/usr/share/perl5/Games/FrozenBubble/NetDiscover.pm is in frozen-bubble 2.212-7build1.
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use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval);
use Carp;
use Games::FrozenBubble::Net;
my $proto_hdr = "FB/" . $Games::FrozenBubble::Net::proto_major . "." .$Games::FrozenBubble::Net::proto_minor;
# configuration parameters
my $number_of_pings = 2; # ping each server this many times
my $time_between_connections = 0.1; # 100ms, 10 connections per second
my $connection_timeout = 5;
# note: the ping-averaging code below assumes $number_of_pings >= 2.
sub new {
my ($package, @servers) = @_;
my $time = [gettimeofday];
# force the first connection immediately
my $self = {
begin_time => $time, # used to sequence the connect()s
not_started => {}, # server entries move from here...
pending => {}, # ... to here ...
complete => {}, # ... to here.
revmapping => {}, # used after select(), to map handles to hashkeys
my $servid = 1;
foreach my $server (@servers) {
croak "server $server is not a hash reference" unless ref $server eq 'HASH';
croak "server has no 'host' field" unless exists $$server{host};
croak "server has no 'port' field" unless exists $$server{port};
$$server{pingtimes} = []; # we will average these results together
$$self{not_started}{$servid++} = $server;
return bless($self, $package);
sub found {
my $self = shift;
return values %{$$self{complete}};
sub pending {
my $self = shift;
return scalar(keys %{$$self{pending}})
+ scalar(keys %{$$self{not_started}});
sub work {
my ($self, $timeout) = @_;
my $starttime = [gettimeofday];
# run through it once quickly, even if $timeout is 0.
do {
# try connect if not_started servers exist, and timestamp says its time
if(scalar(keys %{$$self{not_started}})
&& tv_interval($$self{begin_time}) >= $time_between_connections);
# do a select, to see who has connected, and who has sent data to us
my $select = IO::Select->new();
$select->add( map { $$_{sock} } (values %{$$self{pending}}));
my $thistime = $timeout - tv_interval($starttime);
$thistime = 0 if $thistime < 0;
my @ready = $select->can_read($thistime);
foreach my $sock (@ready) {
# the revmapping table maps stringified sockets to hash keys, so
# we don't have to do a search for it.
my $key = $$self{revmapping}{"$sock"};
my @dead = $select->has_exception(0);
foreach my $sock (@dead) {
my $key = $$self{revmapping}{"$sock"};
$self->give_up_on($key, "Select exception");
} while(tv_interval($starttime) < $timeout);
# rip those which have connection timeout
foreach my $pending (keys %{$$self{pending}}) {
if (tv_interval($$self{pending}{$pending}{begin_time}) >= $connection_timeout
&& !$$self{pending}{$pending}{name}) {
$self->give_up_on($pending, "Connection timeout (${connection_timeout}s)");
return $self->pending();
sub try_connect {
my $self = shift;
my @newkeys = sort keys %{$$self{not_started}};
croak "try_connect called, but everything is already connected!"
unless scalar @newkeys;
# just pull the first entry off the list
my $key = shift(@newkeys);
# move server entry from not_started hash to pending hash
my $ref = $$self{not_started}{$key};
$$self{pending}{$key} = $ref;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $$ref{host},
PeerPort => $$ref{port},
Proto => 'tcp',
Blocking => 0,
if(defined($sock)) {
$$ref{sock} = $sock;
$$self{revmapping}{"$sock"} = $key;
$$ref{begin_time} = $$self{begin_time} = [gettimeofday];
} else {
$self->give_up_on($key, "Could not create socket");
sub server_sm {
my ($self, $connid) = @_;
my $conn = $$self{pending}{$connid};
if(!defined($$conn{state})) {
# new connection!
$$conn{state} = 'connected';
$$conn{rxdata} = '';
return; # the first "PUSH" line might not arrive at the same moment as
# the connection. When it comes in, we'll will come back here.
} else {
# read some data.
my $newdata = '';
my $sock = $$conn{sock};
if (!defined($sock->recv($newdata, 1024, 0))) {
# an error occurred, give up
$self->give_up_on($connid, $!);
$$conn{rxdata} .= $newdata;
my $index;
while(($index = index($$conn{rxdata}, "\n")) > -1) {
my $str = substr($$conn{rxdata}, 0, $index);
$$conn{rxdata} = substr($$conn{rxdata}, $index+1);
# strip off the protocol header.
if(substr($str, 0, length($proto_hdr)+1) eq "$proto_hdr ") {
$str = substr($str, length($proto_hdr) + 1);
} else {
# protocol mismatch, give up.
$self->give_up_on($connid, "Frozen-Bubble protocol mismatch");
if ($str =~ /^PUSH: SERVER_READY (.*) (.*)/) {
$$conn{name} = $1;
$$conn{language} = $2;
$$conn{sock}->send("$proto_hdr PING\n");
$$conn{ping_time} = [gettimeofday];
} elsif($str =~ /^PING: PONG/) {
# nothing to parse. take a time measurement, send another one if
# necessary.
my $reply_time = tv_interval($$conn{ping_time});
push(@{$$conn{pingtimes}}, tv_interval($$conn{ping_time}));
if(scalar @{$$conn{pingtimes}} >= $number_of_pings) {
$$conn{sock}->send("$proto_hdr LIST\n");
} else {
$$conn{sock}->send("$proto_hdr PING\n");
$$conn{ping_time} = [gettimeofday];
} elsif($str =~ /LIST: (\S*) (\S*) free:(\d+) games:(\d+) playing:(\d+) at:(\S*)/) {
$$conn{freenicks} = $1;
$$conn{freegames} = $2;
$$conn{free} = $3;
$$conn{games} = $4;
$$conn{playing} = $5;
$$conn{geolocs} = $6;
# we're done, get out of here.
# move connection to "complete" list
$$self{complete}{$connid} = $conn;
# clean up temporary stuff
# disconnect from server
# calculate average ping time from worst 2 pings
my @pingtimes = reverse sort @{$$conn{pingtimes}};
$pingtimes[0] += $pingtimes[1];
$$conn{ping} = $pingtimes[0] / 2;
$$conn{ping} = sprintf("%.1f", $$conn{ping} * 1000); # time in ms
} else {
# drop the line, for now
sub give_up_on {
my ($self, $connid, $reason) = @_;
print STDERR "Problem with server $$self{pending}{$connid}{host}:$$self{pending}{$connid}{port}: $reason.\n";
if defined $$self{pending}{$connid}{sock};
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 Frozen-Bubble
Copyright © 2010 The Frozen-Bubble Team
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
=head1 NAME
Games::FrozenBubble::NetDiscover - high performance server discovery plugin for frozen bubble
my $discover = Games::FrozenBubble::NetDiscover->new(
{ host => "", port => 1511 },
{ host => "", port => 1512 }, ...);
while($discover->pending()) {
my @servers = $discover->found();
for(my $server = 0; $server < @servers; $server++) {
printf("%02i: ip %s ping %i\n",
$server, $servers[$server]{ip}, $servers[$server]{ping});
$discover->work(0.1); # sit in a select loop for 100ms
# update your screen, and all of that stuff, here.
Games::FrozenBubble::NetDiscover checks a list of servers, finding their versions, ping times,
and number of current clients. It uses nonblocking IO and select, to
connect to multiple servers in parallel, thus reducing the total amount of
time elapsed. This, in turn, allows the user to begin playing frozen bubble
more quickly. :)
This module is designed to be called from a GUI loop. It has to spend sit in
a select loop for most of its life in order to get accurate ping times, but
it will return back to your loop at intervals you specify, so you can check
for keystrokes and refresh the screen and so forth.
In order to get consistent results on slow dialup links, this module will only
attempt to connect to one server per each 200ms. This means for 18 servers
that there are 3.4 seconds of extra guaranteed lag, but it also means packets
from multiple servers are less likely to bump into eachother in the queue, so
ping reply times will be more reliable.
In the source script, there are two configuration parameters: $number_of_pings
and $time_between_connections. These are set to 2 and 0.2, respectively.
These two parameters will determine the amount of bandwidth used, and the
amount of time taken before the user can select a server. Assuming the user's
internet connection can handle the traffic without extra latency from queueing
or retransmissions, the worst case latency will be, in seconds:
N*L + T*(S-1)
N = $number_of_pings
L = the roundtrip time of the slowest server in the list, in seconds
T = $time_between_connections
S = the number of servers in the list
...->new ({host => "server1", port => port}, {host => "server2", port => port}, ...)
Takes a list of servers as arguments. Each server argument should be a hash
reference, consisting of {host => host, port => port}. Returns a
Games::FrozenBubble::NetDiscover object, which can be used within a GUI loop to discover all of
your servers.
The host string should ideally be an IP address. A hostname string should work
too, but DNS lookups will introduce extra, unpredictable latency later on.
=head1 METHODS
These methods define the public API for instances of this class.
=head2 found
Returns a list of 0 or more servers found. Each return value is a hash
reference, containing the following keys:
host: the IP address of the server
port: the TCP port of the server
pingtimes: array reference, contains the actual result times of 4 pings
ping: the average roundtrip latency of the server, in ms
freenicks: the list of players connected
freegames: the list of open games (not yet started)
free: the number of idle clients connected to this server
games: the number of clients connected to this server, who are playing games
playing: the list of players in games
geolocs: the geolocations of players in games
name: the self-proclaimed "name" reported by the server
language: the preferred language reported by the server
=head2 pending
Returns non-zero if we are still waiting for a response from one or more
servers; returns 0 if processing is complete.
=head2 work(seconds)
Enters the main loop of this module. This method requires one argument, a
numeric count of seconds to work for. This is expected to be a floating point
decimal, for sub-second precision. Returns the number of servers pending, just
like the pending method does.
These methods are only meant to be called from within the module. They are
subject to change without notice.
=head2 try_connect
Attempts to connect to a server. Moves the first "not_started" server to the
"pending" list, and creates a non-blocking IO::Socket::INET object for it.
Updates the begin_time timestamp, to determine when the next server should be
=head2 server_sm(connection_number)
Implements a simple state machine. Called with an index into the pending
array, to indicate that data is available for reading from this server.
=head2 give_up_on(connection_number, reason)
Called if select reports a socket as has_exception. Also called if the
server has a bogus version, times out, or we can't parse the IP address or
something. Removes the entry from further processing, and emits an error
message on stderr.
=head1 EXPORT
=head1 BUGS
implement some sort of timeout, for servers which don't respond within 5 seconds.
=head1 AUTHOR
Mark Glines, <mark@glines.org>.
This code is donated to the frozen bubble project, www.frozen-bubble.org, so
they can do whatever they want with it. Copyright is therefore assigned to
those guys.