/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychHardware/XOrgConfCreator.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% XOrgConfCreator - Automatically create X11 config files.
% This friendly little setup assistant will analyze your systems graphics
% card and display setup, then ask you questions about how you want your
% display setup configured. Then it will create a configuration file to
% setup your displays in the desired way after the next logout -> login
% cycle, or after the next reboot of your machine.
% Files are stored by default in a configuration directory where the
% XOrgConfSelector helper script can find and apply them.
% Please note that this assistant can't yet handle systems with multiple
% active graphics cards properly. It is only for regular single graphics
% card setups or hybrid graphics laptops with one active graphics card.
% In order for the assistant to detect and handle all potentially useful
% displays you must have all of them connected and active at the time the
% assistant is run.
% History:
% 04-Nov-2015 mk Written.
if ~IsLinux
fprintf('This function is only supported or useful on Linux. Bye!\n');
if IsWayland
fprintf('This function is only supported or useful on Linux with the good old X11/XServer stack, not on Wayland. Bye!\n');
% Step 1: Get the currently active OpenGL driver and derive the required
% X video driver from it. We do this by opening a little invisble
% onscreen window, then querying its window info to get the type
% of graphics driver used:
fprintf('Detecting type of graphics card (GPU) and driver to use...\n');
oldVerbosity = Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', 1);
oldSyncTests = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 2);
win = Screen('OpenWindow', 0, 0, [0 0 32 32]);
winfo = Screen('GetWindowInfo', win);
xdriver = DetectDDX(winfo);
fprintf('Will use the xf86-video-%s DDX video driver.\n', xdriver);
% Step 2: Enumerate all available video outputs on all X-Screens:
outputs = [];
outputCnt = 0;
screenNumbers = Screen('Screens');
for screenNumber = screenNumbers
% Reject non-existent screens:
if ~ismember(screenNumber, Screen('Screens'))
% Get number of video outputs per screen:
numOutputs = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'NumberOutputs', screenNumber);
for outputId = 0:numOutputs-1
outputCnt = outputCnt + 1;
outputs{outputCnt} = Screen('ConfigureDisplay', 'Scanout', screenNumber, outputId);
outputs{outputCnt}.screenNumber = screenNumber;
% disp(outputs{outputCnt});
fprintf('Found a total of %i video output displays on %i X-Screens.\n\n', outputCnt, length(screenNumbers));
% Single display setup?
if outputCnt == 1
% Yes. That answers the question if multi-x-screen is wanted:
fprintf('Only a single active display connected, so obviously you want a single-display setup.\n');
multixscreen = 0;
fprintf('Multiple displays (active video outputs) detected. Do you want a setup with one single\n');
fprintf('X-Screen or a Dual X-Screen setup? A single X-Screen setup will automatically\n');
fprintf('adapt to the number and type of connected displays, plug & play. It will also provide the\n');
fprintf('highest graphics performance, lowest latency, and best timing reliability/precision\n');
fprintf('for displaying a single Psychtoolbox fullscreen onscreen window for visual stimulation,\n');
fprintf('because Psychtoolbox would take over exclusive control of your graphics card with its\n');
fprintf('single onscreen window covering the whole single X-Screen and all its video outputs.\n\n');
fprintf('For stereoscopic / binocular dual-display stimulation you would just have two stimulation\n');
fprintf('displays enabled, showing a single Psychtoolbox onscreen window in stereomode 4 or 5.\n');
fprintf('For single display stimulation you would turn off all displays but the one you want to\n');
fprintf('use for visual stimulation. Ditto for triple-display stimulation etc.\n');
fprintf('The downside of a single X-Screen setup is obviously that you can not display a regular\n');
fprintf('desktop GUI, e.g., with your Octave or Matlab window, while the experiment session is running.\n');
fprintf('You will either see the desktop GUI with Octave/Matlab, or the Psychtoolbox window.\n');
fprintf('A dual X-Screen "ZaphodHeads" setup on the other hand will allow you to split your graphics cards\n');
fprintf('displays into two completely separate sets. The video displays assigned to X-Screen 0 will continue\n');
fprintf('to display your regular desktop GUI with the Octave or Matlab windows and other applications.\n');
fprintf('The second X-Screen (number 1) will have all the visual stimulation displays attached for\n');
fprintf('exclusive use by a single Psychtoolbox onscreen window. This will still provide good performance\n');
fprintf('and the convenience of a visible GUI, although a bit of performance and timing robustness will\n');
fprintf('have to be sacrificed, because some GPU resources have to be used to drive the desktop GUI.\n');
fprintf('You could also create a setup with as many X-Screens as there are outputs available for\n');
fprintf('special configurations, e.g., stimulation of two or more separate subjects at once.\n');
answer = '';
while isempty(answer) || ~ismember(answer, ['s', 'm'])
answer = input('Do you want a single X-Screen (s) or a dual/multi X-Screen (m) setup? [s / m] ', 's');
if answer == 'm'
multixscreen = 1;
multixscreen = 0;
if multixscreen == 0
serverLayout = '';
xscreencount = 0;
% Multi-X-Screen. Step through X-Screens and assign ZaphodHeads:
screenNumber = 0;
anotherScreen = 1;
remainingOutputs = 1:outputCnt;
xscreenoutputs{1} = [];
while (anotherScreen > 0) && (length(remainingOutputs) > 0)
% Display windows with Output name labels on each output:
fprintf('The following outputs are available for assignment to X-Screen %i:\n\n', screenNumber);
for i=1:outputCnt
if ismember(i, remainingOutputs)
scanout = outputs{i};
winRect = OffsetRect([0, 0, 600, 100], scanout.xStart, scanout.yStart);
w(i) = Screen('Openwindow', scanout.screenNumber, 0, winRect);
Screen('TextSize', w(i), 48);
Screen('DrawText', w(i), [num2str(i) ') ' scanout.name], 10, 10, 255);
Screen('Flip', w(i));
fprintf('%i) Output %s.\n', i, scanout.name);
fprintf('Please enter the numbers of the outputs which should be assigned to X-Screen %i.\n', screenNumber);
if screenNumber == 0
fprintf('These will be the display outputs used to display the GUI with Octave and Matlab.\n');
fprintf('These will be the display outputs used for visual stimulation.\n');
outputNumbers = '';
while isempty(outputNumbers) || ~all(ismember(outputNumbers, remainingOutputs))
answer = input('Enter space-separated list of numbers of outputs to use, RETURN to finish: ', 's');
outputNumbers = str2num(answer);
% Ok, outputNumbers contains the outputs that this screen should use.
% Remove them from list of unassigned outputs:
remainingOutputs = setdiff(remainingOutputs, outputNumbers);
% Add them to list of outputs for this screen:
xscreenoutputs{screenNumber + 1} = outputNumbers;
% Setup another screen?
if length(remainingOutputs) > 0
% Possible, as there are unassigned outputs:
fprintf('\nThere are %i unassigned active video outputs left.\n', length(remainingOutputs));
answer = '';
while isempty(answer) || ~ismember(answer, ['y', 'n'])
answer = input('Do you want to create another X-Screen for some of these? [y/n] ', 's');
if answer == 'n'
anotherScreen = 0;
screenNumber = screenNumber + 1;
xscreenoutputs{screenNumber + 1} = [];
% Ok, we have a selection for each screen:
fprintf('Will create %i X-Screens with the following output assignment:\n', screenNumber + 1);
totalAssignedOutputCnt = 0;
for i = 0:screenNumber
fprintf('X-Screen %i: ', i);
for j=1:length(xscreenoutputs{i + 1})
scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}(j))};
if j == 1
ZaphodHeads{i+1} = scanout.name;
ZaphodHeads{i+1} = [ZaphodHeads{i+1} ',' scanout.name];
totalAssignedOutputCnt = totalAssignedOutputCnt + 1;
fprintf('%s\n', ZaphodHeads{i+1});
% Setup of special driver options?
answer = '';
while isempty(answer) || ~ismember(answer, ['y', 'n'])
answer = input('Do you want to configure special/advanced settings? [y/n] ', 's');
if answer == 'n'
% Nope. Just use the "don't care" settings:
triplebuffer = 'd';
useuxa = 'd';
dri3 = 'd';
% Ask questions for setup of advanced options:
if strcmp(xdriver, 'intel') || strcmp(xdriver, 'nouveau')
fprintf('\n\nDo you want to allow the use of triple-buffering under DRI2?\n');
fprintf('Triple buffering can potentially cause a slight increase in performance for very\n');
fprintf('demanding visual stimulation paradigms. However, it is not without downsides. It can\n');
fprintf('cause visual glitches in some applications other than Psychtoolbox, or for visual\n');
fprintf('desktop animations, ie. during regular desktop use of your computer.\n');
fprintf('Also for some stimulation paradigms performance is not consistently increased, but\n');
fprintf('can become somewhat erratic.\n');
if strcmp(xdriver, 'intel')
fprintf('Additionally on some intel graphics drivers with sna acceleration, some uses of\n');
fprintf('triple-buffering can cause hangs of Psychtoolbox.\n');
fprintf('To take advantage of the potential performance improvements one also needs to adapt\n');
fprintf('experiment scripts in a special way, which makes the code only work on Linux, not on OSX or Windows.\n');
fprintf('Due to this mixed bag of advantages and disadvantages, it is usually better to not\n');
fprintf('use triple-buffering but instead enable DRI3/Present support if possible for especially\n');
fprintf('demanding paradigms.');
fprintf('If you are unsure, or generally happy with the graphics performance, just answer\n');
fprintf('"d" for "Don''t care", so we leave the decision of what is best to your system.\n');
fprintf('To try it out, e.g., to get a bit more performance, answer "y", otherwise "n".\n\n');
triplebuffer = '';
while isempty(triplebuffer) || ~ismember(triplebuffer, ['y', 'n', 'd'])
triplebuffer = input('Allow use of DRI2 triple-buffering [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care]? ', 's');
triplebuffer = 'd';
if strcmp(xdriver, 'intel')
fprintf('\n\nShould the alternative Intel display acceleration backend "uxa" be used instead of\n');
fprintf('the default "sna" backend? Usually "sna" is a fine choice, but this allows you\n');
fprintf('to choose the alternative backend as a backup plan, if you suspect "sna" causing any\n');
fprintf('problems. If unsure, just answer "n" for no, it is almost always the correct answer.\n\n');
useuxa = '';
while isempty(useuxa) || ~ismember(useuxa, ['y', 'n', 'd'])
useuxa = input('Use Intel UXA acceleration [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care]? ', 's');
useuxa = 'd';
% Is the use of DRI3/Present safely possible with this combo of Mesa and X-Server?
if strfind(winfo.GLVersion, 'Mesa') && (bitand(winfo.SpecialFlags, 2^24) > 0)
% Yes. Propose it:
fprintf('\n\nDo you want to allow the use of the new DRI3/Present display backend?\n');
fprintf('DRI3 is a new method of displaying content which is potentially more efficient\n');
fprintf('and provides potentially higher performance. However, DRI3/Present needs fairly\n');
fprintf('recent display drivers, otherwise some glitches may occur with this new technology.\n');
fprintf('If you are unsure, but generally happy with the graphics performance, just answer\n');
fprintf('"d" for "Don''t care", so we leave the decision what is best to your system.\n');
fprintf('To try it out, e.g., to get a bit more performance, answer "y". Psychtoolbox will\n');
fprintf('warn you during the next session if it thinks you enabled DRI3 on a unsuitable system,\n');
fprintf('so don''t worry about wrong answers, they can be corrected.\n\n');
dri3 = '';
while isempty(dri3) || ~ismember(dri3, ['y', 'n', 'd'])
dri3 = input('Allow use of DRI3/Present [y for yes, n for no, d for don''t care]? ', 's');
dri3 = 'd';
% End of advanced configuration.
% Close all windows:
% Restore old Screen settings:
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldSyncTests);
Screen('Preference', 'Verbosity', oldVerbosity);
% We have all information and answers we wanted. Synthesize a xorg.conf:
% Actually any xorg.conf for non-standard settings needed?
if (multixscreen == 0) && dri3 == 'd' && ismember(useuxa, ['d', 'n']) && triplebuffer == 'd'
% All settings are for a single X-Screen setup with auto-detected outputs
% and all driver settings on default. There isn't any need or purpose for
% a xorg.conf file, so we are done.
fprintf('With the settings you requested, there is no need for a xorg.conf file at all,\n');
fprintf('so i will not create one and we are done. Bye!\n\n');
% Define filename of output file:
fdir = PsychtoolboxConfigDir ('XorgConfs');
if multixscreen > 0
fname = [fdir sprintf('90-ptbconfig_%i_xscreens_%i_outputs.conf', screenNumber+1, totalAssignedOutputCnt)];
fname = [fdir '90-ptbconfig_single_xscreen.conf'];
fprintf('Ready to write the config file. I propose this filename and location:\n');
fprintf('%s\n', fname);
answer = input('Type ENTER/RETURN to accept, or provide an alternative filename: ', 's');
if ~isempty(answer)
fname = answer;
fprintf('Will store at this location instead:\n%s\n\n', fname);
% Need a xorg.conf file, so create one:
[fid, errmsg] = fopen(fname, 'w');
if fid == -1
fprintf('ERROR: Could not create xorg.conf output file "%s".\n', fname);
fprintf('ERROR: The OS said: %s\n', errmsg);
error('Game over.');
% Header:
fprintf(fid, '# Auto generated xorg.conf - Created by Psychtoolbox XOrgConfCreator.\n\n');
% Multi X-Screen setup requested? Then we need the full show:
if multixscreen > 0
% General server layout: Which X-Screens to use, their relative
% spatial location wrt. each other:
fprintf(fid, 'Section "ServerLayout"\n');
fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "PTB-Hydra"\n');
fprintf(fid, ' Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0\n');
for i = 1:screenNumber
fprintf(fid, ' Screen %i "Screen%i" RightOf "Screen%i"\n', i, i, i-1);
fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n');
% Monitor sections, one for each assigned video output. Monitor's within
% a given X-Screen are ordered relative to each other left to right in the
% order their corresponding ZaphodHeads outputs were defined by the user:
for i = 0:screenNumber
for j=1:length(xscreenoutputs{i + 1})
scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}(j))};
fprintf(fid, 'Section "Monitor"\n');
fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "%s"\n', scanout.name);
if j > 1
scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs{i + 1}(j-1))};
fprintf(fid, ' Option "RightOf" "%s"\n', scanout.name);
fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n');
% Create device sections, one for each x-screen aka the driver instance
% associated with that x-screen:
for i = 0:screenNumber
WriteGPUDeviceSection(fid, xdriver, dri3, triplebuffer, useuxa, i, ZaphodHeads{i+1}, xscreenoutputs{i+1}, outputs);
% One screen section per x-screen, mapping screen i to card i:
for i = 0:screenNumber
fprintf(fid, 'Section "Screen"\n');
fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "Screen%i"\n', i);
fprintf(fid, ' Device "Card%i"\n', i);
fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n');
% Only a single X-Screen. We only need to create a single device
% section with override Option values for the gpu driving that
% single X-Screen.
WriteGPUDeviceSection(fid, xdriver, dri3, triplebuffer, useuxa, [], [], []);
% Done writing the file:
fprintf('We are done. Bye!\n\n');
function WriteGPUDeviceSection(fid, xdriver, dri3, triplebuffer, useuxa, screenNumber, ZaphodHeads, xscreenoutputs, outputs)
fprintf(fid, 'Section "Device"\n');
if isempty(screenNumber)
fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "Card0"\n');
fprintf(fid, ' Identifier "Card%i"\n', screenNumber);
fprintf(fid, ' Driver "%s"\n', xdriver);
if triplebuffer ~= 'd'
if strcmp(xdriver, 'intel')
if triplebuffer == 'y'
triplebuffer = 'on';
triplebuffer = 'off';
fprintf(fid, ' Option "TripleBuffer" "%s"\n', triplebuffer);
if strcmp(xdriver, 'nouveau')
if triplebuffer == 'y'
triplebuffer = '2';
triplebuffer = '1';
fprintf(fid, ' Option "SwapLimit" "%s"\n', triplebuffer);
if dri3 ~= 'd'
if dri3 == 'y'
dri3 = '3';
dri3 = '2';
fprintf(fid, ' Option "DRI" "%s"\n', dri3);
if (useuxa ~= 'd') && strcmp(xdriver, 'intel')
if useuxa == 'y'
useuxa = 'uxa';
useuxa = 'sna';
fprintf(fid, ' Option "AccelMethod" "%s"\n', useuxa);
if ~isempty(screenNumber)
if ~isempty(ZaphodHeads)
if strcmp(xdriver, 'nvidia')
fprintf(fid, ' Option "UseDisplayDevice" "%s"\n', ZaphodHeads);
fprintf(fid, ' Option "ZaphodHeads" "%s"\n', ZaphodHeads);
for i=1:length(xscreenoutputs)
scanout = outputs{(xscreenoutputs(i))};
fprintf(fid, ' Option "Monitor-%s" "%s"\n', scanout.name, scanout.name);
fprintf(fid, ' Screen %i\n', screenNumber);
fprintf(fid, 'EndSection\n\n');
function xdriver = DetectDDX(winfo)
if strfind(winfo.GPUCoreId, 'Intel')
% Intel part -> intel ddx:
fprintf('Intel GPU detected. ');
xdriver = 'intel';
elseif strfind(winfo.GLVendor, 'nouveau')
% NVidia part under nouveau -> nouveau ddx:
fprintf('Nvidia GPU with open-source driver detected. ');
xdriver = 'nouveau';
elseif strfind(winfo.GLVendor, 'NVIDIA')
% NVidia part under binary blob -> nvidia ddx:
fprintf('Nvidia GPU with proprietary driver detected. ');
xdriver = 'nvidia';
elseif winfo.GPUCoreId(1) == 'R'
% Some AMD/ATI Radeon/Fire series part:
if strfind(winfo.GLVersion, 'Mesa')
% Controlled by the open-source drivers. GPU minor
% type defines the DCE generation and that in turn
% usually predicts the x driver well:
if winfo.GPUMinorType >= 100
% DCE-10 or later, ergo "Volcanic Islands" family or
% later -> amdgpu ddx:
fprintf('Recent AMD GPU with open-source driver detected. ');
xdriver = 'amdgpu';
% DCE-8 or earlier -> ati ddx:
fprintf('Classic AMD GPU with open-source driver detected. ');
xdriver = 'ati';
% Controlled by Catalyst -> fglrx ddx:
fprintf('AMD GPU with proprietary Catalyst driver detected. ');
xdriver = 'fglrx';
% Warn if we use modesetting ddx because we can not identify gpu, otherwise
% we still use modesetting ddx for known gpu's if we end here, but we don't
% warn about it because we know this is the right ddx for those known gpus:
if ~strcmp(winfo.GPUCoreId, 'VC4')
warning('Could not identify your graphics driver. Will use modesetting driver as fallback.');
fprintf('GPU with unknown driver detected. ');
xdriver = 'modesetting';