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# rhythmbus, version 1.0, for weechat version 0.3.6 or later
# control rhytmbox through qdbus, say current song in channel
# similar to amarok2.pl by nils_2 but for rhythmbox. Thank you nils_2
# Requires Rhythmbox and qdbus
# Format options:
# %Al = Album, %Ar = Artist, %Ti = Title, %Tr = Track Number, %L = Length, %B = Bitrate
# default: "np: "%Ti" from %Al by %Ar"
# Color options:
# Can be any IRC color name listed here: http://www.mirc.net/newbie/colors.php
# exceptions: lightred = red, grey = gray
# for Bold text use "*", for Underline text use "_"
# Example: \"_red\" = underlined red text
use strict;
use warnings;
my $SCRIPT_NAME = "rhythmbus";
my $SCRIPT_AUTHOR = "R1cochet";
my $VERSION = "1.0";
my $SCRIPT_DESC = "Control Rhythmbox through qdbus";
# globals
my $state_command = "qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.rhythmbox /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.";
my $metadata_command = "qdbus org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.rhythmbox /org/mpris/MediaPlayer2 org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.Metadata | grep";
my %colors = ('white' => "00", 'black' => "01", 'blue' => "02", 'green' => "03", 'red' => "04", 'brown' => "05",
'purple' => "06", 'orange' => "07", 'yellow' => "08", 'lightgreen' => "09", 'cyan' => "10",
'lightcyan' => "11",'lightblue' => "12", 'pink' => "13", 'gray' => "14", 'lightgray' => "15",
my %options = ( 'format' => 'Now Playing: "%Ti" off %Al by %Ar',
'title' => '',
'album' => '_',
'artist' => '',
'trackNumber' => '',
'bitrate' => '',
'length' => '',
my %help = ( 'format' => "Set the format of the text to send to current channel\n %Al = Album, %Ar = Artist, %Ti = Title, %Tr = Track Number, %L = Length, %B = Bitrate\n default: \"Now Playing: \"%Ti\" from %Al by %Ar\"",
'color_description' => "Can be any IRC color name listed here: http://www.mirc.net/newbie/colors.php\n exceptions: lightred = red, grey = gray (for Bold text use \"*\", for Underline text use \"_\")\n Example: \"_red\" = underlined red text",
sub init_config {
foreach my $option (keys %options) {
if (!weechat::config_is_set_plugin($option)) {
weechat::config_set_plugin($option, $options{$option});
if ($option =~ /format/) {
weechat::config_set_desc_plugin($option, $help{$option});
else {
weechat::config_set_desc_plugin($option, $help{'color_description'});
else {
$options{$option} = weechat::config_get_plugin($option);
# load config
weechat::hook_config("plugins.var.perl.$SCRIPT_NAME.*", "toggle_config_by_set", "");
sub toggle_config_by_set {
my ($pointer, $name, $value) = @_;
$name = substr($name, length("plugins.var.perl.".$SCRIPT_NAME."."), length($name));
$options{$name} = $value;
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
# commands used by rhythmbus. Type: /help rhythmbus
weechat::hook_command($SCRIPT_NAME, $SCRIPT_DESC,
" play: Toggle play state\n".
" pause: Toggle pause state\n".
" stop: Toggle stop state\n".
" next: Play next track\n".
" prev: Play previous track\n\n".
" skip to next track:\n".
" /rhytmbus next\n".
" pause currently playing song:\n".
" /rhythmbus pause",
"command_cb", "");
sub command_cb {
my ($buffer, @args) = ($_[1], split " ", lc($_[2]) );
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if (!rhythmbus_check()); # stop if did not pass check
if ($args[0] =~ /^play/) {
my $rhythm_rc = `$state_command"Play"`;
elsif ($args[0] =~ /^pause/) {
my $rhythm_rc = `$state_command"PlayPause"`;
elsif ($args[0] =~ /^stop/) {
my $rhythm_rc = `$state_command"Stop"`;
elsif ($args[0] =~ /^next/) {
my $rhythm_rc = `$state_command"Next"`;
elsif ($args[0] =~ /^prev/) {
my $rhythm_rc = `$state_command"Previous"`;
elsif ($args[0] =~ /^np/) {
return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK;
sub rhythmbus_check {
my $buffer = weechat::current_buffer;
if (!`qdbus`) { # check for qdbus
weechat::print($buffer,"Could not find \"qdbus.\" Make sure \"qdbus\" is installed");
return 0;
if (!`ps -e | grep rhythmbox`) { # is Rhythmbox running?
weechat::print($buffer,"Rhythmbox is not running. Please start Rhythmbox");
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_color {
my $option = shift;
my $color = $colors{weechat::config_get_plugin("$option")};
return $color;
sub color_metadata {
my ($meta_data, $meta_name) = @_;
my $color_name = weechat::config_get_plugin("$meta_name");
$meta_data = "\c_" . $meta_data . "\c_" if $color_name =~ /\_/;
$meta_data = "\cB" . $meta_data . "\cB" if $color_name =~ /\*/;
$color_name =~ s/\_|\!|\*//g;
my $color = $colors{$color_name};
$meta_data = "\cC" . $color . "$meta_data" . "\cC" if ($color);
return $meta_data;
sub time_length {
my $time = shift;
my $seconds = $time / 1000 / 1000;
my $minutes = int($seconds / 60);
$seconds = $seconds - ($minutes * 60);
my $formatted_time = sprintf "%02d:%02d", $minutes, $seconds;
return $formatted_time;
sub get_metadata {
my $meta_name = shift;
my $meta_data = `$metadata_command $meta_name:`;
$meta_data =~ s/.*:\s|\n//g;
$meta_data = $meta_data / 1024 . "kbs" if $meta_name eq "Bitrate";
$meta_data = time_length($meta_data) if $meta_name eq "length";
$meta_data = color_metadata($meta_data, $meta_name);
return $meta_data;
sub now_playing {
my $buffer = $_;
my $title = get_metadata("title");
my $artist = get_metadata("artist");
my $album = get_metadata("album");
my $bitrate = get_metadata("Bitrate");
my $track = get_metadata("trackNumber");
my $length = get_metadata("length");
my $now_playing = weechat::config_get_plugin("format");
$now_playing =~ s/%Ti/$title/g;
$now_playing =~ s/%Al/$album/g;
$now_playing =~ s/%Ar/$artist/g;
$now_playing =~ s/%Tr/$track/g;
$now_playing =~ s/%B/$bitrate/g;
$now_playing =~ s/%L/$length/g;
weechat::command($buffer, "/say $now_playing");