/usr/share/racket/collects/version/check.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
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(require racket/tcp)
(define version-url "http://download.racket-lang.org/version.txt")
(define timeout 30)
(require "utils.rkt")
;; This file can be invoked from an installer, and in case it's
;; without zo files using `net/url' is extremely slow. Instead, do
;; things directly.
;; (require net/url)
;; (define (url->port url) (get-pure-port (string->url url)))
(define (url->port url)
(define-values [host path]
(apply values (cdr (regexp-match #rx"^http://([^/:@]+)(/.*)$" url))))
(define-values [i o] (tcp-connect host 80))
(fprintf o "GET ~a HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ~a\r\n\r\n" path host)
(flush-output o)
(close-output-port o)
(unless (regexp-match #rx"^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 200 OK\r\n.*?\r\n\r\n" i)
(error 'url->port "bad reply from server: ~a" (read-line)))
(define error-value
[(what) `(error ,what)]
[(what more)
`(error ,what ,(cond [(list? more) (format "~a" more)]
[(exn? more) (format "(~a)" (exn-message more))]
[else (format "(~a)" more)]))]))
(define (with-timeout timeout thunk)
(define result #f)
(define r (sync/timeout timeout
(thread (λ ()
(set! result
([void (λ (e)
(error-value "internal error" e))])
(if r result (error-value "timeout")))
(define (check-version-raw)
(let/ec escape
(define (err . args) (escape (apply error-value args)))
(define-syntax-rule (try expr error-message)
(with-handlers ([void (λ (e) (err error-message e))]) expr))
;; Get server information, carefully
(define version-info
(parameterize ([current-input-port
(try (url->port (format "~a?~a" version-url (version)))
"could not connect to website")])
(try (read) "unexpected response from server")))
(define (get key)
(cond [(assq key version-info) => cadr]
[else (err (format "no `~s' in response" key) version-info)]))
(define (getver key)
(define ver (get key))
(if (valid-version? ver) ver (err "bad version string from server" key)))
(unless (and (list? version-info)
(andmap (λ (x) (and (list? x)
(= 2 (length x))
(symbol? (car x))
(string? (cadr x))))
(err "bad response from server" version-info))
;; Make a decision
(define current (version))
(define stable (getver 'stable))
(define recent (getver 'recent))
;; we have the newest version (can be > if we have a build from git)
[(version<=? recent current) 'ok]
;; we're stable, but there's a newer version
[(version<=? stable current) `(ok-but ,recent)]
;; new version out -- no alphas or we have an alpha => show recent
[(or (equal? recent stable)
(and (alpha-version? current)
;; but if we have an alpha that is older then the current
;; stable then go to the next case
(version<=? stable current)))
`(newer ,recent)]
;; new version out, we have an outdated stable, there is also an alpha
;; (alternatively, we have an alpha that is older than the current
;; stable)
[else `(newer ,stable ,recent)])))
;; Check the version on the server and compare to our version. Possible return
;; values (message is always a string):
;; * `ok
;; You're fine.
;; * `(ok-but ,version)
;; You have a fine stable version, but note that there is a newer alpha
;; * `(newer ,version)
;; You have an old version, please upgrade to `version'
;; * `(newer ,version ,alpha)
;; You have an old version, please upgrade to `version' you may consider also
;; the alpha version
;; * `(error ,message [,additional-info])
;; An error occured, the third (optional) value can be shown as the system
;; error that happened or the value that caused an error.
(provide check-version)
(define (check-version)
(with-timeout timeout check-version-raw))