/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychHardware/BrightSideDisplay/HDRViewer.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% HDRViewer([imfilepattern][, dummymode][, scalefactor]) -- Load and show high
% dynamic range images on the BrightSide Technologies High Dynamic Range
% display device.
% The viewer allows to cycle through a sequence of images in the given
% folder, matching the given filename pattern. It allows to adjust the
% intensity online, as well as to zoom into regions of the image.
% 'imfilepattern' - Filename search pattern of the HDR images to load,
% e.g., 'myimages*.hdr' would load all images starting with 'myimages' and
% ending with extension '.hdr'.
% 'dummymode' - If set to 1 we only run in emulation mode without use of
% the HDR device or BrightSide core library.
% Control keys:
% You can cycle through all images by pressing the space-bar. You can change
% image intensity scaling by pressing the cursor up- and down-keys. You can
% exit the viewer by pressing ESCape. By pressing the 'q' key, you can
% toggle between float precision HDR and 256 level 8 bit quantized output.
% Zoom mode:
% Pressing the left mouse button will enable zoom mode. Dragging the mouse
% while the button is depressed allows to change the region which should be
% zoomed. Releasing the mouse button will show the selected region zoomed
% up to fullscreen. A single mouse click will reset to the full image.
% Btw. you can find lot's of nice free HDR images by Googling on the
% internet!
% This is an extension of SimpleHDRDemo.m, see that file for basic usage of
% HDR displays with Psychtoolbox.
% History:
% Written 2006 by Mario Kleiner - MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany
% and Oguz Ahmet Akyuz - Department of Computer Science, University of Central Florida.
% Make sure we run on OpenGL-Psychtoolbox. Abort otherwise.
% Shorten display timing tests - Pretty futile on such a slow device
% anyway...
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1);
% Startup with black screen to not hurt our eyes:
Screen('Preference', 'VisualDebugLevel', 3);
% Run demo in dummy mode? We default to the real thing.
if nargin < 2 || isempty(dummymode)
dummymode = 0;
% Name of an image file passed? If not, we default to all *.hdr files in
% current working directory:
if nargin < 1 || isempty(imfilepattern)
% No pattern provided. Search in current working directory.
imfilepattern = '*.hdr';
if nargin < 3
sf = [];
imfilenames = dir(imfilepattern)
% Disable keypress output to Matlab window:
% Find screen to display: We choose the one with the highest number,
% assuming this is the HDR display:
% Open a standard fullscreen onscreen window, double-buffered with black
% background color instead of the default white one: win is the window
% handle for this window. We use the BrightSideHDR() command instead of
% Screen(). It is a convenience wrapper around Screen, doing all the
% additional setup work for the HDR display:
if dummymode
% Dummy mode: Don't run on real HDR display:
win = BrightSideHDR('DummyOpenWindow', screenid, 0);
% HDR mode: Setup everything for HDR rendering:
win = BrightSideHDR('OpenWindow', screenid, 0);
winrect = Screen('Rect', win);
iteration = 0;
% Set text properties:
Screen('TextSize', win, 24);
Screen('TextStyle', win , 0);
% Multiply all image values by a scaling factor: The HDR accepts
% values between zero and infinity, but the useable range seems to be
% zero (Dark) to something around 3000-4000. At higher values, it
% saturates in a non-linear fashion. Fractional values, e.g,. 0.5 are
% resolved at an unknown quantization level, so the range of
% displayable intensity levels is more than 3000-4000 steps. We don't
% know the real resolution without proper calibration, but according to
% their Siggraph 2004 paper its supposed to be more than 14000 levels,
% covering the full operating range in steps of single JND's. Who
% knows...
% Initial flip to black background:
Screen('Flip', win);
while ~abortit
iteration=iteration + 1;
imagename=imfilenames(mod(iteration, size(imfilenames,1))+1).name;
% Show some status info:
DrawFormattedText(win, ['Loading image: ' imagename '...'], 'center', 'center', [0 255 0]);
Screen('Flip', win);
% Read image into Matlab matrix:
img = HDRRead(imagename, 1);
if isempty(img)
% Set step size for change of scaling factor:
sfstep = 3500 / max(max(max(img))) * 0.01;
% Scale intensities by some factor. Here we set the default value:
if isempty(sf)
if ~dummymode
sf = 3500 / max(max(max(img)));
sf = 0.005;
% Build a Psychtoolbox 32 bpc float texture from the image array
% by setting the (optional) 'floatprecision' flag to 2.
texid = Screen('MakeTexture', win, img, [], 2, 2);
% Build also a version of the image that is quantized to 8 Bit:
quantimg = uint8((img / max(max(max(img)))) * 255);
ldrtexid = Screen('MakeTexture', win, quantimg, [], 2);
needupdate = 1;
zoomset = 0;
hdrmode = 1;
% Compute source and destination regions for zoom mode:
srcleft=min(xleft, xright);
srctop=min(xtop, xbottom);
srcright=max(xleft, xright);
srcbottom=max(xtop, xbottom);
if zoomset==2
% Zoom set: Show selected region, expanded to full screen:
texrect=CenterRect(Screen('Rect', texid), winrect);
srcrect=[srcleft - texrect(1) srctop - texrect(2) srcright - texrect(1) srcbottom - texrect(2)];
rscale = min(RectWidth(winrect) / RectWidth(srcrect), RectHeight(winrect) / RectHeight(srcrect));
dstrect=CenterRect([0 0 RectWidth(srcrect)*rscale RectHeight(srcrect)*rscale], winrect);
% No zoom: Show image 1-1:
% Draw selected srcrect region of our HDR image to selected
% dstrect region of the screen:
if hdrmode
% Draw HDR texture:
Screen('DrawTexture', win, texid, srcrect, dstrect, [], [], [], [sf sf sf]);
% Draw quantized 8bpc version:
Screen('DrawTexture', win, ldrtexid, srcrect, dstrect, [], [], [], [sf sf sf]);
% Some status text:
if hdrmode
quantized = 'Floating point HDR';
quantized = 'Quantized to 8 bpc LDR';
DrawFormattedText(win, ['Image: ' imagename ' : Zoom=' num2str(rscale) ' : Intensity scaling: ' num2str(sf) ' : ' quantized ], 0, 0, [0 255 0]);
% Show selected ROI during zoom selection, if any:
if xright~=-1 && xbottom~=-1 && zoomset==1
Screen('FrameRect', win, [255 0 0], [srcleft srctop srcright srcbottom]);
% Show updated HDR framebuffer at next vertical retrace:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Clear backbuffer by overdrawing with a black full screen rect:
Screen('FillRect', win, 0);
% Keypress and what key?
[pressed secs keycode] = KbCheck;
if pressed
% Key pressed: Dispatch...
if keycode(KbName('space'))
% Load next image in folder:
needupdate = 0;
% Debounce key:
while KbCheck; end;
if keycode(KbName('q'))
% Switch between display of float32 HDR image and 8 bpc
% LDR image:
needupdate = 1;
hdrmode = 1 - hdrmode;
% Debounce key:
while KbCheck; end;
if keycode(KbName('ESCAPE'))
% Exit viewer:
needupdate = 0;
abortit = 1;
if keycode(KbName('UpArrow'))
% Increase intensity scaling factor:
needupdate = 1;
sf = sf + sfstep;
if keycode(KbName('DownArrow'))
% Decrease intensity scaling factor:
needupdate = 1;
sf = sf - sfstep;
% No key pressed: Check for mouse actions...
[xm, ym, buttons]=GetMouse(win);
if buttons(1)
% Left button pressed:
if zoomset==0
% Initial press: Reset and Setup zoom operation...
if zoomset==1
% Continued press: Update zoom area:
% Pressed while zoomed in: Reset...
while buttons(1)
[xm, ym, buttons]=GetMouse(win);
% Left button released:
if zoomset==1
% Done with this image. Release its texture and next one...
Screen('Close', texid);
Screen('Close', ldrtexid);
clear img;
clear quantimg;
% Enable keypress output to Matlab window:
% Release all textures, close all windows, shutdown BrightSide library:
% Well done!
fprintf('Bye bye!\n');
% Error handler: If something goes wrong between try and catch, we
% close the window and abort.
% Enable keypress output to Matlab window:
% Release all textures, close all windows, shutdown BrightSide library:
% Rethrow the error, so higher level routines can handle it: