/usr/share/tcltk/tklib0.6/diagrams/element.tcl is in tklib 0.6-2.
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## (C) 2010 Andreas Kupries <andreas_kupries@users.sourceforge.net>
## BSD Licensed
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
# Database of the created/drawn elements, with their canvas items,
# corners (named points), and sub-elements.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
## Requisites
package require Tcl 8.5 ; # Want the nice things it
# brings (dicts, {*}, etc.)
package require snit ; # Object framework.
package require math::geometry 1.1.2 ; # Vector math (points, line
# (segments), poly-lines).
package require diagram::point
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
## Implementation
snit::type ::diagram::element {
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
typemethod validate {id} {
if {[$type is $id]} {return $id}
return -code error "Expected element id, got \"$id\""
typemethod is {id} {
return [expr {[llength $id] == 2 &&
[lindex $id 0] eq "element" &&
[string is integer -strict [lindex $id 1]] &&
([lindex $id 1] >= 1)}]
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
method shape {shape} {
set myshape($shape) .
method isShape {shape} {
return [info exists myshape($shape)]
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
## Public API :: Extending the database
method new {shape corners items subelements} {
# Generate key
set id [NewIdentifier]
# Save the element information.
set myelement($id) [dict create \
shape $shape \
corners $corners \
items $items \
elements $subelements]
lappend myhistory() $id
lappend myhistory($shape) $id
return $id
method drop {} {
set mycounter 0
array unset myelement *
array unset myhistory *
set myhistory() {}
method {history get} {} {
return [array get myhistory]
method {history set} {history} {
array unset myhistory *
array set myhistory $history
method {history find} {shape offset} {
# 1, 2,...: Offset from the beginning of history, forward.
# -1,-2,...: Offset from the end history, backward.
if {$offset < 0} {
set offset [expr {[llength $myhistory($shape)] + $offset}]
} else {
incr offset -1
#parray myhistory
#puts E|hf|$shape|$offset|
return [lindex $myhistory($shape) $offset]
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
## Public API :: Query database.
method elements {} {
return $myhistory()
method corner {id corner} {
#puts MAP($corner)=|[MapCorner $id $corner]|
set corners [dict get $myelement($id) corners]
return [dict get $corners [$dir map $corners $corner]]
method corners {id} {
return [dict get $myelement($id) corners]
method names {id {pattern *}} {
return [dict keys [dict get $myelement($id) corners] $pattern]
method items {args} {
set items {}
foreach id $args {
lappend items {*}[dict get $myelement($id) items]
lappend items {*}[$self items {*}[dict get $myelement($id) elements]]
# Elements with sub-elements elements can cause canvas items
# to appear multiple times. Reduce this to only one
# appearance. Otherwise items may be processed multiple times
# later.
return [lsort -uniq $items]
method bbox {args} {
# We compute the bounding box from the corners we have for the
# specified elements. This makes the assumption that the
# convex hull of the element's corners is a good approximation
# of the areas they cover.
# (1) We cannot fall back to canvas items, as the items may
# cover a much smaller area than the system believes. This
# notably happens for text elements. In essence a user-
# declared WxH would be ignored by looking at the canvas.
# (2) We have to look at all corners because the simple NW/SE
# diagonal may underestimate the box. This happens for circles
# where these anchors are near the circle boundary and thus
# describe the in-scribed box, instead of the outer bounds.
# Note that corners may contain other information than
# points. This is why the corner values are type tagged,
# allowing us to ignore the non-point corners.
set polyline {}
foreach id $args {
foreach v [dict values [dict get $myelement($id) corners]] {
lassign $v cmd detail
if {$cmd ne "point"} continue
lappend polyline [geo::x $detail] [geo::y $detail]
return [geo::bbox $polyline]
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
## Public API :: Move elements to a point.
method relocate {id destination corner canvas} {
#puts \trelocate($id).$corner\ @$destination
# Move the id'entified element such that the corner's point is
# at the destination.
# Retrieve element data.
array set el $myelement($id)
# Find current location of the specified corner.
set origin [diagram::point unbox [$self corner $id $corner]]
#puts \t$corner=$origin
# Determine the movement vector which brings the corner into
# coincidence with the destination.
set delta [geo::- $destination $origin]
#puts \tdelta=$delta
# And perform the movement.
$self Move $id $delta $canvas
method move {delta corners} {
set newcorners {}
foreach {key location} $corners {
#puts PLACE|$key|$location|$delta|
if {[llength $location] == 2} {
lassign $location cmd detail
if {$cmd eq "point"} {
#puts \tSHIFT
lappend newcorners $key \
[list $cmd [geo::+ $detail $delta]]
} else {
lappend newcorners $key $location
} else {
lappend newcorners $key $location
return $newcorners
method Move {id delta canvas} {
# Retrieve element data.
array set el $myelement($id)
# Move the primary items on the canvas.
foreach item $el(items) {
$canvas move $item {*}$delta
# Recursively move child elements
foreach sid $el(elements) {
$self Move $sid $delta $canvas
# And modify the corners appropriately
set newcorners [$self move $delta $el(corners)]
dict set myelement($id) corners $newcorners
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
constructor {thedir} {
set dir $thedir
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
proc NewIdentifier {} {
upvar 1 mycounter mycounter
return [list element [incr mycounter]]
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
## Instance data, database tables as arrays, keyed by direction
## and alias names.
component dir ; # Database of named directions.
# Used to check for and resolve
# corner aliases.
variable mycounter 0 ; # Counter for the generation of
# element identifiers. See
# 'NewIdentifier' for the user.
variable myelement -array {} ; # Database of drawn elements. Maps
# from element identifiers to a
# dictionary holding the pertinent
# information (type, canvas items,
# sub elements, and corners (aka
# attributes).
variable myhistory -array {
{} {}
} ; # History database. Keyed by
# element type, they are mapped to
# lists of element identifiers
# naming the elements in order of
# creation. The empty key has the
# history without regard to type.
variable myshape -array {} ; # Database of element shapes.
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
namespace eval ::diagram::element::geo {
namespace import ::math::geometry::*
# # ## ### ##### ######## ############# ######################
## Ready
package provide diagram::element 1