/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychOpenGL/LoadOBJFile.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 | function objobject=LoadOBJFile(modelname, debug, preparse)
% objobject=LoadOBJFile(modelname [, debug] [, preparse])
% Load an Alias/Wavefront ASCII-OBJ file and return description of corresponding 3D
% models in 'objobject'. The current implementation will only consider polygons
% with 3 or 4 vertices per polygon, corresponding to OpenGL GL_TRIANGLES or GL_QUADS.
% The routine can only parse ASCII OBJ files, not the (more disk space efficient)
% binary files. It will also ignore any part of the OBJ specification that is not a
% polygon mesh, e.g., NURBS. It will also ignore any kind of .mtl material/texture
% definition files.
% Parameters:
% 'modelname' Filename of the OBJ file to read.
% 'debug' (Optional) If set to non-zero, some debug output is written to the Matlab prompt.
% 'preparse' (Optional) If set to non-zero (default), some preparsing is
% done to speed up loading of large OBJ files. Preparsing assumes that all
% vertices, texture coordinates and face indices contain 3 components. If
% loading of your OBJ file fails, retry with preparse==0 to use a more
% generic but slow loader.
% Return values:
% 'objobject' objobject is a cell array of structs. For each mesh in the
% OBJ file, a single cell is created in objobject. Each cell contains a
% struct whose subfields contain all information about the mesh. A struct
% consists of the following fields:
% faces == 3-by-count or 4-by-count elements index matrix: Each of the 'count' columns
% defines one of 'count' polygons. Each polygon is defined by an integer index into
% the vertices, normals, texcoords arrays. Polygons can be triangles or quadrilaterals.
% vertices == A m-by-n vector of vertex position definitions: Each of the n columns
% defines the position of one of n vertices. m Can be 2 for 2D points, 3 for 3D points
% or 4 for 3D points with additional 'w' component.
% texcoords == Optional 2-by-n vector of texture coordinates.
% normals == Optional 3-by-n vector of surface normals.
% If a mesh contains triangle-definitions and quad-definitions, the triangle
% definitions will be returned in 'faces' whereas the Quads will be returned in
% 'quadfaces'. If only one type of primitives is defined, it will always be returned
% in 'faces'. It is possible but uncommon for a OBJ file to not contain 'faces' at all.
% subMeshName = String with the name of the sub-mesh stored in cell, as
% defined by the 'g' (geometry group) parameter. Can be empty if no
% explicit group names are defined.
% mtllib = Name of the .mtl material library definition file which contains
% things like textures and rendering parameters for the object. Can be
% empty if no such file is defined.
% usemtl = Cell array of material selectors. Can be empty, or have
% arbitrarily many cells. Each cell defines which material from the
% material library file 'mtllib' should be selected for rendering a subset
% of the quad- or triangle-faces in a submesh. Each cell has these
% subfields:
% materialName = String with name of material to select from mtllib.
% triStartIndex = Startindex (Starting with 0 for first element) of the
% first triangle face to render with given materialName.
% quadStartIndex = Startindex (Starting with 0 for first element) of the
% first quad face to render with given materialName.
% Example: Assuming the OBJ file contains exactly one triangle mesh, you'll
% be able to access its data as: objobject{1}.faces --> faces of the mesh,
% objobject{1}.vertices --> vertex definitions, ...
% nobjects = length(objobject); Will return the number of meshes in the OBJ
% file in 'nobjects'. objobject{i}.vertices would return the vertex
% definition array of the i'th mesh in the OBJ file.
% This loader is an improved/modified version of the loader from MATLAB-Central, written by:
% W.S. Harwin, University Reading, 2006
% 31/03/06, written by Mario Kleiner, derived from W.S. Harwins code.
% 18/09/06, Speedup for common OBJ files due to memory preallocation. (MK)
% 02/09/07, We now handle triangle faces with non-equal vertex/tex/normal indices by remapping to a common index. (MK)
% 10/03/08, Replace deblank() by strtrim() in parser: More robust against leading blanks. (MK)
% 02/07/11, Fix bugs in reading of quad-meshes, apply same speed
% optimizations as for triangles. (MK)
% 02/07/11, Implement correct reading of objfiles with sub-meshes, split up
% into proper sub-meshes. (MK)
% 02/08/11 Implement parsing/assignment of 'g' submesh-names, mtllib
% definitions and usemat selectors. (MK)
% 01/09/13 Fix MLint warnings and replace findstr() by future-proof strfind(). (MK)
if nargin<1
error('You did not provide any filename for the Alias-/Wavefront OBJ file!')
if nargin<2
debug = 0;
if nargin<3
preparse = 1;
fid = fopen(modelname,'rt');
if (fid<0)
error(['Could not open file: ' modelname]);
if preparse>0
% Pre-Parse pass: Load the whole file into a matlab matrix and then count
% number of vertices et al. to quickly determine the storage requirements.
preobj = fread(fid, inf, 'uint8=>char')';
prevnum = length(strfind(preobj, 'v '));
prevtnum = length(strfind(preobj, 'vt '));
prevnnum = length(strfind(preobj, 'vn '));
pref3num = length(strfind(preobj, 'f '));
% Rewind to beginning of file in preparation of real data parse pass:
mtllib = [];
Lyn = [];
% Repeat master-parse loop as long as new data available:
while 1
% Allocate memory for submesh:
if preparse > 0
% Preallocate output arrays, based on the element counts from the
% preparse-pass: We may allocate slightly too much, but this should not be
% a problem, as the real parse pass will correct this.
% We do not preallocate, but just create empty arrays. This is needed
% to accomodate for the special cases where an item has a
% component-count other than 3, e.g., pure 2D texture coordinates.
% Reset all counts for new submesh:
subMeshName = [];
usemtlstack = [];
if isempty(Lyn)
% Parse 1st line of file:
% Reset last item was a face indicator for this new submesh:
lastWasFace = 0;
% Line by line parsing of the obj file
while ~(Lyn < 0)
% Transition from face to vertex, normal or texcoord?
if lastWasFace && (strcmp(s, 'v') || strcmp(s, 'vt') || strcmp(s, 'vn'))
% Yes. This is the first line of a new submesh. Finalize
% current mesh by breaking out of parse loop:
switch s
case 'f' % faces
nvrts=length(strfind(Lyn,' '))+1;
if nvrts == 3
% Triangle face:
if nslash ==3 % vertex and textures
f1=f1([1 3 5 2 4 6 1 3 5]);
elseif nslash==6 % vertex, textures and normals,
f1=f1([1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9]);
elseif nslash==0
f1=f1([1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3]);
if (debug>1), disp(['xyx' Lyn]); end;
lastWasFace = 1;
elseif nvrts == 4
% Quad face:
if nslash == 4
f1=f1([1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8 1 3 5 7]);
elseif nslash == 8
f1=f1([1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12]);
elseif nslash ==0
f1=f1([1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4]);
if (debug>1)
fprintf('Parse error in line %i: Could not process this:\n', totalcount+1);
fprintf('%s\n', Lyn);
fprintf('nvrts=%i, nslash=%i, f4num=%i\n', nvrts, nslash, f4num);
fprintf('Binary representaiton of line is:\n');
lastWasFace = 1;
case 'v' % vertex
case 'vt' % textures
% Try to assign texture coordinate:
catch %#ok<CTCH>
% Failed. Most common reason is that this is not a 3
% component texture coordinate, so our preallocated array
% is of wrong size in 1st dimension.
if vtnum==1
% Try to determine real number of components and then
% reallocate a proper texture coordinate array:
ncomponents = size(sscanf(Lyn(3:l),'%f'),1);
Texcoords=zeros(ncomponents, prevtnum);
% Restart assignment:
% Failed for some unknown reason. Just throw an error
% and abort.
case 'vn' % normals
case '#' % comment
if debug>1 , disp(Lyn); end;
case 'g' % mesh.
if (debug>1), disp(Lyn); end;
if ~isempty(strtrim(sscanf(Lyn(3:end),'%s')));
% Assign name of 'g' submesh name definition:
subMeshName = strtrim(sscanf(Lyn(3:end),'%s'));
case 'mtllib' % Material library definition filename.
if (debug>1), disp(Lyn); end;
if ~isempty(strtrim(sscanf(Lyn(8:end),'%s')));
% Assign name of 'g' submesh name definition:
mtllib = strtrim(sscanf(Lyn(8:end),'%s'));
case 'usemtl' % Material definition:
if (debug>1), disp(Lyn); end;
if ~isempty(strtrim(sscanf(Lyn(8:end),'%s')));
% Assign name of 'g' submesh name definition:
usemtl = strtrim(sscanf(Lyn(8:end),'%s'));
usemtlitem.materialName = usemtl;
usemtlitem.triStartIndex = f3num - 1;
usemtlitem.quadStartIndex = f4num - 1;
usemtlstack{end+1} = usemtlitem; %#ok<AGROW>
if ~strcmp(Lyn,char([13 10]))
if (debug>1), disp(['OBJ entry unprocessed: ' Lyn]); end;
if debug>0
% Display progress output:
totalcount = totalcount + 1;
if mod(totalcount, 5000)==0
disp(['LoadOBJFile: Parsing progress: At line ' num2str(totalcount)]);
% Parse next dataline of this submesh, if any:
% Done parsing data for this submesh. Post-Process and assign submesh:
% Decrement by one: This shall be the true counts:
vnum=vnum - 1;
f3num=f3num - 1;
f4num=f4num - 1;
vtnum=vtnum - 1;
vnnum=vnnum - 1;
if debug > 0
fprintf('\n\nNew Submesh %i [%s] of file %s contains:\n', meshcount + 1, subMeshName, modelname);
fprintf('Triangles: %i\n', f3num);
fprintf('Quads: %i\n', f4num);
fprintf('Vertices: %i\n', vnum);
fprintf('Texture coordinates: %i\n', vtnum);
fprintf('Normal vectors: %i\n', vnnum);
% Any quads defined?
if f4num > 0
% Yes. Quads defined in F4: Check if we need to remap texture and
% normal coordinate indices, just as in the case for triangles below:
% Do texture coordinates exist?
if vtnum > 0
% Yes. Check if face indices for vertices and textures are
% completely identical:
idxdiff = sum(abs(F4(1,:) - F4(5,:))) + sum(abs(F4(2,:) - F4(6,:))) + sum(abs(F4(3,:) - F4(7,:))) + sum(abs(F4(4,:) - F4(8,:)));
if idxdiff~=0
% Texture indices differ (at least sometimes) from vertex
% indices. This can't be easily handled by OpenGL, at least not
% at high performance. We perform manual remapping, permutating
% the read texture coordinate array, so at the end we can index
% into the texture array with the same indices as the ones we
% use for the vertex array. This is more memory intense, but
% much faster for postprocessing and rendering...
if debug>0
fprintf('Inconsistent vertex vs. texture indexing: Remapping...\n');
SrcTexCoords = Texcoords;
Texcoords = zeros(size(SrcTexCoords, 1), vnum);
% Remap/rebuild for each of the f4num faces:
for i=1:f4num
Texcoords(:, F4(1,i)) = SrcTexCoords(:, F4(5,i));
Texcoords(:, F4(2,i)) = SrcTexCoords(:, F4(6,i));
Texcoords(:, F4(3,i)) = SrcTexCoords(:, F4(7,i));
Texcoords(:, F4(4,i)) = SrcTexCoords(:, F4(8,i));
% Do normal coordinates exist?
if vnnum > 0
% Yes. Check if face indices for vertices and normals are
% completely identical:
idxdiff = sum(abs(F4(1,:) - F4(9,:))) + sum(abs(F4(2,:) - F4(10,:))) + sum(abs(F4(3,:) - F4(11,:))) + sum(abs(F4(4,:) - F4(12,:)));
if idxdiff~=0
% Normal indices differ (at least sometimes) from vertex
% indices. This can't be easily handled by OpenGL, at least not
% at high performance. We perform manual remapping, permutating
% the read normals coordinate array, so at the end we can index
% into the normals array with the same indices as the ones we
% use for the vertex array. This is more memory intense, but
% much faster for postprocessing and rendering...
if debug>0
fprintf('Inconsistent vertex vs. normals indexing: Remapping...\n');
SrcNormals = Normals;
Normals = zeros(size(SrcNormals, 1), vnum);
% Remap/rebuild for each of the f4num faces:
for i=1:f4num
Normals(:, F4(1,i)) = SrcNormals(:, F4(9,i));
Normals(:, F4(2,i)) = SrcNormals(:, F4(10,i));
Normals(:, F4(3,i)) = SrcNormals(:, F4(11,i));
Normals(:, F4(4,i)) = SrcNormals(:, F4(12,i));
% Strip (now redundant) face indices for textures and normals. Either
% they were identical from the beginning, or they are now identical
% after our remap operation:
F4 = F4(1:4, :);
% Take difference in indexing between OpenGL and OBJ into account.
F4 = F4 - 1;
if f3num <= 0
% No triangles defined. Are there any quads defined?
f3num = 0;
if f4num > 0
% Yes. This OBJ defines quads, not triangles. Assign them:
Faces = F4;
% Need this for final truncation of 'Faces' at the end before
% output assignment:
f3num = f4num;
% No. Neither triangle- nor quad-definitions! We can't handle this.
disp('Warning: The OBJ file does not contain any triangle- or quad- polygon definitions!');
Faces = [];
% Triangles defined in Faces:
% Do texture coordinates exist?
if vtnum > 0
% Yes. Check if face indices for vertices and textures are
% completely identical:
idxdiff = sum(abs(Faces(1,:) - Faces(4,:))) + sum(abs(Faces(2,:) - Faces(5,:))) + sum(abs(Faces(3,:) - Faces(6,:)));
if idxdiff~=0
% Texture indices differ (at least sometimes) from vertex
% indices. This can't be easily handled by OpenGL, at least not
% at high performance. We perform manual remapping, permutating
% the read texture coordinate array, so at the end we can index
% into the texture array with the same indices as the ones we
% use for the vertex array. This is more memory intense, but
% much faster for postprocessing and rendering...
if debug>0
fprintf('Inconsistent vertex vs. texture indexing: Remapping...\n');
SrcTexCoords = Texcoords;
Texcoords = zeros(size(SrcTexCoords, 1), vnum);
% Remap/rebuild for each of the f3num faces:
for i=1:f3num
Texcoords(:, Faces(1,i)) = SrcTexCoords(:, Faces(4,i));
Texcoords(:, Faces(2,i)) = SrcTexCoords(:, Faces(5,i));
Texcoords(:, Faces(3,i)) = SrcTexCoords(:, Faces(6,i));
% Do normal coordinates exist?
if vnnum > 0
% Yes. Check if face indices for vertices and normals are
% completely identical:
idxdiff = sum(abs(Faces(1,:) - Faces(7,:))) + sum(abs(Faces(2,:) - Faces(8,:))) + sum(abs(Faces(3,:) - Faces(9,:)));
if idxdiff~=0
% Normal indices differ (at least sometimes) from vertex
% indices. This can't be easily handled by OpenGL, at least not
% at high performance. We perform manual remapping, permutating
% the read normals coordinate array, so at the end we can index
% into the normals array with the same indices as the ones we
% use for the vertex array. This is more memory intense, but
% much faster for postprocessing and rendering...
if debug>0
fprintf('Inconsistent vertex vs. normals indexing: Remapping...\n');
SrcNormals = Normals;
Normals = zeros(size(SrcNormals, 1), vnum);
% Remap/rebuild for each of the f3num faces:
for i=1:f3num
Normals(:, Faces(1,i)) = SrcNormals(:, Faces(7,i));
Normals(:, Faces(2,i)) = SrcNormals(:, Faces(8,i));
Normals(:, Faces(3,i)) = SrcNormals(:, Faces(9,i));
% Strip (now redundant) face indices for textures and normals. Either
% they were identical from the beginning, or they are now identical
% after our remap operation:
Faces = Faces(1:3, :);
% Take difference in indexing between OpenGL and OBJ into account.
Faces = Faces - 1;
% Array with triangle definitions exists. Check for additional quad-definitions:
if f4num > 0
% Return quad-face definitions in QuadFaces return argument:
QuadFaces = F4;
% Assign variables to proper slot in output-cell-struct:
meshcount = meshcount + 1;
objobject{meshcount}.faces = Faces(:, 1:f3num); %#ok<AGROW>
if exist('QuadFaces', 'var')
objobject{meshcount}.quadfaces = QuadFaces(:, 1:f4num); %#ok<AGROW>
objobject{meshcount}.vertices = Vertices(:, 1:vnum); %#ok<AGROW>
objobject{meshcount}.normals = Normals(:, 1:vnum); %#ok<AGROW>
objobject{meshcount}.texcoords = Texcoords(:, 1:vnum); %#ok<AGROW>
objobject{meshcount}.subMeshName = subMeshName; %#ok<AGROW>
objobject{meshcount}.mtllib = mtllib; %#ok<AGROW>
objobject{meshcount}.usemtl = usemtlstack; %#ok<AGROW>
if debug>0
% End of file reached?
if Lyn < 0
% Yes. That's it. Break out of read loop:
end % End of parse-iteration for this submesh.
% Done reading the file:
% Done.
if debug > 0
fprintf('LoadOBJFile: Loading of objfile %s done.\n\n', modelname);