/usr/share/racket/pkgs/make/make-unit.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
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(require "make-sig.rkt")
(export make^)
(define make-print-checking (make-parameter #t))
(define make-print-dep-no-line (make-parameter #t))
(define make-print-reasons (make-parameter #t))
(define make-notify-handler (make-parameter void))
(define-struct line (targets ; (list-of string)
dependencies ; (list-of string)
command)) ; (union thunk #f)
(define-struct (exn:fail:make exn:fail) (target orig-exn))
;; check-spec : TST -> (non-empty-list-of line)
;; throws an error on bad input
(define (spec->lines spec)
(define (->strings xs)
(map (lambda (x) (if (path? x) (path->string x) x)) xs))
(define (err s p) (error 'make/proc "~a: ~e" s p))
(unless (and (list? spec) (pair? spec))
(err "specification is not a non-empty list" spec))
(for/list ([line spec])
(unless (and (list? line) (<= 2 (length line) 3))
(err "line is not a list with 2 or 3 parts" line))
(let* ([name (car line)]
[tgts (if (list? name) name (list name))]
[deps (cadr line)]
[thunk (and (pair? (cddr line)) (caddr line))])
(define (err s p) (error 'make/proc "~a: ~e for line: ~a" s p name))
(unless (andmap path-string? tgts)
(err "line does not start with a path/string or list of paths/strings"
(unless (list? deps) (err "second part of line is not a list" deps))
(for ([dep deps])
(unless (path-string? dep)
(err "dependency item is not a path/string" dep)))
(unless (or (not thunk)
(and (procedure? thunk) (procedure-arity-includes? thunk 0)))
(err "command part of line is not a thunk" thunk))
(make-line (->strings tgts) (->strings deps) thunk))))
;; (union path-string (vector-of path-string) (list-of path-string))
;; -> (list-of string)
;; throws an error on bad input
(define (argv->args x)
(let ([args (cond [(list? x) x]
[(vector? x) (vector->list x)]
[else (list x)])])
(map (lambda (a)
(cond [(string? a) a]
[(path? a) (path->string a)]
[else (raise-type-error
'make/proc "path/string or path/string vector or list"
;; path-date : path-string -> (union integer #f)
(define (path-date p)
(and (or (directory-exists? p) (file-exists? p))
(file-or-directory-modify-seconds p)))
;; make/proc :
;; spec (union path-string (vector-of path-string) (list-of path-string))
;; -> void
;; effect : make, according to spec and argv. See docs for details
(define (make/proc spec [argv '()])
(define made null)
(define lines (spec->lines spec))
(define args (argv->args argv))
(define (make-file s indent)
(define line
(findf (lambda (line)
(ormap (lambda (s1) (string=? s s1)) (line-targets line)))
(define date (path-date s))
(when (and (make-print-checking) (or line (make-print-dep-no-line)))
(printf "make: ~achecking ~a\n" indent s)
(if (not line)
(unless date (error 'make "don't know how to make ~a" s))
(let* ([deps (line-dependencies line)]
[command (line-command line)]
[indent+ (string-append indent " ")]
[dep-dates (for/list ([d deps])
(make-file d indent+)
(or (path-date d)
(error 'make "dependancy ~a was not made\n" d)))]
[reason (or (not date)
(ormap (lambda (dep ddate) (and (> ddate date) dep))
deps dep-dates))])
(when (and reason command)
(set! made (cons s made))
((make-notify-handler) s)
(printf "make: ~amaking ~a~a\n"
(if (make-print-checking) indent "")
(cond [(not (make-print-reasons)) ""]
[(not date) (format " because ~a does not exist" s)]
[else (format " because ~a changed" reason)]))
(with-handlers ([exn:fail?
(lambda (exn)
(raise (make-exn:fail:make
(format "make: failed to make ~a; ~a"
s (exn-message exn))
(exn-continuation-marks exn)
(line-targets line)
(for ([f (if (null? args) (list (car (line-targets (car lines)))) args)])
(make-file f ""))
(for ([item (reverse made)]) (printf "make: made ~a\n" item))