/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychHardware/BrightSideDisplay/SimpleHDROfflineCaptureTest.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% SimpleHDROfflineCaptureTest([imfilename][, dummymode][, sf])
% 'imfilename' - Filename of the HDR image to load. Will load our standard
% low-dynamic range 'konijntjes' if 'imfilename' is omitted.
% Make sure we run on OpenGL-Psychtoolbox. Abort otherwise.
% Run demo in dummy mode?
if nargin < 2
dummymode = 0;
if ~IsWin
dummymode = 1;
% Name of an image file passed? If so, then load it. Load our default LDR
% image otherwise.
if nargin>=1 && ~isempty(imfilename)
% Try to read a HDR image file by one of PTB's loaders. This will
% return an empty img if format unsupported or unknown.
img = HDRRead(imfilename, 1);
if isempty(img)
% Load a standard low dynamic range file:
img = double(imread(imfilename));
% No filename provided. Just load our default low dynamic range image file:
img = double(imread([PsychtoolboxRoot '/PsychDemos/konijntjes1024x768.jpg']));
% Scale intensities by some factor. Here we set the default value:
if nargin < 3 || isempty(sf)
if ~dummymode
sf = 50;
sf = 0.005;
% Scale image matrix by scalefactor 'sf':
img=img * sf;
% img is now a height by width by c matrix with up to four (R,G,B,A) channels of our
% image. Now we use Psychtoolbox to make a HDR texture out of it and show
% it.
% Find screen to display: We choose the one with the highest number,
% assuming this is the HDR display:
% Open a standard fullscreen onscreen window, double-buffered with black
% background color, instead of the default white one: win is the window
% handle for this window. We use the BrightSideHDR() command instead of
% Screen(). It is a convenience wrapper around Screen, doing all the
% additional setup work for the HDR display:
if dummymode
% Dummy mode: Don't run on real HDR display:
win = BrightSideHDR('DummyOpenWindow', screenid, 0);
% HDR mode: Setup everything for HDR rendering:
win = BrightSideHDR('OpenWindow', screenid, 0);
% Build a Psychtoolbox 16 bpc half-float texture from the image array
% by setting the (optional) 'floatprecision' flag to 1. If you need
% even more precision you can provide the value 2 instead of 1,
% creating full 32 bpc float textures. These will take up twice the
% amount of memory and bandwidth though and they can't be anti-aliased
% via bilinear filtering during drawing on current hardware - unless
% you are happy with a framerate of 0.5 fps.
texid = Screen('MakeTexture', win, img, [], [], 2);
rotAngle = 0;
framecounter = 0;
imgRaw = [];
% First render loop: Render each frame "live", then take a "screenshot"
% of the raw HDR framebuffer image into a imgRaw() matrix for later
% replay:
% Initial Flip to sync us to retrace:
vbl = Screen('Flip', win);
tstart = vbl;
for i=1:20
% Clear backbuffer by overdrawing with a black full screen rect:
Screen('FillRect', win, 0);
% Draw our HDR texture at spec'd rotation angle:
Screen('DrawTexture', win, texid, [], [], rotAngle);
% Draw some 2D primitives:
Screen('FillOval', win, [255 255 0], [500 500 600 600]);
% And some text:
Screen('TextSize', win, 30);
Screen('TextStyle', win , 1);
DrawFormattedText(win, 'If it works, it works.\nIf it doesn''t, it doesn''t.\n(Quoc Vuong, 2006)', 'center', 'center', [0 255 0]);
% Show updated HDR framebuffer at next vertical retrace:
vbl=Screen('Flip', win, vbl);
% Increase rotation angle to make it a bit more interesting...
rotAngle = rotAngle + 1;
% Count our frames...
framecounter = framecounter + 1;
% Take raw HDR snapshot, return it as Matlab uint8 RGB matrix:
imgRaw{framecounter} = BrightSideHDR('GetRawFramebufferSnapshot');
%mcls = class(imgRaw{framecounter})
%msiz = size(imgRaw{framecounter})
% We're done. Print the stats:
duration = vbl - tstart
averagefps = framecounter / duration
Screen('Flip', win, vbl);
rotAngle = 0;
framecounter = 0;
imgDst = {};
% Offline rendering: Create offscreen windows as buffers, render to
% them and convert to HDR framebuffer formatted image, retrieve as
% matrix for later replay:
% Generate offscreen buffer pair for offscreen conversion of HDR
% images:
[sourceWin, destWin] = BrightSideHDR('CreateSnapshotBufferPair');
% Now the same as offline render:
for i=1:20
% Clear backbuffer by overdrawing with a black full screen rect:
Screen('FillRect', sourceWin, 0);
% Draw our HDR texture at spec'd rotation angle:
Screen('DrawTexture', sourceWin, texid, [], [], rotAngle);
% Draw some 2D primitives:
Screen('FillOval', sourceWin, [255 255 0], [500 500 600 600]);
% And some text:
Screen('TextSize', sourceWin, 30);
Screen('TextStyle', sourceWin , 1);
DrawFormattedText(sourceWin, 'Offline render demo.', 'center', 'center', [0 255 0]);
% Increase rotation angle to make it a bit more interesting...
rotAngle = rotAngle + 1;
% Count our frames...
framecounter = framecounter + 1;
% Take raw HDR snapshot, return it as Matlab uint8 RGB matrix:
imgDst{framecounter} = BrightSideHDR('ConvertImageToSnapshotBuffer', destWin, sourceWin);
%[newfb, imgDst{framecounter}] = BrightSideHDR('GetSnapshotBuffer', sourceWin);
%mcls = class(imgDst{framecounter})
%msiz = size(imgDst{framecounter})
% Playback immediately in real framebuffer:
% BUG HERE: This should show the rendered image live, but instead
% it shows a green or white screen. Unknown cause...
% BrightSideHDR('BlitRawFramebufferSnapshot', destWin);
% Screen('Flip', win);
%BrightSideHDR('BlitRawFramebufferSnapshot', newfb);
%Screen('Flip', win);
%Screen('Close', newfb);
% Release all textures, close all windows, shutdown BrightSide library:
clear Screen;
clear BrightSideHDR;
% ================= SNIP ======================
% Here you could end a session, storing the fetched imgRaw or imgDst
% matrices to filesystem.
% Then later in a different script, load them back from filesystem,
% then continue with code below for fast replay of such "prerecorded"
% framebuffers:
% ================= SNIP ======================
% Try raw window + raw playback mode:
win = BrightSideHDR('RawOpenWindow', screenid, 0);
% Build raw HDR framebuffer textures from stored image matrices:
for i=1:framecounter
rawFB(i) = Screen('MakeTexture', win, imgRaw{i});
for i=1:framecounter
rawFB2(i) = Screen('MakeTexture', win, imgDst{i});
foo= toc
% Fast raw playback of first sequence of raw framebuffer textures:
i = 0;
while ~KbCheck
i = mod(i+1, framecounter);
BrightSideHDR('BlitRawFramebufferSnapshot', rawFB(i+1));
Screen('Flip', win);
% Fast raw playback of 2nd sequence of raw framebuffer textures:
i = 0;
while ~KbCheck
i = mod(i+1, framecounter);
BrightSideHDR('BlitRawFramebufferSnapshot', rawFB2(i+1));
Screen('Flip', win);
% Close all textures, just to avoid superfluous warnings...
% Close everything else.
% Restore gamma tables on HDR display:
% Well done!
fprintf('Bye bye!\n');
% Error handler: If something goes wrong between try and catch, we
% close the window and abort.
% Release all textures, close all windows, shutdown BrightSide library:
% Restore gamma tables on HDR display:
% Rethrow the error, so higher level routines can handle it: