/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychTests/PsychPortAudioDataPixxTimingTest.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% PsychPortAudioDataPixxTimingTest([waitTime = 1][, exactstart=1][, deviceid=-1][, latbias=0][, triggerLevel=0.01])
% Test script for sound onset timing reliability and sound onset latency of
% the PsychPortAudio sound driver.
% This script configures the driver for low latency and high timing
% precision, then executes ten trials where it tries to emit a beep sound,
% starting in exact sync to a black-white transition on the display.
% You'll need measurement equipment to use this: A DataPixx device from
% VPixx technologies, connected to your computer via the USB connection
% cable. Also a connection between the line-out jack of your soundcard and
% the line-in jack of the DataPixx to transmit the sound data. The DataPixx
% will receive the audio output of PsychPortAudio/Your Soundcard, timestamp
% it and send the computed timing data to your computer via USB.
% Some parameters may need tweaking, especially the 'triggerLevel'
% parameter.
% Optional parameters:
% 'waitTime' = Time to wait (in seconds) before playing sound. Defaults
% to 1 second if omitted.
% 'exactstart' = 0 -- Start immediately, measure absolute latency.
% = 1 -- Test accuracy of scheduled sound onset. (Default)
% 'deviceid' = -1 -- Auto-select optimal device (Default).
% >=0 -- Select specified output device. See
% PsychPortAudio('GetDevices') for a list of devices.
% 'latbias' = Hardware inherent latency bias. To be determined by
% measurement - allows to PA to correct for it if provided.
% Unit is seconds. Defaults to zero.
% 'triggerLevel' = Sound signal amplitude for DataPixx to detect sound
% onset. Defaults to 0.01 = 1% of max amplitude if
% exactstart == 0, otherwise it is auto-detected by
% calibration. This will likely need tweaking on your
% setup.
nTrials = 10;
% Initialize driver, request low-latency preinit:
if ~IsLinux
PsychPortAudio('Verbosity', 10);
% Force GetSecs and WaitSecs into memory to avoid latency later on:
GetSecs; WaitSecs(0.1);
if nargin < 1
waitTime = [];
if isempty(waitTime)
waitTime = 1;
% If 'exactstart' wasn't provided, assume user wants to test exact sync of
% audio and video onset, instead of testing total onset latency:
if nargin < 2
exactstart = [];
if isempty(exactstart)
exactstart = 1;
if exactstart
fprintf('Will test accuracy of scheduled sound onset, i.e. how well the driver manages to\n');
fprintf('emit sound at exactly the specified "when" deadline. Sound should start in exact\n');
fprintf('sync with display black-white transition (or at least very close - < 1 msec off).\n');
fprintf('The remaining bias can be corrected by providing the bias as "latbias" parameter\n');
fprintf('to this script. Variance of sound onset between trials should be very low, much\n');
fprintf('smaller than 1 millisecond on a well working system.\n\n');
fprintf('Well test total latency for immediate start of sound playback, i.e., the "when"\n');
fprintf('parameter is set to zero. The difference between display black-white transition\n');
fprintf('and start of emitted sound will be the total system latency.\n\n');
% Default to auto-selected default output device if none specified:
if nargin < 3
deviceid = [];
if isempty(deviceid)
deviceid = -1;
if deviceid == -1
fprintf('Will use auto-selected default output device. This is the system default output\n');
fprintf('device in "normal" (=reliable but high latency) mode. In low-latency mode its the\n');
fprintf('device with the lowest inherent latency on your system (as determined by some internal\n');
fprintf('heuristic). If you are not satisfied with the results you may query the available devices\n');
fprintf('yourself via a call to devs = PsychPortAudio(''GetDevices''); and provide the device index\n');
fprintf('of a suitable device\n\n');
fprintf('Selected the following output device (deviceid=%i) according to your spec:\n', deviceid);
devs = PsychPortAudio('GetDevices');
for idx = 1:length(devs)
if devs(idx).DeviceIndex == deviceid
% Request latency mode 2, which used to be the best one in our measurement:
% classes 3 and 4 didn't yield any improvements, sometimes they even caused
% problems.
reqlatencyclass = 2; % class 2 empirically the best, 3 & 4 == 2
% Requested output frequency, may need adaptation on some audio-hw:
freq = 44100; % Must set this. 96khz, 48khz, 44.1khz.
buffersize = 0; % Pointless to set this. Auto-selected to be optimal.
suggestedLatencySecs = [];
if IsWin
% Hack to accomodate bad Windows systems or sound cards. By default,
% the more aggressive default setting of something like 5 msecs can
% cause sound artifacts on cheaper / less pro sound cards:
suggestedLatencySecs = 0.015 %#ok<NOPRT>
fprintf('Choosing a high suggestedLatencySecs setting of 15 msecs to account for shoddy Windows operating system.\n');
fprintf('For low-latency applications, you may want to tweak this to lower values if your system works better than average timing-wise.\n');
% Needs to determined via measurement once for each piece of audio
% hardware:
if nargin < 4
latbias = [];
if isempty(latbias)
% Unknown system: Assume zero bias. User can override with measured
% values:
fprintf('No "latbias" provided. Assuming zero bias. You''ll need to determine this via measurement for best results...\n');
latbias = 0;
if nargin < 5
triggerLevel = [];
% Open audio device for low-latency output:
pahandle = PsychPortAudio('Open', deviceid, [], reqlatencyclass, freq, 2, buffersize, suggestedLatencySecs);
% Tell driver about hardwares inherent latency, determined via calibration
% once:
prelat = PsychPortAudio('LatencyBias', pahandle, latbias) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
postlat = PsychPortAudio('LatencyBias', pahandle) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
% Generate some beep sound 1000 Hz, 0.1 secs, 50% amplitude:
mynoise(1,:) = 0.5 * MakeBeep(1000, 0.1, freq);
mynoise(2,:) = mynoise(1,:);
% Fill buffer with data:
PsychPortAudio('FillBuffer', pahandle, mynoise);
% Perform one warmup trial, to get the sound hardware fully up and running,
% performing whatever lazy initialization only happens at real first use.
% This "useless" warmup will allow for lower latency for start of playback
% during actual use of the audio driver in the real trials:
PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, 1, 0, 1);
PsychPortAudio('Stop', pahandle, 1);
% Ok, now the audio hardware is fully initialized and our driver is on
% hot-standby, ready to start playback of any sound with minimal latency.
% Switch to realtime scheduling at maximum allowable Priority:
% Initialize audio capture subsystem of Datapixx:
% 96 KhZ sampling rate, Mono capture: Average across channels (0), Audio
% input is line-in (2), Gain is 1.0 (1):
DatapixxAudioKey('Open', 96000, 0, 2, 1);
% Check settings by printing them:
dpixstatus = Datapixx('GetMicrophoneStatus') %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
% Auto-Selection of triggerLevel for Datapixx timestamping requested?
if exactstart && isempty(triggerLevel)
% Use auto-trigger mode. Tell the function how long the silence
% interval at start of each trial is expected to be. This will be
% used for calibration: We set it to 75% of the duration of the pause
% between start of Datapixx recording and scheduled sound onset time:
DatapixxAudioKey('AutoTriggerLevel', waitTime * 0.75);
fprintf('Setting lead time of silence in Datapixx auto-trigger mode to %f msecs.\n', waitTime * 0.75 * 1000);
% Triggerlevel for DataPixx sound onset detection:
if isempty(triggerLevel)
% Default to 1%:
triggerLevel = 0.01;
fprintf('Using a trigger level for DataPixx of %f. This may need tweaking by you...\n', triggerLevel);
DatapixxAudioKey('TriggerLevel', triggerLevel);
% Wait for keypress.
fprintf('\n\nPress any key to start measurement.\n\n');
% nTrials measurement trials:
for i=1:nTrials
% Start audio capture on DataPixx now. Return true 'tStartBox'
% timestamp of start in box clock time:
tStartBox = DatapixxAudioKey('CaptureNow');
if exactstart
% Schedule start of audio at exactly 'waitTime' seconds ahead:
PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, 1, GetSecs + waitTime, 0);
% No test of scheduling, but of absolute latency: Start audio
% playback immediately:
PsychPortAudio('Start', pahandle, 1, 0, 0);
if 0
% Spin-Wait until hw reports the first sample is played...
offset = 0; %#ok<*UNRCH>
while offset == 0
status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pahandle);
offset = status.PositionSecs;
plat = status.PredictedLatency;
fprintf('Predicted Latency: %6.6f msecs.\n', plat*1000);
if offset>0
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.001);
% Retrieve true delay from DataPixx measurement and stop recording on the device:
[audiodata, measuredAudioDelta] = DatapixxAudioKey('GetResponse', waitTime + 1, [], 1); %#ok<*ASGLU>
% Compute expected delay based on audio onset time as predicted/measured by
% PsychPortAudio:
status = PsychPortAudio('GetStatus', pahandle);
tPortAudio(i) = status.StartTime; %#ok<AGROW>
tDataPixx(i) = tStartBox + measuredAudioDelta; %#ok<AGROW>
fprintf('Buffersize %i, xruns = %i, playpos = %6.6f secs.\n', status.BufferSize, status.XRuns, status.PositionSecs);
if 0
% Stop playback:
PsychPortAudio('Stop', pahandle, 1);
% Remap Datapixx clock timestamps to Psychtoolbox GetSecs() timestamps:
tDataPixx = PsychDataPixx('BoxsecsToGetsecs', tDataPixx);
% Done: Back to normal scheduling:
% Close Datapixx audio subsystem:
% Close PsychPortAudio:
for i =1:nTrials
audioDelta(i) = 1000 * (tDataPixx(i) - tPortAudio(i)); %#ok<AGROW>
fprintf('%i. PsychPortAudio measured onset error is %6.6f msecs.\n', i, audioDelta(i));
% Discard 1st trial:
audioDelta = audioDelta(2:end);
fprintf('\nAvg error %6.6f msecs, Stddev %6.6f msecs, Range %6.6f msecs.\n\n', mean(audioDelta), std(audioDelta), range(audioDelta));
% Done. Bye.