/usr/share/tcltk/tklib0.6/tkpiechart/canlabel.tcl is in tklib 0.6-2.
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package require Tk 8.3
package require stooop
::stooop::class canvasLabel {
proc canvasLabel {this canvas args} switched {$args} {
set ($this,canvas) $canvas
# use an empty image as an origin marker with only 2 coordinates
set ($this,origin) [$canvas create image 0 0 -tags canvasLabel($this)]
set ($this,selectRectangle)\
[$canvas create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -tags canvasLabel($this)]
set ($this,rectangle)\
[$canvas create rectangle 0 0 0 0 -tags canvasLabel($this)]
set ($this,text) [$canvas create text 0 0 -tags canvasLabel($this)]
switched::complete $this
proc ~canvasLabel {this} {
eventuallyDeleteRelief $this
$($this,canvas) delete canvasLabel($this)
proc options {this} { ;# force font for proper initialization
return [list\
[list -anchor center center]\
[list -background {} {}]\
[list -bordercolor black black]\
[list -borderwidth 1 1]\
[list -bulletwidth 10 10]\
[list -font {Helvetica -12}]\
[list -foreground black black]\
[list -justify left left]\
[list -minimumwidth 0 0]\
[list -padding 2 2]\
[list -scale {1 1} {1 1}]\
[list -select 0 0]\
[list -selectrelief flat flat]\
[list -stipple {} {}]\
[list -text {} {}]\
[list -textbackground {} {}]\
[list -width 0 0]\
proc set-background {this value} {
$($this,canvas) itemconfigure $($this,rectangle) -fill $value
proc set-bordercolor {this value} {
$($this,canvas) itemconfigure $($this,rectangle) -outline $value
proc set-borderwidth {this value} {
if {\
![string equal $switched::($this,-selectrelief) flat] &&\
($value > 1)\
} {
error "border width greater than 1 is not supported with $switched::($this,-selectrelief) select relief"
$($this,canvas) itemconfigure $($this,selectRectangle) -width $value
$($this,canvas) itemconfigure $($this,rectangle) -width $value
update $this
proc set-foreground {this value} {
$($this,canvas) itemconfigure $($this,text) -fill $value
proc set-scale {this value} {
# value is a list of ratios of the horizontal and vertical axis
update $this ;# refresh display which takes new scale into account
proc set-stipple {this value} {
$($this,canvas) itemconfigure $($this,rectangle) -stipple $value
foreach option {\
-anchor -bulletwidth -minimumwidth -padding -select -textbackground\
} {
proc set$option {this value} {update $this}
foreach option {-font -justify -text -width} {
proc set$option {this value} "
\$(\$this,canvas) itemconfigure \$(\$this,text) $option \$value
update \$this
proc set-selectrelief {this value} {
if {![regexp {^(flat|raised|sunken)$} $value]} {
error "bad relief value \"$value\": must be flat, raised or sunken"
if {[string equal $value flat]} {
eventuallyDeleteRelief $this
} else {
if {$switched::($this,-borderwidth) > 1} {
error "border width greater than 1 is not supported with $value select relief"
update $this
proc eventuallyDeleteRelief {this} {
if {[info exists ($this,relief)]} {
::stooop::delete $($this,relief)
unset ($this,relief)
proc updateRelief {this coordinates} {
if {$switched::($this,-select)} {
set relief $switched::($this,-selectrelief)
if {[string equal $relief flat]} {
eventuallyDeleteRelief $this
} else {
set canvas $($this,canvas)
if {![info exists ($this,relief)]} {
set ($this,relief) [::stooop::new canvasReliefRectangle\
$canvas -relief $relief\
set reliefTag canvasReliefRectangle($($this,relief))
foreach tag [$canvas gettags canvasLabel($this)] {
# adopt all label tags so moving along works
$canvas addtag $tag withtag $reliefTag
set background $switched::($this,-textbackground)
if {[string length $background] == 0} {
# emulate transparent background
set background [$canvas cget -background]
switched::configure $($this,relief)\
-background $background -coordinates {0 0 0 0}
switched::configure $($this,relief) -coordinates $coordinates
} else {
eventuallyDeleteRelief $this
proc update {this} {
set canvas $($this,canvas)
set rectangle $($this,rectangle)
set selectRectangle $($this,selectRectangle)
set text $($this,text)
foreach {x y} [$canvas coords $($this,origin)] {}
set border [$canvas itemcget $rectangle -width]
set textBox [$canvas bbox $text]
set textWidth [expr {[lindex $textBox 2] - [lindex $textBox 0]}]
set padding [winfo fpixels $canvas $switched::($this,-padding)]
set bulletWidth [winfo fpixels $canvas $switched::($this,-bulletwidth)]
$canvas itemconfigure $selectRectangle -fill {} -outline {}
# position rectangle and text as if anchor was center (the default)
set width [expr {$bulletWidth + $border + $padding + $textWidth}]
set halfHeight [expr {\
(([lindex $textBox 3] - [lindex $textBox 1]) / 2.0) + $border\
if {$width < $switched::($this,-minimumwidth)} {
set width $switched::($this,-minimumwidth)
set halfWidth [expr {$width / 2.0}]
set left [expr {$x - $halfWidth}]
set top [expr {$y - $halfHeight}]
set right [expr {$x + $halfWidth}]
set bottom [expr {$y + $halfHeight}]
$canvas coords $text [expr {\
$left + $bulletWidth + $border + $padding + ($textWidth / 2.0)\
}] $y
$canvas coords $selectRectangle $left $top $right $bottom
$canvas coords $rectangle $left $top\
[expr {$left + $bulletWidth}] $bottom
$canvas itemconfigure $selectRectangle\
-fill $switched::($this,-textbackground)\
-outline $switched::($this,-textbackground)
updateRelief $this\
[list [expr {$left + $bulletWidth + 1}] $top $right $bottom]
# now move rectangle and text according to anchor
set anchor $switched::($this,-anchor)
set xDelta [expr {\
([string match *w $anchor] - [string match *e $anchor]) *\
set yDelta [expr {\
([string match n* $anchor] - [string match s* $anchor]) *\
$canvas move $rectangle $xDelta $yDelta
$canvas move $selectRectangle $xDelta $yDelta
$canvas move $text $xDelta $yDelta
if {[info exists ($this,relief)]} {
$canvas move canvasReliefRectangle($($this,relief)) $xDelta $yDelta
# finally apply scale
eval $canvas scale canvasLabel($this) $x $y $switched::($this,-scale)