/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/versuchung/execute.py is in python-versuchung 1.1-3.
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# versuchung is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# versuchung is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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from subprocess import *
from versuchung.files import CSV_File
import logging
import os
import resource
import thread
import time
import pipes
from versuchung.tools import AdviceManager, Advice
from multiprocessing import cpu_count as __cpu_count
cpu_count = __cpu_count()
except NotImplementedError:
cpu_count = 1
class CommandFailed(RuntimeError):
""" Indicates that some command failed
command: the command that failed
returncode: the exitcode of the failed command
def __init__(self, command, returncode, stdout=""):
assert(returncode != 0)
self.command = command
self.returncode = returncode
self.repr = "Command %s failed to execute (returncode: %d)" % \
(command, returncode)
self.stdout = stdout
RuntimeError.__init__(self, self.repr)
def __str__(self):
return self.repr + "\n\nSTDOUT:\n" + self.stdout
def quote_args(args):
if len(args) == 1 and type(args[0]) == dict:
ret = {}
for k,v in args[0].items():
ret[k] = pipes.quote(v)
return ret
elif type(args) == list or type(args) == tuple:
args = tuple([pipes.quote(x) for x in args])
assert False
return args
def __shell(failok, command, *args):
os.environ["LC_ALL"] = "C"
args = quote_args(args)
command = command % args
logging.debug("executing: " + command)
p = Popen(command, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, shell=True)
stdout = ""
while True:
x = p.stdout.readline()
if not x:
stdout += x
logging.debug("stdout|%s", x.replace("\n", ""))
if len(stdout) > 0 and stdout[-1] == '\n':
stdout = stdout[:-1]
if not failok and p.returncode != 0:
raise CommandFailed(command, p.returncode, stdout)
return (stdout.__str__().rsplit('\n'), p.returncode)
def shell(command, *args):
executes 'command' in a shell
.. note::
The following command enables capturing `stderr`, `stdout` and
runtime information (with `/usr/bin/time`)::
.. note::
Tracking is enabled automatically after setup. It can be disabled
and re-enabled while running the experiment with::
>> shell.track.disable()
>> shell.track.enable()
The tracking feature creates files like ``shell_0_time``,
``shell_0_stderr``, and so on. These files are created in the
``experiment.path`` directory.
.. note::
To write the results of the tracking feature into the experiment
output folder, use ``self.path`` within a :meth:`run()` method of
an experiment::
:rtype: a tuple with:
1. the command's standard output as list of lines
2. the exitcode
:raises: :exc:`CommandFailed` if the returncode is != 0
return __shell(False, command, *args)
def shell_failok(command, *args):
"""Like :meth:`.shell`, but the throws no exception"""
return __shell(True, command, *args)
def add_sys_path(path):
"""Add path to the PATH environment variable"""
os.environ["PATH"] = path + ":" + os.environ["PATH"]
class AdviceShellTracker(Advice):
def __call__(self, base_directory):
self.base_directory = base_directory
assert os.path.isdir(base_directory)
self.count = 0
# Enable the Advice
def around(self, func, args, kwargs):
assert len(args) > 0
command = args[0]
import versuchung.execute
args = versuchung.execute.quote_args(list(args)[1:])
command = command % args
cmd = "/usr/bin/time --verbose -o %s_time sh -c %s 2> %s_stderr"
base = os.path.join(self.base_directory, "shell_%d" % self.count)
self.count += 1
args = tuple([cmd, base, command, base])
# Dump away stdout
ret = func(args, kwargs)
with open(base + "_stdout", "w+") as fd:
fd.write("\n".join(ret[0]) + "\n")
return ret
shell.track = AdviceShellTracker("versuchung.execute.shell")
shell_failok.track = AdviceShellTracker("versuchung.execute.shell_failok")
class MachineMonitor(CSV_File):
"""Can be used as: **input parameter** and **output parameter**
With this parameter the systems status during the experiment can
be monitored. The tick interval can specified on creation and also
what values should be captured.
This parameter creates a :class:`~versuchung.files.CSV_File` with
the given name. When the experiment starts the monitor fires up a
thread which will every ``tick_interval`` milliseconds capture the
status of the system and store the information as a row in the
normal csv.
A short example::
class SimpleExperiment(Experiment):
outputs = {"ps": MachineMonitor("ps_monitor", tick_interval=100)}
def run(self):
shell("sleep 1")
shell("seq 1 100000 | while read a; do echo > /dev/null; done")
shell("sleep 1")
experiment = SimpleExperiment()
>>> experiment.o.ps.extract(["time", "net_send"])
[[1326548338.701827, 0],
[1326548338.810422, 3],
[1326548338.913667, 0],
[1326548339.016836, 0],
[1326548339.119982, 2],
def __init__(self, default_filename = "", tick_interval=100, capture = ["cpu", "mem", "net", "disk"]):
CSV_File.__init__(self, default_filename)
self.tick_interval = tick_interval
self.__running = True
self.capture = capture
def __get_cpu(self):
return [self.psutil.cpu_percent()]
def __get_memory(self):
phymem = self.psutil.phymem_usage()
virtmem = self.psutil.virtmem_usage()
cached = self.psutil.cached_phymem()
buffers = self.psutil.phymem_buffers()
return [phymem.total, phymem.used, phymem.free,
virtmem.total, virtmem.used, virtmem.free,
cached, buffers]
def __get_net(self):
if not hasattr(self, "old_network_stat"):
self.old_network_stat = self.psutil.network_io_counters()
stat = self.psutil.network_io_counters()
ret = [stat.bytes_sent - self.old_network_stat.bytes_sent,
stat.bytes_recv - self.old_network_stat.bytes_recv]
self.old_network_stat = stat
return ret
def __get_disk(self):
if not hasattr(self, "old_disk_stat"):
self.old_disk_stat = self.psutil.disk_io_counters()
stat = self.psutil.disk_io_counters()
ret = [stat.read_bytes - self.old_disk_stat.read_bytes,
stat.write_bytes - self.old_disk_stat.write_bytes]
self.old_disk_stat = stat
return ret
def monitor_thread(self):
import psutil
self.psutil = psutil
except ImportError:
raise RuntimeError("Please install psutil to use PsMonitor")
while self.__running:
row = [time.time()]
if "cpu" in self.capture:
row += self.__get_cpu()
row += [-1]
if "mem" in self.capture:
row += self.__get_memory()
row += [-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]
if "net" in self.capture:
row += self.__get_net()
row += [-1,-1]
if "disk" in self.capture:
row += self.__get_disk()
row += [-1,-1]
assert len(row) == len(self.sample_keys)
def inp_extract_cmdline_parser(self, opts, args):
CSV_File.inp_parser_extract(self, opts, None)
self.event_file = CSV_File(self.path + ".events")
def before_experiment_run(self, parameter_type):
if parameter_type == "output":
CSV_File.before_experiment_run(self, "output")
self.event_file = CSV_File(self.path + ".events")
self.thread = thread.start_new_thread(self.monitor_thread, tuple())
def after_experiment_run(self, parameter_type):
if parameter_type == "output":
self.__running = False
CSV_File.after_experiment_run(self, "output")
sample_keys = ["time", "cpu_percentage",
"phymem_total", "phymem_used", "phymem_free",
"virtmem_total", "virtmem_used", "virtmem_free",
"cached", "buffers", "net_send", "net_recv",
"disk_read", "disk_write"]
"""The various fields in the csv file are organized like the
strings in this list. E.g. The unix time is the first field of the
csv file."""
def extract(self, keys = ["time", "cpu_percentage"]):
"""Extract single columns from the captured
information. Useful keys are defined in
indices = [self.sample_keys.index(x) for x in keys]
ret = []
for row in self.value:
r = []
for index in indices:
return ret