/usr/share/racket/pkgs/contract-profile/utils.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
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(require racket/port racket/contract racket/list setup/collects)
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out) shorten-paths))
(struct contract-profile
;; (pairof blame? profile-sample)
;; samples taken while a contract was running
;; (listof blame?)
;; all the blames that were observed during sampling
;; profile?
;; regular time profile
(define (samples-time samples)
(for/sum ([s (in-list samples)])
(cadr s)))
(define output-file-prefix "tmp-contract-profile-")
;; for testing. don't generate output files
(define dry-run? (make-parameter #f))
(define-syntax-rule (with-output-to-report-file file body ...)
(if (dry-run?)
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-nowhere)])
body ...)
(with-output-to-file file
#:exists 'replace
(lambda () body ...))))
;; for debugging
(define (format-blame b)
(format (string-append "#<blame positive=~a\n"
" negative=~a\n"
" contract=~a\n"
" value=~a\n"
" source=~a>\n")
(blame-positive b) (blame-negative b)
(blame-contract b) (blame-value b) (blame-source b)))
;; (listof (U path-string? submodule-path #f)) -> same
(define (shorten-paths ps*)
;; zeroth pass, remove non-paths
(define ps
(for/list ([p (in-list ps*)]
#:when (or (path-string? p)
(and (list? p) ; submodule
(not (empty? p))
(path-string? (first p)))))
;; zeroth.5 pass, chop off submodule parts, to put back later
(define submodules ; (hashof path (U submodule-part #f))
(for/hash ([p ps])
(values p (and (list? p) (rest p)))))
;; first pass, convert to collect relative paths if possible
(define w/o-submodules
(for/hash ([p ps])
(values p (path->module-path (if (list? p) (first p) p)))))
;; second pass, make non-collect paths relative to their common ancestor
(define-values (collect-paths non-collect-paths)
(for/fold ([collect-paths (hash)]
[non-collect-paths (hash)])
([(k v) (in-hash w/o-submodules)])
(if (list? v) ; collect path?
(values (hash-set collect-paths k v)
(values collect-paths
(values (hash-set non-collect-paths k v))))))
(define relative-paths
[(hash-empty? non-collect-paths) ; degenerate case
;; not using hash-keys and hash-values. need the orders to match
(define as-list (hash->list non-collect-paths))
(define origs (map car as-list))
(define vs (map cdr as-list))
;; this transformation preserves order of paths
(define relative
(let loop ([paths (map explode-path vs)])
(define head-base (first (first paths)))
(if (and (for/and ([p (rest paths)]) (equal? (first p) head-base))
(not (for/or ([p paths]) (empty? (rest p)))))
;; all start with the same directory, drop it
;; (and we're not dropping filenames)
(loop (map rest paths))
;; not all the same, we're done
(for/list ([p paths]) (apply build-path p)))))
(for/hash ([o (in-list origs)]
[v (in-list relative)])
(values o v))]))
;; final pass, reassemble submodule parts
;; start with collect paths
(define init-table
(for/hash ([(k v) (in-hash collect-paths)])
(define submodule-part (hash-ref submodules k #f))
(values k
(if submodule-part (cons v submodule-part) v))))
;; then add non-collect paths
(for/fold ([table init-table])
([(k v) (in-hash relative-paths)])
(define submodule-part (hash-ref submodules k #f))
(hash-set table
(if submodule-part (cons v submodule-part) v))))
;; (sequenceof A) (A -> (U path-string? submodule-path #f)) -> (A -> (U ...))
(define (make-shortener ps* [extract-path values])
;; special-case things shorten-paths can't deal with
;; these should just map to themselves
(define-values (ps bad)
(partition (lambda (p)
(or (path-string? p)
(and (list? p) ; submodule path
(not (empty? p))
(path-string? (first p)))))
;; can be any kind of sequence, turn into a list
(for/list ([p ps*]) p)))
(define extracted (map extract-path ps))
(define shortened (shorten-paths extracted))
(define init-table
(for/hash ([p ps]
[e extracted])
(values p (hash-ref shortened e))))
;; add bad "paths", mapping to themselves
(define table
(for/fold ([table init-table])
([b (in-list bad)])
(hash-set table b b)))
(lambda (p)
(or (hash-ref table p #f)
(extract-path p))))
(define (make-srcloc-shortener srcs [extract-srcloc values])
(define extracted
(for/list ([s srcs])
(srcloc-source (extract-srcloc s))))
(define shortened (shorten-paths extracted))
(define table
(for/hash ([p srcs]
[e extracted])
(values p (hash-ref shortened e (lambda () p)))))
(lambda (p)
(define target (hash-ref table p #f))
(if target
(struct-copy srcloc
(extract-srcloc p)
[source target])
(extract-srcloc p))))