/usr/share/SuperCollider/HelpSource/Classes/Stepper.schelp is in supercollider-common 1:3.6.6~repack-2-2.
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summary:: Pulse counter.
related:: Classes/PulseCount
categories:: UGens>Triggers
Each trigger increments a counter which is output as a signal. The
counter wraps between code::min:: and
code::max:: .
method::ar, kr
The trigger. Trigger can be any signal. A trigger happens when
the signal changes from non-positive to positive.
Resets the counter to
code::resetval:: when
Minimum value of the counter.
Maximum value of the counter.
Step value each trigger. May be negative.
Value to which the counter is reset when it receives a reset
trigger. If nil, then this is patched to
code::min:: .
SynthDef("help-Stepper",{ arg out=0;
Stepper.kr(Impulse.kr(10), 0, 4, 16, 1) * 100,
0, 0.05
SynthDef("help-Stepper",{ arg out=0;
Stepper.kr(Impulse.kr(10), 0, 4, 16, -3) * 100,
0, 0.05
SynthDef("help-Stepper",{ arg out=0;
Stepper.kr(Impulse.kr(10), 0, 4, 16, 4) * 100,
0, 0.05
// Using Stepper and BufRd for sequencing
s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, 10, 128);
m = #[0,3,5,7,10];
a = ({rrand(0,15)}.dup(16).degreeToKey(m) + 36).midicps;
s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_setn, 10, 0, a.size, a);
SynthDef(\stepper, {
var rate, clock, index, freq, ffreq, env, out, rev, lfo;
rate = MouseX.kr(1,5,1);
clock = Impulse.kr(rate);
env = Decay2.kr(clock, 0.002, 2.5);
index = Stepper.kr(clock, 0, 0, 15, 1, 0);
freq = BufRd.kr(1, 10, index, 1, 1);
freq = Lag2.kr(freq) + [0,0.3];
ffreq = MouseY.kr(80,1600,1) * (env * 4 + 2);
out = Mix.ar(LFPulse.ar(freq * [1, 3/2, 2], 0, 0.3));
out = RLPF.ar(out, ffreq, 0.3, env);
out = RLPF.ar(out, ffreq, 0.3, env);
out = out * 0.02;
// echo
out = CombL.ar(out, 1, 0.66/rate, 2, 0.8, out);
// reverb
rev = out;
5.do { rev = AllpassN.ar(rev, 0.05, {0.05.rand}.dup, rrand(1.5,2.0)) };
out = out + (0.3 * rev);
out = LeakDC.ar(out);
// flanger
lfo = SinOsc.kr(0.2, [0,0.5pi], 0.0024, 0.0025);
1.do { out = DelayL.ar(out, 0.1, lfo, 1, out) };
// slight bass emphasis
out = OnePole.ar(out, 0.9);
Out.ar(0, out);
s.sendMsg(\s_new, \stepper, 1000, 0, 0);
a = ({rrand(0,15)}.dup(16).degreeToKey(m) + 38).midicps;
s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_setn, 10, 0, a.size, a);
a = a * 2.midiratio; // transpose up 2 semitones
s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_setn, 10, 0, a.size, a);
a = [ 97.999, 195.998, 523.251, 466.164, 195.998, 233.082, 87.307, 391.995, 87.307, 261.626, 195.998, 77.782, 233.082, 195.998, 97.999, 155.563 ];
s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_setn, 10, 0, a.size, a);
s.sendMsg(\n_free, 1000);