy 1830 ellipsoid.
static Math::real InverseFlattening() { return 1/Flattening(); }
/// \endcond
* @return \e k0 central scale for the OSGB projection (0.9996012717...).
* C. J. Mugnier, Grids & Datums, PE&RS, Oct. 2003, states that
* this is defined as 10<sup>9.9998268−10</sup>.
static Math::real CentralScale() {
using std::pow;
return pow(real(10), real(9998268 - 10000000) / 10000000);
* @return latitude of the origin for the OSGB projection (49 degrees).
static Math::real OriginLatitude() { return real(49); }
* @return longitude of the origin for the OSGB projection (−2
* degrees).
static Math::real OriginLongitude() { return real(-2); }
* @return false northing the OSGB projection (−100000 meters).
static Math::real FalseNorthing() { return real(-100000); }
* @return false easting the OSGB projection (400000 meters).
static Math::real FalseEasting() { return real(400000); }
} // namespace GeographicLib
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# pragma warning (pop)