/usr/share/tcltk/tklib0.6/tkpiechart/perilabel.tcl is in tklib 0.6-2.
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package require Tk 8.3
package require stooop
::stooop::class piePeripheralLabeler {
variable PI 3.14159265358979323846
proc piePeripheralLabeler {this canvas args} pieLabeler {$canvas $args}\
switched {$args} {
switched::complete $this
::set ($this,array) [::stooop::new canvasLabelsArray $canvas\
-justify $switched::($this,-justify)\
::set ($this,valueWidth) [font measure\
$switched::($this,-smallfont) $switched::($this,-widestvaluetext)\
::set ($this,valueHeight)\
[font metrics $switched::($this,-smallfont) -ascent]
proc ~piePeripheralLabeler {this} {
::stooop::delete $($this,array)
# delete remaining items (should be in pieLabeler destructor)
$pieLabeler::($this,canvas) delete pieLabeler($this)
proc options {this} {
# bullet width, font and justify options are used when creating a new
# canvas label
# justify option is used for both the labels array and the labels
return [list\
[list -bulletwidth 20 20]\
[list -font\
$pieLabeler::(default,font) $pieLabeler::(default,font)\
[list -justify left left]\
[list -offset 5 5]\
[list -smallfont {Helvetica -10} {Helvetica -10}]\
[list -widestvaluetext 0.00 0.00]\
foreach option {\
-bulletwidth -font -justify -offset -smallfont -widestvaluetext\
} { ;# no dynamic options allowed
proc set$option {this value} "
if {\$switched::(\$this,complete)} {
error {option $option cannot be set dynamically}
proc set-smallfont {this value} {
if {$switched::($this,complete)} {
error {option -smallfont cannot be set dynamically}
proc new {this slice args} {
# variable arguments are for the created canvas label object
::set canvas $pieLabeler::($this,canvas)
::set text [$canvas create text 0 0\
-font $switched::($this,-smallfont) -tags pieLabeler($this)\
] ;# create value label
::set label [eval ::stooop::new canvasLabel\
$pieLabeler::($this,canvas) $args\
-justify $switched::($this,-justify)\
-bulletwidth $switched::($this,-bulletwidth)\
-font $switched::($this,-font) -selectrelief sunken\
canvasLabelsArray::manage $($this,array) $label
$canvas addtag pieLabeler($this)\
withtag canvasLabelsArray($($this,array)) ;# refresh our tags
# value text item is the only one to update
::set ($this,textItem,$label) $text
::set ($this,slice,$label) $slice
::set ($this,selected,$label) 0
return $label
proc anglePosition {degrees} {
# quadrant specific index with added value for exact quarters
return [expr {(2 * ($degrees / 90)) + (($degrees % 90) != 0)}]
::set index 0 ;# build angle position / value label anchor mapping array
foreach anchor {w sw s se e ne n nw} {
::set (anchor,[anglePosition [expr {$index * 45}]]) $anchor
incr index
unset index anchor
proc set {this label value} {
::set text $($this,textItem,$label)
position $this $text $($this,slice,$label)
$pieLabeler::($this,canvas) itemconfigure $text -text $value
proc label {this label args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [switched::cget $label -text]
} else {
switched::configure $label -text [lindex $args 0]
proc labelBackground {this label args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [switched::cget $label -background]
} else {
switched::configure $label -background [lindex $args 0]
proc labelTextBackground {this label args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return [switched::cget $label -textbackground]
} else {
switched::configure $label -textbackground [lindex $args 0]
proc position {this text slice} {
# place the value text item next to the outter border of the
# corresponding slice
variable PI
# retrieve current slice position and dimensions
slice::data $slice data
# calculate text closest point coordinates in normal coordinates system
# (y increasing in north direction)
::set midAngle [expr {$data(start) + ($data(extent) / 2.0)}]
::set radians [expr {$midAngle * $PI / 180}]
::set x [expr {\
($data(xRadius) + $switched::($this,-offset)) * cos($radians)\
::set y [expr {\
($data(yRadius) + $switched::($this,-offset)) * sin($radians)\
::set angle [expr {round($midAngle) % 360}]
if {$angle > 180} {
::set y [expr {$y - $data(height)}] ;# account for pie thickness
::set canvas $pieLabeler::($this,canvas)
# now transform coordinates according to canvas coordinates system
::set coordinates [$canvas coords $text]
$canvas move $text\
[expr {$data(xCenter) + $x - [lindex $coordinates 0]}]\
[expr {$data(yCenter) - $y - [lindex $coordinates 1]}]
# finally set anchor according to which point of the text is closest to
# pie graphics
$canvas itemconfigure $text -anchor $(anchor,[anglePosition $angle])
proc delete {this label} {
canvasLabelsArray::delete $($this,array) $label
$pieLabeler::($this,canvas) delete $($this,textItem,$label)
($this,textItem,$label) ($this,slice,$label) ($this,selected,$label)
# finally reposition the remaining value text items next to their slices
foreach label [canvasLabelsArray::labels $($this,array)] {
position $this $($this,textItem,$label) $($this,slice,$label)
proc selectState {this label {selected {}}} {
if {[string length $selected] == 0} {
# return current state if no argument
return $($this,selected,$label)
switched::configure $label -select $selected
::set ($this,selected,$label) $selected
proc update {this left top right bottom} {
# arguments: whole pie coordinates, includings labeler labels
::set canvas $pieLabeler::($this,canvas)
# first reposition labels array below pie graphics
::set array $($this,array)
::set width [expr {$right - $left}]
if {$width != [switched::cget $array -width]} {
switched::configure $array -width $width ;# fit pie width
} else {
canvasLabelsArray::update $array
foreach {x y} [$canvas coords canvasLabelsArray($array)] {}
$canvas move canvasLabelsArray($array) [expr {$left - $x}]\
[expr {$bottom - [canvasLabelsArray::height $array] - $y}]
proc updateSlices {this left top right bottom} {
foreach label [canvasLabelsArray::labels $($this,array)] {
# position peripheral labels
position $this $($this,textItem,$label) $($this,slice,$label)
proc room {this arrayName} {
upvar 1 $arrayName data
::set data(left)\
[expr {$($this,valueWidth) + $switched::($this,-offset)}]
::set data(right) $data(left)
::set data(top)\
[expr {$switched::($this,-offset) + $($this,valueHeight)}]
::set box\
[$pieLabeler::($this,canvas) bbox canvasLabelsArray($($this,array))]
if {[llength $box] == 0} { ;# no labels yet
::set data(bottom) $data(top)
} else { ;# room taken by all labels including offset
::set data(bottom)\
[expr {$data(top) + [lindex $box 3] - [lindex $box 1]}]