/usr/share/weechat/python/keepnick.py is in weechat-scripts 20160115-1.
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# Copyright (c) 2012-2014 by nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>
# Copyright (c) 2006 by EgS <i@egs.name>
# script to keep your nick and recover it in case it's occupied
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# 2014-10-30: nils_2 (freenode.#weechat)
# 1.2 : support of regular expression for server option (idea by michele)
# 2013-09-17: nils_2 (freenode.#weechat)
# 1.1 : format of weechat_string_eval_expression() changed
# 2013-07-29: nils_2 (freenode.#weechat)
# 1.0 : support of /secure for passwords
# 2013-01-29: nils_2 (freenode.#weechat)
# 0.9 : script optimized
# 2013-01-27: nils_2 (freenode.#weechat)
# 0.8 : make script compatible with Python 3.x
# 2012-10-05: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat)
# 0.7 : add options "plugins.var.python.keepnick.nickserv", "plugins.var.python.keepnick.<server>.password"
# : changed default "delay" value from 60 to 600 seconds.
# 2012-10-04: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat)
# 0.6 : fix bug with case-sensitive nicks (reported by Faethor)
# 2012-02-08: nils_2, (freenode.#weechat)
# 0.5 : sync with 0.3.x API (requested by CAHbI4)
# requires: WeeChat version 0.3.4
# Development is currently hosted at
# https://github.com/weechatter/weechat-scripts
# #
# This script enables the user to keep their nicks and recover it in #
# case it get's stolen. It uses the servers prefered nicks, so there #
# is no need for any kind of setup. #
# #
# Name: Keepnick #
# Licence: GPL v2 #
# Author: Marcus Eggenberger <i@egs.name> #
# Changelog: #
# 0.4: now starts on load and features user defined check intervals #
# 0.3: Fixed major bug with continuous nickchanges #
# 0.2: Fixed Bug: now only checks connected servers #
# 0.1: first version released #
# #
from string import Template
import weechat,sys,re
except Exception:
print("This script must be run under WeeChat.")
print("Get WeeChat now at: http://www.weechat.org/")
# -------------------------------[ Constants ]-------------------------------------
SCRIPT_NAME = "keepnick"
SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>"
SCRIPT_DESC = "keep your nick and recover it in case it's occupied"
ISON = '/ison %s'
OPTIONS = { 'delay' : ('600','delay (in seconds) to look at occupied nick (0 means OFF). It is not recommended to flood the server with /ison requests)'),
'timeout' : ('60','timeout (in seconds) to wait for an answer from server.'),
'serverlist' : ('','comma separated list of servers to look at. Try to register a nickname on server (see: /msg NickServ help).regular expression are allowed (eg. ".*" = matches ALL server,"freen.*" = matches freenode, freenet....)'),
'text' : ('Nickstealer left Network: %s!','text that will be displayed if your nick will not be occupied anymore. (\"%s\" is a placeholder for the servername)'),
'nickserv' : ('/msg -server $server NICKSERV IDENTIFY $passwd','Use SASL authentification, if possible. This command will be used to IDENTIFY you on server (following placeholder can be used: \"$server\" for servername; \"$passwd\" for password. The password will be stored in a separate option for every single server: \"plugins.var.python.%s.<servername>.password\"). Using the "/secure" function, you\'ll have to add a format described in "/help secure" to password option (eg: ${sec.data.keepnick_freenode_password})' % SCRIPT_NAME),
'command' : ('/nick %s','This command will be used to rename your nick (\"%s\" will be filled with your nickname for specific server)'),
HOOK = { 'timer': '', 'redirect': '' }
serverlist = []
# ================================[ redirection ]===============================
# calling /ison all x seconds using hook:timer()
def ison(bufpointer,servername,nick,nicklist):
command = ISON % ' '.join(nicklist)
{ 'server': servername, 'pattern': 'ison', 'signal': SCRIPT_NAME, 'count': '1', 'string': servername, 'timeout': OPTIONS['timeout'], 'cmd_filter': '' })
weechat.hook_signal_send('irc_input_send', weechat.WEECHAT_HOOK_SIGNAL_STRING, '%s;;;;%s' % (servername,command))
def redirect_isonhandler(data, signal, hashtable):
if hashtable['output'] == '':
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# ISON_nicks contains nicks that are online on server (separated with space)
# nicks in ISON_nicks are lowercase
message,ISON_nicks = hashtable['output'].split(':')[1:]
ISON_nicks = [nick.lower() for nick in ISON_nicks.split()]
for nick in server_nicks(hashtable['server']):
mynick = weechat.info_get('irc_nick',hashtable['server'])
if nick.lower() == mynick.lower():
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
elif nick.lower() not in ISON_nicks and nick != '':
# get password for given server (evaluated)
if int(version) >= 0x00040200:
password = weechat.string_eval_expression(weechat.config_get_plugin('%s.password' % hashtable['server']),{},{},{})
password = weechat.config_get_plugin('%s.password' % hashtable['server'])
grabnick(hashtable['server'], nick) # get your nick back
if password != '' and OPTIONS['nickserv'] != '':
# command stored in "keepnick.nickserv" option
t = Template(OPTIONS['nickserv'])
run_msg = t.safe_substitute(server=hashtable['server'], passwd=password)
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# ================================[ functions ]===============================
# nicks used on server
def server_nicks(servername):
infolist = weechat.infolist_get('irc_server','',servername)
nicks = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'nicks')
return nicks.split(',')
def check_nicks(data, remaining_calls):
serverlist = OPTIONS['serverlist'].split(',')
infolist = weechat.infolist_get('irc_server','','')
while weechat.infolist_next(infolist):
servername = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'name')
ptr_buffer = weechat.infolist_pointer(infolist,'buffer')
nick = weechat.infolist_string(infolist, 'nick')
ssl_connected = weechat.infolist_integer(infolist,'ssl_connected')
is_connected = weechat.infolist_integer(infolist,'is_connected')
server_matched = re.search(r"\b({})\b".format("|".join(serverlist)), servername)
if servername in serverlist or server_matched and is_connected:
if nick and ssl_connected + is_connected:
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
def grabnick(servername, nick):
if nick and servername:
weechat.prnt(weechat.current_buffer(),OPTIONS['text'] % servername)
weechat.command(weechat.buffer_search('irc','%s.%s' % ('server',servername)), OPTIONS['command'] % nick)
# ================================[ weechat hook ]===============================
def install_hooks():
if HOOK['timer'] != '' or HOOK['redirect'] != '': # should not happen, but...
if not OPTIONS['delay'] or not OPTIONS['timeout']:
HOOK['timer'] = weechat.hook_timer(int(OPTIONS['delay']) * 1000, 0, 0, 'check_nicks', '')
HOOK['redirect'] = weechat.hook_hsignal('irc_redirection_%s_ison' % SCRIPT_NAME, 'redirect_isonhandler', '' )
if HOOK['timer'] == 0:
weechat.prnt('',"%s: can't enable %s, hook_timer() failed" % (weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME))
if HOOK['redirect'] == 0:
weechat.prnt('',"%s: can't enable %s, hook_signal() failed" % (weechat.prefix('error'), SCRIPT_NAME))
def remove_hooks():
global HOOK
if HOOK['timer'] != '':
HOOK['timer'] = ''
if HOOK['redirect'] != '':
HOOK['redirect'] = ''
# ================================[ weechat options and description ]===============================
def init_options():
for option,value in list(OPTIONS.items()):
weechat.config_set_desc_plugin(option, '%s (default: "%s")' % (value[1], value[0]))
if not weechat.config_is_set_plugin(option):
weechat.config_set_plugin(option, value[0])
OPTIONS[option] = value[0]
OPTIONS[option] = weechat.config_get_plugin(option)
def toggle_refresh(pointer, name, value):
option = name[len('plugins.var.python.' + SCRIPT_NAME + '.'):] # get optionname
OPTIONS[option] = value # save new value
if option == 'delay' or option == 'timeout':
if int(OPTIONS['delay']) > 0 or int(OPTIONS['timeout']) > 0:
remove_hooks() # user switched timer off
return weechat.WEECHAT_RC_OK
# ================================[ main ]===============================
if __name__ == '__main__':
version = weechat.info_get("version_number", "") or 0
if int(version) >= 0x00030400:
if int(OPTIONS['delay'][0]) > 0 and int(OPTIONS['timeout'][0]) > 0:
weechat.hook_config( 'plugins.var.python.' + SCRIPT_NAME + '.*', 'toggle_refresh', '' )
weechat.prnt('','%s%s %s' % (weechat.prefix('error'),SCRIPT_NAME,': needs version 0.3.4 or higher'))
weechat.command('','/wait 1ms /python unload %s' % SCRIPT_NAME)