/usr/share/weechat/perl/rslap.pl is in weechat-scripts 20160115-1.
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# rslap.pl - Random slap strings for weechat 0.3.0
# Version 1.3.1
# Let's you /slap a nick but with a random string
# Customisable via the 'rslap' file in your config dir
# The rslap file is plain text, with one message per line
# Use '$nick' to denote where a nick should go
# Usage:
# /rslap <nick> [<entry]>
# Slaps <nick> with a random slap, entry will use that entry
# number instead of a random one
# /rslap_info
# This tells you how many messages there are, and prints them
# /rslap_add <string to add>
# /rslap_remove <entry id>
# Adds / removes string/id from the available list and attempts
# to update the rslap file
# /set plugins.var.perl.rslap.slapback
# Sets the slapback, takes "off", "on/random", or "n" where n
# is a valid entry number
# History:
# 2010-12-30, KenjiE20 <longbow@longbowslair.co.uk>:
# v1.3.1 -fix: uninitialised variable error
# 2010-04-25, KenjiE20 <longbow@longbowslair.co.uk>:
# v1.3 -feature: Ability to add/remove entries
# -feature: Can specify which string /rslap will use
# -feature: Slapback with specified/random string
# 2009-08-10, KenjiE20 <longbow@longbowslair.co.uk>:
# v1.2: Correct /help format to match weechat base
# 2009-07-28, KenjiE20 <longbow@longbowslair.co.uk>:
# v1.1: -fix: Make file loading more robust
# and strip out comments/blank lines
# 2009-07-09, KenjiE20 <longbow@longbowslair.co.uk>:
# v1.0: Initial Public Release
# Copyright (c) 2009-2010 by KenjiE20 <longbow@longbowslair.co.uk>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
weechat::register("rslap", "KenjiE20", "1.3.1", "GPL3", "Slap Randomiser", "", "");
$file = weechat::info_get("weechat_dir", "")."/rslap";
my @lines;
$lastrun = 0;
$rslap_slapback_hook = 0;
rslap_slapback_toggle("","",weechat::config_get_plugin ("slapback"));
sub rslap_start
if (-r $file)
weechat::hook_command("rslap", "Slap a nick with a random string", "nickname [entry]", "nickname: Nick to slap\n entry: which entry number to use (/rslap_info for the list)\n\n /set plugins.var.perl.rslap.slapback\n Sets the slapback, takes \"off\", \"on/random\", or \"n\" where n is a valid entry number", "%(nicks)", "rslap", "");
weechat::hook_command("rslap_info", "Prints out the current strings /rslap will use", "", "", "", "rslap_info", "");
weechat::hook_command("rslap_add", "Add a new slap entry", "[slap string]", "", "", "rslap_add", "");
weechat::hook_command("rslap_remove", "Remove a slap entry", "[entry number]", "", "", "rslap_remove", "");
weechat::hook_config("plugins.var.perl.rslap.slapback", "rslap_slapback_toggle", "");
if (!(weechat::config_is_set_plugin ("slapback")))
weechat::config_set_plugin("slapback", "off");
open FILE, $file;
@lines = <FILE>;
close (FILE);
foreach (@lines)
@lines = grep /\S/, @lines;
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap_info
weechat::print ("", "Number of available strings: ".weechat::color("bold").@lines.weechat::color("-bold")."\n");
$max_align = length(@lines);
$count = 1;
foreach (@lines)
weechat::print ("","\t ".(" " x ($max_align - length($count))).$count.": ".$_."\n");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap_add
my $text = $_[2] if ($_[2]);
if ($text)
push (@lines, $text);
weechat::print("", "Added entry ".@lines." as: \"".$text."\"");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap_remove
my $entry = $_[2] if ($_[2]);
if ($entry =~ m/^\d+/)
if ($lines[$entry])
$removed = $lines[$entry];
$lines[$entry] = '';
@lines = grep /\S/, @lines;
weechat::print("", "Removed entry ".weechat::color("bold").($entry + 1).weechat::color("-bold")." (".$removed.")");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
weechat::print ("", weechat::prefix("error")."Not a valid entry");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap_slapback_toggle
$point = $_[0];
$name = $_[1];
$value = $_[2];
if ($value eq "off")
if ($rslap_slapback_hook)
$rslap_slapback_hook = 0;
elsif ($value ne "off")
if (!$rslap_slapback_hook)
$rslap_slapback_hook = weechat::hook_print("", "", "", 1, "rslap_slapback_cb", "");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap
$buffer = $_[1];
$args = $_[2];
if (weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, "plugin") eq "irc")
($nick, $number) = split(/ /,$args);
if ($nick eq "")
weechat::print ("", weechat::prefix("error")."No nick given");
if (defined $number && $number =~ m/^\d+$/)
if (!$lines[$number])
weechat::print ($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."Not a valid entry");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
$number = int(rand(@lines));
$str = $lines[$number];
$str =~ s/\$nick/$nick/;
$lastrun = time;
weechat::command ($buffer, "/me ".$str);
weechat::print ($buffer, weechat::prefix("error")."Must be used on an IRC buffer");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap_slapback_cb
$cb_datap = $_[0];
$cb_bufferp = $_[1];
$cb_date = $_[2];
$cb_tags = $_[3];
$cb_disp = $_[4];
$cb_high = $_[5];
$cb_prefix = $_[6];
$cb_msg = $_[7];
$bufname = weechat::buffer_get_string($cb_bufferp, 'name');
# Only do something if a) IRC message b) is an action c) displayed and d) is a channel
if ($cb_tags =~ /irc_privmsg/ && $cb_tags =~ /irc_action/ && $cb_disp eq "1" && $bufname =~ /.*\.[#&\+!].*/)
# Anti-recursive
if ((time - $lastrun) < 10)
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
# Strip colour
$cb_msg = weechat::string_remove_color($cb_msg, "");
# Snip sender from message
$from_nick = substr($cb_msg, 0, index($cb_msg, " "));
$cb_msg = substr($cb_msg, length($from_nick));
# check for our nick and slap in message
$cur_nick = weechat::buffer_get_string($cb_bufferp, "localvar_nick");
if ($from_nick ne $cur_nick && $cb_msg =~ /slap/ && $cb_msg =~ /\s$cur_nick(\s|$)/)
if (weechat::config_get_plugin("slapback") =~ m/^\d+$/)
rslap("", $cb_bufferp, $from_nick." ".weechat::config_get_plugin("slapback"));
rslap("", $cb_bufferp, $from_nick);
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap_make_file
weechat::print ("", "Attempting to create default file at: $file");
open FILE, ">", $file;
$defs = "slaps \$nick around a bit with a large trout\n".
"gives \$nick a clout round the head with a fresh copy of WeeChat\n".
"slaps \$nick with a large smelly trout\n".
"breaks out the slapping rod and looks sternly at \$nick\n".
"slaps \$nick's bottom and grins cheekily\n".
"slaps \$nick a few times\n".
"slaps \$nick and starts getting carried away\n".
"would slap \$nick, but is not being violent today\n".
"gives \$nick a hearty slap\n".
"finds the closest large object and gives \$nick a slap with it\n".
"likes slapping people and randomly picks \$nick to slap\n".
"dusts off a kitchen towel and slaps it at \$nick";
print FILE $defs;
close (FILE);
if (!(-r $file))
weechat::print ("", weechat::prefix("error")."Problem creating file: $file\n".
weechat::prefix("error")."Make sure you can write to the location.");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_ERROR;
weechat::print ("", "File created at: $file successfully");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rslap_update_file
$defs = '';
foreach (@lines)
$defs = $defs."\n".$_;
unless(open (FILE, ">", $file))
weechat::print ("", weechat::prefix("error")."Cannot write to file: $file");
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_ERROR;
print FILE $defs;
close (FILE);
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;