/usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws/aws-response.ads is in libaws3.2.0-dev 3.2.0-4ubuntu1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
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-- Ada Web Server --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2000-2014, AdaCore --
-- --
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --
-- it under terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be --
-- useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and --
-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program; --
-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively. If not, see --
-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
-- --
pragma Ada_2012;
-- This package is to be used to build answer to be sent to the client
-- browser. It is also used as the object returned from the client API. So
-- it is either a response built on the server side or the response received
-- on the client side.
with Ada.Calendar;
with Ada.Finalization;
with Ada.Streams;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with AWS.Headers;
with AWS.Messages;
with AWS.MIME;
with AWS.Net;
with AWS.Resources.Streams;
with AWS.Status;
package AWS.Response is
use Ada;
use Ada.Streams;
type Data is private;
-- Note that this type use a reference counter which is not thread safe
type Callback is access function (Request : Status.Data) return Data;
-- This is the Web Server Callback procedure. A client must declare and
-- pass such procedure to the HTTP server.
type Data_Mode is
(Header, -- Send only the HTTP header
Message, -- Send a standard HTTP message
File, -- Send a file
File_Once, -- Send a file once, delete it after sending
Stream, -- Send a stream
Socket_Taken, -- Socket has been taken from the server
WebSocket, -- Protocol switched to WebSocket
No_Data); -- No data, this is not a response
type Authentication_Mode is (Unknown, Any, Basic, Digest);
-- The authentication mode.
-- "Basic" and "Digest" mean that server must accept the requested
-- authentication mode. "Any" mean that server could accept any
-- authentication from client.
-- Unknown, means that an unsupported mode has been found.
-- Note the order here should not be changed as it is used in AWS.Client.
subtype Content_Length_Type
is Stream_Element_Offset range -1 .. Stream_Element_Offset'Last;
Undefined_Length : constant Content_Length_Type;
-- Undefined length could be used when we do not know the message length
-- at the start of transfer. The end of message could be determined by the
-- chunked transfer-encoding in the HTTP/1.1, or by the closing connection
-- in the HTTP/1.0.
Default_Moved_Message : constant String;
-- This is a template message, _@_ will be replaced by the Location (see
-- function Build with Location below).
Default_Authenticate_Message : constant String;
-- This is the message that will be displayed on the Web Browser if the
-- authentication process fails or is cancelled.
-- Data Constructors --
function Build
(Content_Type : String;
Message_Body : String;
Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code := Messages.S200;
Cache_Control : Messages.Cache_Option := Messages.Unspecified;
Encoding : Messages.Content_Encoding := Messages.Identity)
return Data;
function Build
(Content_Type : String;
UString_Message : Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code := Messages.S200;
Cache_Control : Messages.Cache_Option := Messages.Unspecified;
Encoding : Messages.Content_Encoding := Messages.Identity)
return Data;
-- Return a message whose body is passed into Message_Body. The
-- Content_Type parameter is the MIME type for the message
-- body. Status_Code is the response status (see Messages.Status_Code
-- definition).
function Build
(Content_Type : String;
Message_Body : Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code := Messages.S200;
Cache_Control : Messages.Cache_Option := Messages.Unspecified;
Encoding : Messages.Content_Encoding := Messages.Identity)
return Data;
-- Idem above, but the message body is a stream element array
type Disposition_Mode is (Attachment, Inline, None);
-- Describes the way a file/stream is sent to the browser.
-- Attachment : The file is sent as an attachment, the browser
-- wont display the content even if the MIME type
-- is supported (.txt or .doc on IE for example).
-- Inline : The file can be displayed inside the browser if
-- MIME type is supported. If not the browser will
-- propose to save this file.
-- None : No specific setting is sent to the browser. The
-- browser default setting will be used. Note that in
-- this case the browser determine the filename using
-- the URI. This is the default setting.
function File
(Content_Type : String;
Filename : String;
Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code := Messages.S200;
Cache_Control : Messages.Cache_Option := Messages.Unspecified;
Encoding : Messages.Content_Encoding := Messages.Identity;
Once : Boolean := False;
Disposition : Disposition_Mode := None;
User_Filename : String := "")
return Data;
-- Returns a message whose message body is the content of the file. The
-- Content_Type must indicate the MIME type for the file. User_Filename
-- can be used to force the filename on the client side. This can be
-- different from the server side Filename. If Once is set to True the
-- file will be deleted after the download (this includes the case where
-- the download is suspended).
function Stream
(Content_Type : String;
Handle : not null access Resources.Streams.Stream_Type'Class;
Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code := Messages.S200;
Cache_Control : Messages.Cache_Option := Messages.No_Cache;
Encoding : Messages.Content_Encoding := Messages.Identity;
Server_Close : Boolean := True;
Disposition : Disposition_Mode := None;
User_Filename : String := "")
return Data;
-- Returns a message whose message body is the content of the user defined
-- stream. The Content_Type must indicate the MIME type for the data
-- stream, Status_Code is the the header status code which should be send
-- back to client's browser. If Server_Close is set to False the server
-- will not close the stream after sending it, it is then user's
-- responsability to close the stream. User_Filename can be used to force
-- the filename on the client side. This can be different from the server
-- side filename (for file based stream) or can be used to name a non disk
-- based stream. Encoding mean additional encoding would be applied on top
-- of given Handler stream.
-- Redirection Constructors --
function URL
(Location : String;
Cache_Control : Messages.Cache_Option := Messages.Unspecified)
return Data;
-- This ask the server for a redirection to the specified URL. This is
-- a temporary redirection, and the client browser should query the
-- same original URL next time.
function Moved
(Location : String;
Message : String := Default_Moved_Message;
Cache_Control : Messages.Cache_Option := Messages.Unspecified)
return Data;
-- This send back a moved message (Messages.S301) with the specified
-- message body.
-- This is a permanent redirection, and the client browser is encouraged
-- to update links so that the next query for the URL goes directly to
-- the new location.
-- Other Constructors --
function Acknowledge
(Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code;
Message_Body : String := "";
Content_Type : String := MIME.Text_HTML) return Data;
-- Returns a message to the Web browser. This routine must be used to
-- send back an error message to the Web browser. For example if a
-- requested resource cannot be served a message with status code S404
-- must be sent.
function Authenticate
(Realm : String;
Mode : Authentication_Mode := Basic;
Stale : Boolean := False;
Message : String := Default_Authenticate_Message)
return Data;
-- Returns an authentication message (Messages.S401), the Web browser
-- will then ask for an authentication. Realm string will be displayed
-- by the Web Browser in the authentication dialog box.
function Socket_Taken return Data;
-- Must be used to say that the connection socket has been taken by user
-- inside of user callback. No operations should be performed on this
-- socket, and associated slot should be released for further operations.
function Empty return Data;
-- Returns an empty message (Data_Mode = No_Data and Status_Code is 204).
-- It is used to say that user's handlers were not able to do something
-- with the request. This is used by the callback's chain in the
-- dispatchers and should not be used by users.
-- API to retrieve response data
-- Header --
function Header (D : Data; Name : String; N : Positive) return String
with Inline;
-- Return the N-th value for header Name
function Header (D : Data; Name : String) return String with Inline;
-- Return all values as a comma-separated string for header Name.
-- See [RFC 2616 - 4.2] last paragraph.
function Header (D : Data) return AWS.Headers.List;
procedure Send_Header (Socket : Net.Socket_Type'Class; D : Data)
with Inline;
-- Send all header lines to the socket
function Status_Code (D : Data) return Messages.Status_Code with Inline;
-- Returns the status code
function Content_Length (D : Data) return Content_Length_Type with Inline;
-- Returns the content length (i.e. the message body length). A value of 0
-- indicate that there is no message body.
function Content_Type (D : Data) return String with Inline;
-- Returns the MIME type for the message body
function Cache_Control (D : Data) return Messages.Cache_Option with Inline;
-- Returns the cache control specified for the response
function Cache_Control (D : Data) return Messages.Cache_Data;
-- As above but returns a structured record of type "Cache_Data (Request)"
-- representing the cache options.
function Expires (D : Data) return Calendar.Time with Inline;
-- Returns the Expires date as a time value
function Location (D : Data) return String with Inline;
-- Returns the location for the new page in the case of a moved
-- message. See Moved constructor above.
-- Data --
function Mode (D : Data) return Data_Mode with Inline;
-- Returns the data mode, either Header, Message or File
function Is_Empty (D : Data) return Boolean with Inline;
-- Returns True if D.Mode is No_Data
function Message_Body (D : Data) return String with Inline;
-- Returns the message body content as a string.
-- Message_Body routines could not be used with user defined streams
-- (see. Stream routine in this package). Constraint_Error would be raised
-- on try to get data by the Message_Body from the user defined streams.
-- For get data from user defined streams routine Create_Resource should
-- be used.
function Message_Body (D : Data) return Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
-- Returns message body content as an unbounded_string
function Message_Body (D : Data) return Streams.Stream_Element_Array;
-- Returns message body as a binary content
procedure Message_Body
(D : Data;
File : out AWS.Resources.File_Type);
-- Returns the message body as a stream
function Filename (D : Data) return String with Inline;
-- Returns the filename which should be sent back or the filename which
-- was containing the response for a server response.
-- Authentication --
function Realm (D : Data) return String with Inline;
-- Returns the Realm for the current authentication request
function Authentication (D : Data) return Authentication_Mode with Inline;
-- Returns the authentication mode requested by server
function Authentication_Stale (D : Data) return Boolean with Inline;
-- Returns the stale parameter for authentication
-- Resources --
procedure Create_Resource
(D : in out Data;
File : out AWS.Resources.File_Type;
GZip : Boolean)
with Inline;
-- Creates the resource object (either a file or in-memory object) for
-- the data to be sent to the client. The resource should be closed after
-- use.
-- GZip is true when the http client support GZip decoding,
-- if file or embedded resource is in the GZip format this routine would
-- define Content-Encoding header field value.
function Close_Resource (D : Data) return Boolean;
-- Returns True if the resource stream must be close
function Keep_Alive (D : Data) return Boolean with Inline;
-- Returns True if the user want to keep connection alive
-- WebSockets --
function WebSocket return Data;
-- WebSocket handshake from initial WebSocket connection
use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
Default_Moved_Message : constant String
:= "Page moved<br><a href=""_@_"">Click here</a>";
CRLF : constant String := ASCII.CR & ASCII.LF;
Default_Authenticate_Message : constant String
:= "<HTML><HEAD>" & CRLF
& "<TITLE>401 Authorization Required</TITLE>" & CRLF
& "</HEAD><BODY>" & CRLF
& "<H1>Authorization Required</H1>" & CRLF
& "This server could not verify that you" & CRLF
& "are authorized to access the document you" & CRLF
& "requested. Either you supplied the wrong" & CRLF
& "credentials (e.g. bad password), or your" & CRLF
& "browser doesn't understand how to supply" & CRLF
& "the credentials required.<P>" & CRLF
& "</BODY></HTML>" & CRLF;
Undefined_Length : constant Content_Length_Type
:= Content_Length_Type (Resources.Undefined_Length);
type Release_Controller is record
Counter : Natural := 1;
-- Data object's Reference counter
Stream_Taken : Boolean := False;
-- Set to True after Create_Resource routine call to not free stream
-- on finalization.
end record;
type Release_Controller_Access is access all Release_Controller;
type Data is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
Ref_Counter : Release_Controller_Access;
Mode : Data_Mode := No_Data;
Status_Code : Messages.Status_Code := Messages.S200;
Filename : Unbounded_String;
Content_Type : Unbounded_String;
Stream : Resources.Streams.Stream_Access;
Header : AWS.Headers.List;
Close_Stream : Boolean := True;
Keep_Alive : Boolean := True;
end record;
overriding procedure Initialize (Object : in out Data);
overriding procedure Adjust (Object : in out Data);
overriding procedure Finalize (Object : in out Data);
procedure Unchecked_Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
(Resources.Streams.Stream_Type'Class, Resources.Streams.Stream_Access);
function Keep_Alive (D : Data) return Boolean is (D.Keep_Alive);
end AWS.Response;