/usr/share/racket/collects/setup/winvers-change.rkt is in racket-common 6.3-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 | ;; This thing will crawl over a given tree and/or files (given on the
;; command-line, defaults to the current directory) , and looks for "xxxxxxx"
;; things to replace by the version number, which should be done on a Windows
;; binary tree before packing a distribution. It will rename files with
;; "xxxxxxx" in their name by a "NNN_NNN" version number, and will also do this
;; rewrite in all files. (Actually looking for a few known string templates,
;; to be safe.) Note that this is done *in-place*, so it will not work from a
;; running Racket.exe on Windows -- "winvers.rkt" uses a trick of making a copy
;; of the binary and restarting that copy for the actual change.
#lang racket/base
(require setup/cross-system)
(define verbose? #t)
(define binary-extensions '("exe" "dll" "lib" "so" "def" "exp" #|"obj" "o"|#))
(define xxxs #"xxxxxxx")
(define xxxs-re
(bytes-append #"(?:lib(?:g?racket|mzgc)(?:|3m))(" xxxs #")"))
(define renaming (regexp (format "^~a[.](?:dll|lib|exp|def)$" xxxs-re)))
(define substitutions
(map (lambda (s) (byte-regexp (regexp-replace #rx#"~a" s xxxs-re)))
;; pdb not needed, but this way we can expect no
;; `xxxxxxx's when we finish.
(require dynext/filename-version)
(define version-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 filename-version-part))
(define (binary-file? filename)
(cond [(regexp-match #rx"[.]([^.]+)$" filename) =>
(lambda (m) (member (string-downcase (cadr m)) binary-extensions))]
[else #f]))
(define (do-file file)
(define (full-path) ; proc since `file' can change
(build-path (current-directory) file))
(let ([dfile (string-downcase file)])
(cond [(regexp-match-positions renaming dfile) =>
(lambda (m)
(let ([new (string-append (substring dfile 0 (caadr m))
(substring dfile (cdadr m)))])
(when verbose? (printf "Renaming: ~a -> ~a\n" (full-path) new))
(rename-file-or-directory file new)
(set! file new)))]
[(regexp-match-positions xxxs dfile)
(eprintf "Warning: ~a was not renamed!\n" (full-path))]))
(let-values ([(i o) (open-input-output-file file #:exists 'update)])
(define print? verbose?)
(for ([subst (in-list substitutions)])
(file-position i 0)
(let loop ([pos 0])
(cond [(regexp-match-positions subst i) =>
(lambda (m)
(when print?
(printf "Changing: ~a\n" (full-path))
(set! print? #f))
(file-position o (+ pos (caadr m)))
(write-bytes version-bytes o)
(flush-output o)
(file-position i (+ pos (cdar m)))
(loop (+ pos (cdar m))))])))
(file-position i 0)
(when (regexp-match-positions xxxs i)
(eprintf "Warning: ~a still has \"~a\"!\n" (full-path) xxxs))
(close-input-port i)
(close-output-port o)))
(when (eq? 'windows (cross-system-type))
(let loop ([paths (if (zero? (vector-length (current-command-line-arguments)))
(vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))])
(for ([path (in-list paths)])
(cond [(file-exists? path)
(when (binary-file? path) (do-file path))]
[(directory-exists? path)
(parameterize ([current-directory path])
(loop (map path->string (directory-list))))]))))