/usr/share/racket/pkgs/frtime/frp-snip.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
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(require racket/class
;; FRP requires
(except-in frtime/lang-ext
(only-in frtime/lang-core
any-nested-reactivity? raise-reactivity)
;; GRacket require
(define drs-eventspace #f)
(define (set-eventspace evspc)
(set! drs-eventspace evspc))
(define value-snip-copy%
(class string-snip%
(init-field current parent)
(inherit get-admin)
(define/public (set-current c)
(parameterize ([current-eventspace drs-eventspace])
(lambda ()
(set! current c)
(let ([admin (get-admin)])
(when admin
(send admin needs-update this 0 0 2000 100)))))))
(define/override (draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret)
(send current draw dc x y left top right bottom dx dy draw-caret))
(super-instantiate (" "))))
(define (make-snip bhvr)
(make-object string-snip%
(let ([tmp (cond
[(behavior? bhvr) (value-now bhvr)]
[(event? bhvr) (signal-value bhvr)]
[else bhvr])])
[(event-set? tmp) (format "#<event (last: ~a@~a)>"
(event-set-events tmp) (event-set-time tmp))]
[(undefined? tmp) "<undefined>"]
[else (format "~a" tmp)]))))
(define value-snip%
(class string-snip%
(init-field bhvr [ignore-copy-count 1])
(field [copies empty]
[current (make-snip bhvr)]
[loc-bhvr (proc->signal (lambda () (update)) bhvr)])
(define/override (copy)
(if (> ignore-copy-count 0)
(set! ignore-copy-count (sub1 ignore-copy-count))
(let ([ret (make-object value-snip-copy% current this)])
(set! copies (cons ret copies))
(define/public (update)
(set! current (make-snip bhvr))
(for-each (lambda (copy) (send copy set-current current)) copies))
(super-instantiate (" "))))
(define dynamic-snip-copy%
(class editor-snip%
(init-field initial-content parent)
(inherit get-editor set-editor)
(define/public (update content)
(parameterize ([current-eventspace drs-eventspace])
(lambda ()
;; TODO(ghcooper): Figure out why this doesn't work properly for non-
;; textual content. (Image snips don't seem to be deleted from the
;; editor.) It doesn't even work if we create a completely new
;; racket:text% each time, which suggests it's a bug in the snip
;; rather than the editor itself.
(let ([editor (get-editor)])
(send editor lock #f)
(send editor delete 0 (send editor last-position))
(for-each (lambda (thing)
(send editor insert thing
(send editor last-position)
(send editor last-position)))
(send editor lock #t))))))
[editor (new racket:text%)]
[with-border? #f]
[left-margin 0]
[right-margin 0]
[top-margin 0]
[bottom-margin 0])
(update initial-content)))
;; Class of objects to be given to DrRacket for rendering a signal in the
;; interactions window. However, DrRacket won't actually embed this snip
;; directly into the interactions window; instead it makes a copy, and then a
;; copy of the copy, and the second copy is what's really rendered. This makes
;; life challenging for us, because what we want (I believe) is ultimately an
;; editor-snip% whose contents we can rewrite whenever the signal changes.
;; We can't make this class inherit from editor-snip%, though, because we need
;; custom copy behavior, and editor-snip%'s copy method is final. Instead, this
;; class is designed NOT to be rendered, but just to be copied, to keep track of
;; the copy that's actually displayed, and to make sure the copy gets updated
;; when the signal changes. The displayed "copy" is not, in fact, a copy at all
;; but an instance of the dynamic-snip-copy% class defined above.
;; TODO(ghcooper): This code is very brittle; it breaks whenever DrRacket
;; changes the length of the chain of copies it makes. A better approach might
;; be to have a single class that HAS an editor-snip% (instead of inheriting
;; from editor-snip%), delegates all relevant calls to the editor-snip%, and has
;; a copy method that makes a proper copy of itself and (like this class) keeps
;; track of copies so it can notify them when they need to be redrawn.
(define dynamic-snip%
(class snip%
;; The behavior we want to render dynamically.
;; Procedure that generates a rendering of the current value of bhvr.
;; Number of times the copy method will just return this object. Ick!
[ignore-copy-count 1])
(field [copies empty] ; "Copies" of this snip that we need to update.
[current (get-rendering (value-now bhvr) super-render-fun)]
[loc-bhvr (proc->signal (lambda () (update)) bhvr)])
(define/override (copy)
(if (> ignore-copy-count 0)
(set! ignore-copy-count (sub1 ignore-copy-count))
(let ([ret (make-object dynamic-snip-copy% current this)])
(set! copies (cons ret copies))
(define/public (update)
(set! current (get-rendering (value-now bhvr) super-render-fun))
(for-each (lambda (copy) (send copy update current)) copies))
(define/override (size-cache-invalid)
(lambda (s) (send s size-cache-invalid))
(define/override (get-extent dc x y w h descent space lspace rspace)
(send current get-extent dc x y w h descent space lspace rspace))
(define (render beh as-snip?)
[as-snip? (watch beh)]
[(undefined? (value-now beh)) "<undefined>"]
[(behavior? beh) (format "#<behavior (~a)>" (value-now beh))]
[(event? beh) (format "#<event (last: ~a)>" (event-set-events (signal-value beh)))]
[else beh]))
(define (render/dynamic-snip val super-render-fun)
(if (behavior? val)
; interesting case:
; create a snip
; each time val changes, recompute its rendering via super-render-fun
(make-object dynamic-snip% val super-render-fun)
; easy case
(super-render-fun val)))
;; get-rendering : any (any port -> void) -> (listof (string U snip%))
;; Applies super-render-fun to val and a port. Returns the sequence of values
;; written to the port.
(define (get-rendering val super-render-fun)
(let-values ([(in out) (make-pipe-with-specials)])
(thread (lambda () (super-render-fun val out) (close-output-port out)))
(let loop ([chars empty])
(let ([c (read-char-or-special in)])
(if (eof-object? c)
(reverse (rest chars))
(loop (cons c chars)))))))
(define (watch beh super-render-fun)
[(undefined? beh)
(make-object string-snip% "<undefined>")
[(event? beh)
(make-object value-snip% beh)]
[(or (behavior? beh) (any-nested-reactivity? beh))
(make-object dynamic-snip% (raise-reactivity beh) super-render-fun)]
[(signal? beh)
(make-object dynamic-snip% beh super-render-fun)]
[else beh]))
(provide (all-defined-out))