/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychOpenGL/PsychGLSLShaders/EXPCreateStatic2DConvolutionShader.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% [shader configstring] = EXPCreateStatic2DConvolutionShader(kernel [, nrinputchannels=3][, nroutchannels=3][, debug][, shadertype])
% Creates a GLSL fragment shader for 2D convolution of textures with
% the 2D or 1D convolution kernel 'kernel' and returns a handle 'shader'
% to it, as well as a blitter config options string as needed by the
% PTB imaging pipeline.
% Usually you won't call this routine directly, but use
% Add2DConvolutionToGLOperator() instead. It allows convenient setup of
% convolution operators of arbitrary size and complexity to GLOperators
% for use with Screen('TransformTexture'); and for use with the stimulus
% post-processing pipeline. Only if you want to create small convolution
% kernels for single-pass convolution of textures, you'll use this routine
% directly and use the returned 'shader' as argument to Screen('DrawTexture')
% or Screen('MakeTexture') as 'textureShader' argument.
% Parameters:
% 'kernel' is a simple 2D m-by-n matrix of floating point numbers with m and
% n being odd numbers, e.g., 1x1, 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, 9x9,..., 1x3, 1x9, 7x1 ...
% Each entry in the kernel is used as a weight factor.
% The simplest way to get a 2D kernel is to use the function
% kernel = fspecial(...); fspecial is part of the Matlab image
% processing toolbox, see "help fspecial" for more information.
% 'nrinputchannels' = The number of image channels to use as input for the
% convolution. Possible values are: 3 = Red, Green and Blue color channels are
% provided as part of a true-color image, don't use the alpha channel (if
% any) for convolution but just pass it through unmodified. 1 = The image
% only defines a luminance channel for convolution, an (optional) alpha
% channel is passed through unmodified. 4 = Use all four channels (Red,
% green, blue, alpha) for convolution.
% 'nroutchannels' = The number of channels to convolve as output: 3 =
% Convolve each of the three color channels red, green and blue separately
% by the same kernel. An (optional) alpha channel is passed through unmodified.
% 1 = Output a filtered luminance channel, and an (optional) unmodified
% alpha channel. If input is a 3 channel RGB image, then the RGB image will
% get converted to luminance before convolution. 4 = Filter all four
% channels independently.
% Typical settings:
% Filter a RGB(A) image: nrinputchannels = 3, nroutchannels = 3.
% Filter a RGB(A) image into grayscale: nrinputchannels = 3, nroutchannels = 1.
% Filter a luminance(A) image: inputchannels = 1, filteredoutchannels = 1.
% Generic filtering of 4-channel data: nrinputchannels = 4, nroutchannels = 4.
% 'debug' Optional debug flag: If set to non-zero, will output some debug
% info about the shader.
% 'shadertype' (Optional) The type of internal implementation to choose for
% the operator. This parameter is best left alone, unless you really know
% what you are doing.
% This feature is in early alpha stage. It may fail on your system and its
% future implementation may change significantly! Don't trust its results
% without validation against a known good reference implementation!
% NOTES: Filtermode 2 and 3 not fully implemented for the general case!
% ---> No separable 1D kernels, no support for all input->output mappings
% History:
% 27.11.2006 written by Mario Kleiner.
global GL;
persistent initialized;
if nargin < 1
error('CreateStatic2DConvolutionShader: No kernel provided!');
if isempty(kernel)
error('CreateStatic2DConvolutionShader: No kernel provided!');
% Query size of kernel:
kernelw = size(kernel,1);
kernelh = size(kernel,2);
% We only want odd sized kernels of at least 3x3, e.g., 3x3, 5x5, 7x7, ...
if kernelw < 1 || kernelh < 1 || mod(kernelw,2)~=1 || mod(kernelh,2)~=1
error('CreateStatic2DConvolutionShader: Only odd-sized kernels of at least size 3x3 supported!');
if nargin < 2 || isempty(nrinputchannels)
% Default to RGB channels as separate input channels:
nrinputchannels = 3;
if nargin < 3 || isempty(nroutchannels)
% Default to output of filtered RGB channels:
nroutchannels = 3;
if nargin < 4 || isempty(debug);
% No debug mode provided: Disable debug output by default:
debug = 0;
if nargin < 5 || isempty(shadertype)
% No explicit shadertype provided. We use some guess-o-matic here, that
% tries to do its best for different types of hardware, depending on
% kernel-size:
% Query type of graphics hardware (vendor and model):
shadertype = 3;
% Preinit configstring to empty - the most common setting:
configstring = [];
% First time invocation?
if isempty(initialized)
% Make sure GLSL and fragmentshaders are supported on first call:
% Query supported extensions:
extensions = glGetString(GL.EXTENSIONS);
if isempty(findstr(extensions, 'GL_ARB_fragment_shader'))
% No fragment shaders: This is a no go!
error('Sorry, this function does not work on your graphics hardware due to lack of sufficient support for fragment shaders.');
% Clear any OpenGL error state.
while (glGetError~=GL.NO_ERROR); end;
maxuniforms = glGetIntegerv(GL.MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS);
% We are initialized:
initialized = 1;
end % of initialization.
% Compute half-width and linear shader coefficient array:
hwx = (kernelw - 1) / 2;
hwy = (kernelh - 1) / 2;
shaderkernel = reshape(kernel, kernelw * kernelh, 1);
if shadertype == 3
% Generic shader, using a texture bound to 2nd unit as lookup table for
% the convolution kernel. This method is *way* less efficient than
% lookups of the kernel in internal uniform registers or compiled-in
% constants, but it scales up to very large kernels, whereas the former
% methods are limited in kernel size by how many constants can be
% compiled into the shader or stored in uniform registers of a specific
% GPU.
% Load our shader for convolution blit operations:
if nrinputchannels == 1
% 1-channel case: Convolve Red/Luminance channel with kernel,
% replicate result into RGB/Luminance channel. Pass alpha channel
% unmodified:
shader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('Convolve2DRectTexture1ChannelShader.frag.txt', 1);
% 4-channel case: Convolve all 4 channels by same kernel:
shader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('Convolve2DRectTextureShader.frag.txt', 1);
% Assign proper texture units for input image and clut:
shader_image = glGetUniformLocation(shader, 'Image');
shader_clut = glGetUniformLocation(shader, 'Kernel');
shader_kernelsizeX = glGetUniformLocation(shader, 'KernelHalfWidthX');
shader_kernelsizeY = glGetUniformLocation(shader, 'KernelHalfWidthY');
glUniform1i(shader_image, 0);
glUniform1i(shader_clut, 1);
glUniform1f(shader_kernelsizeX, hwx);
glUniform1f(shader_kernelsizeY, hwy);
% Shader ready. Setup 2nd texture unit as LUT unit for our kernel:
% Select the 2nd texture unit (unit 1) for setup:
luttex = glGenTextures(1);
glBindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, luttex);
glTexImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_EXT, 0, GL.LUMINANCE_FLOAT32_APPLE, kernelw, kernelh, 0, GL.LUMINANCE, GL.FLOAT, moglsingle(shaderkernel));
% Make sure we use nearest neighbour sampling:
% And that we clamp to edge:
% Default CLUT setup done: Switch back to texture unit 0:
% Create shader config string so this lut texture gets used when
% convolving:
configstring = sprintf('TEXTURERECT2D(%i)=%i', 1, luttex);
if shadertype == 2
% Generate a linear shader program, i.e., all loops are completely
% unrolled. This may be a good workaround on old GPU's, but it didn't
% yield any speed improvements on GF-7000 or X1600 ...
% Header section:
src = ['/* Statically compiled 2D convolution fragment shader for 2D rectangle textures.' char(10) ...
'// Kernel Size is ' num2str(kernelw) ' by ' num2str(kernelh) char(10) ...
'// Compiled by Psychtoolbox convolution shader metacompiler.' char(10) ...
'*/' char(10)];
src = [src '' char(10) char(10) ...
'#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable' char(10) char(10) ...
'uniform sampler2DRect Image;' char(10) char(10)];
case 1
dtype = ' float sum = float(0.0);';
ifetch = '.r';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(sum); gl_FragColor.a = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a;';
case 2
dtype = ' vec2 sum = vec2(0.0);';
ifetch = '.rg';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rg = sum; gl_FragColor.a = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a;';
case 3
dtype = ' vec3 sum = vec3(0.0);';
ifetch = '.rgb';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rgb = sum; gl_FragColor.a = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a;';
case 4
dtype = ' vec4 sum = vec4(0.0);';
ifetch = '.rgba';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rgba = sum;';
% Now for the program body:
src = [src ...
'void main()' char(10)...
'{' char(10) ...
dtype char(10) char(10)];
% Generate unrolled loop:
for dy=-hwy:hwy
for dx=-hwx:hwx
i= i + 1;
% src = [src ' sum += ' num2str(shaderkernel(i)) ' * texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(' num2str(dx) '.0, ' num2str(dy) '.0))' ifetch ';' char(10)];
src = [src ' sum += ' sprintf('%.16f',shaderkernel(i)) ' * texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(' num2str(dx) '.0, ' num2str(dy) '.0))' ifetch ';' char(10)];
% Generate tail:
src = [src douti char(10) '}' char(10) char(10)];
% Ok, we have our shader source string:
if debug > 3
% Create shader object, assign sourcecode and compile it:
shandle = glCreateShader(GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if debug > 5
glShaderSource(shandle, src, debug);
glShaderSource(shandle, src);
% This would abort if the shader would be invalid:
% Create new program object and get handle to it:
shader = glCreateProgram;
glAttachShader(shader, shandle);
% Link it: This will abort if linker pass fails.
% Should be ready. Setup texture unit to be always unit zero:
shader_image = glGetUniformLocation(shader, 'Image');
glUniform1i(shader_image, 0);
% Unbind program:
if shadertype < 2
% Precompiled shaders, not using textures as lookup tables:
% Ok, now we synthesize a shader program source code string on the fly:
% Header section:
src = ['/* Statically compiled 2D convolution fragment shader for 2D rectangle textures.' char(10) ...
'// Kernel Size is ' num2str(kernelw) ' by ' num2str(kernelh) char(10) ...
'// Auto-Generated by Psychtoolbox convolution shader generator.' char(10) ...
'*/' char(10)];
src = [src '' char(10) char(10) ...
'#extension GL_ARB_texture_rectangle : enable' char(10) char(10) ...
'const int KernelHalfWidthX = ' num2str(hwx) ';' char(10) ...
'const int KernelHalfWidthY = ' num2str(hwy) ';' char(10) ...
'uniform sampler2DRect Image;' char(10)];
if (nrinputchannels==3) && (nroutchannels==1)
src = [src 'const vec3 rgb2grayweights = vec3(0.3, 0.59, 0.11);' char(10) ];
if shadertype == 0
src = [src 'float kernel[' num2str(kernelw * kernelh) '];' char(10) char(10)];
src = [src 'uniform float kernel[' num2str(kernelw * kernelh) '];' char(10) char(10)];
case 1 % Filter luminance channel only, but replicate filtered result to RGB. Alpha is passed through.
dtype = ' float tmp, sum = float(0.0);';
ifetch = ' tmp = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(float(dx), float(dy))).r;';
iupdate= ' sum += tmp * kernel[i];';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(sum); gl_FragColor.a = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a;';
case 2
dtype = ' vec2 tmp, sum = vec2(0.0);';
ifetch = ' tmp = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(float(dx), float(dy))).rg;';
iupdate= ' sum += tmp * vec2(kernel[i]);';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rg = sum; gl_FragColor.a = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a;';
case 3 % Input is RGB. Alpha is passed through, ...
if (nroutchannels == 3)
% Filter each R,G,B channel separately...
dtype = ' vec3 tmp, sum = vec3(0.0);';
ifetch = ' tmp = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(float(dx), float(dy))).rgb;';
iupdate= ' sum += tmp * vec3(kernel[i]);';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rgb = sum; gl_FragColor.a = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a;';
% Convert RGB to Luminance, filter that, replicate result
% into RGB out...
dtype = ' vec3 tmp; float sum = float(0.0);';
ifetch = ' tmp = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(float(dx), float(dy))).rgb;';
iupdate= ' sum += dot(tmp, rgb2grayweights) * kernel[i];';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(sum); gl_FragColor.a = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st).a;';
case 4 % Filter all RGBA channels. Mostly useful for generic 4-channel data processing, not for imaging.
dtype = ' vec4 tmp, sum = vec4(0.0);';
ifetch = ' tmp = texture2DRect(Image, gl_TexCoord[0].st + vec2(float(dx), float(dy))).rgba;';
iupdate= ' sum += tmp * vec4(kernel[i]);';
douti = ' gl_FragColor.rgba = sum;';
% Now for the program body:
src = [src ...
'void main()' char(10)...
'{' char(10) ...
' int dx, dy, i;' char(10) ...
dtype char(10) ...
' i=0;' char(10) ...
' '];
% Type 0: Kernel is compiled into the shader as array of floating
% point constants:
if shadertype == 0
% Output the kernel itself:
for i=1:(kernelw*kernelh)
src = sprintf('%s kernel[%i] = %.16f;', src, i-1, shaderkernel(i));
src = [src char(10) char(10) ...
' for (dy = -KernelHalfWidthY; dy <= KernelHalfWidthY; dy++) {' char(10) ...
' for (dx = -KernelHalfWidthX; dx <= KernelHalfWidthX; dx++) {' char(10) ...
ifetch char(10) ...
iupdate char(10) ...
' i++;' char(10) ...
' }' char(10) ...
' }' char(10) ...
douti char(10) ...
'}' char(10) char(10)];
% Ok, we have our shader source string:
if debug > 3
% Create shader object, assign sourcecode and compile it:
shandle = glCreateShader(GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
if debug > 4
glShaderSource(shandle, src, debug);
glShaderSource(shandle, src);
% This would abort if the shader would be invalid:
% Create new program object and get handle to it:
shader = glCreateProgram;
glAttachShader(shader, shandle);
% Link it: This will abort if linker pass fails.
% Should be ready. Setup texture unit to be always unit zero:
shader_image = glGetUniformLocation(shader, 'Image');
glUniform1i(shader_image, 0);
% For shadertype 1, set up uniforms with kernel:
if shadertype == 1
shader_kernel = glGetUniformLocation(shader, 'kernel[0]');
% Output the kernel itself:
for i=1:(kernelw*kernelh)
glUniform1f(shader_kernel + i - 1, shaderkernel(i));
% Unbind program:
% Ok, shader should be ready for use with e.g., Screen('DrawTexture')...
% Check for errors:
err = glGetError;
if err
fprintf('Error creating static 2D convolution shader! The GL returned: ');
shader = 0;
% Shader should be ready for use.