/usr/share/doc/python-dtcwt-doc/html/image-registration.py is in python-dtcwt-doc 0.11.0-1.
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An example of image registration via the DTCWT.
This script demonstrates some methods for image registration using the DTCWT.
from __future__ import division, print_function
import itertools
import logging
import os
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import numpy as np
import dtcwt
from dtcwt.numpy import Transform2d
import dtcwt.sampling
from dtcwt.registration import *
import datasets
def register_frames(filename):
# Load test images
logging.info('Loading frames from "{0}"'.format(filename))
f1, f2 = datasets.regframes(filename)
# Take the DTCWT of both frames.
logging.info('Taking DTCWT')
nlevels = 6
trans = Transform2d()
t1 = trans.forward(f1, nlevels=nlevels)
t2 = trans.forward(f2, nlevels=nlevels)
# Solve for transform
logging.info('Finding flow')
avecs = estimatereg(t1, t2)
logging.info('Computing warped image')
warped_f1 = warp(f1, avecs, method='bilinear')
logging.info('Computing velocity field')
step = 16
X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(f1.shape[1]), np.arange(f1.shape[0]))
vxs, vys = velocityfield(avecs, f1.shape, method='nearest')
vxs -= np.median(vxs.flat)
vys -= np.median(vys.flat)
imshow(np.dstack((f1, f2, np.zeros_like(f1))))
title('Overlaid frames')
imshow(np.dstack((warped_f1, f2, np.zeros_like(f2))))
title('Frame 1 warped to Frame 2 (image domain)')
sc = 2
imshow(np.dstack((f1, f2, np.zeros_like(f2))))
quiver(X[::step,::step], Y[::step,::step],
-sc*vxs[::step,::step]*f1.shape[1], -sc*vys[::step,::step]*f1.shape[0],
color='b', angles='xy', scale_units='xy', scale=1)
title('Computed velocity field (median subtracted), x{0}'.format(sc))
imshow(np.sqrt(vxs*vxs + vys*vys), interpolation='none', cmap=cm.hot)
title('Magnitude of computed velocity (median subtracted)')
# savefig(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + '-registration.png')