/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychGLImageProcessing/DisplayUndistortionBezier.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% DisplayUndistortionBezier([caliboutfilename] [, xnum=2][, ynum=2][, subdivision=100][, imagename=default][, screenid=max][, stereomode=0][, winrect=[]][, calibinfilename][, refimagename])
% Geometric display calibration procedure for geometric undistortion of
% distorted displays. Needs graphics hardware with support for PTB imaging
% pipeline.
% IMPORTANT: While this routine is easy to use, it is also limited! The
% Banks Vision Lab (University of California, Berkeley) has contributed a
% much more powerful and flexible calibration procedure.
% Read "help DisplayUndistortionBVL" for help and info on that one.
% Many display devices, e.g., video beamers and most CRT displays, cause
% some amount of spatial distortion to your visual stimuli during display.
% Psychtoolbox can "undistort" your visual stimuli for you: At stimulus
% onset time, PTB applies a geometric warping transformation to your
% stimulus which is meant to counteract or cancel out the geometric
% distortion caused by your display device. If both PTB's warp transform
% and the distortion transform of the display match, your stimulus will
% show up undistorted on the display device.
% For this to work, PTB needs two things:
% 1. Recent graphics hardware with support for the PTB imaging pipeline:
% See our Wiki for recommendations. However, all ATI cards starting with
% Radeon 9500 and all NVidia cards of type GeForce-FX5200 and later, as
% well as the Intel-GMA 950 and later should be able to do it, although
% more recent cards will have a higher performance.
% 2. A calibration file that defines the warp transformation to apply. Your
% experiment script will load that file into Screen's "warp engine" at the
% beginning of your experiment.
% This routine allows you to create such a calibration file in an
% interactive procedure: It applies some warp transformation, shows the
% result on your display, and you can change and tweak the transformation
% until it fits your needs, ie. it nicely undistorts your display. Then the
% corresponding calibration file is saved for later use with that display.
% As the name suggests, DisplayUndistortionBezier supports a continous
% mapping (x', y') = Beziersurface(x, y) from input pixel locations (x,y)
% in your stimulus image to output locations (x', y') on your display. This
% mapping is defined by a Bezier surface (see Chapter 12 "Evaluators and
% NURBS" or any other textbook about NURBS for a description of their
% mathematical properties).
% The shape of the Bezier surface is defined by the location of a couple of
% control points, which you can move around during the calibration
% procedure to modify the shape of the surface. You can select the number
% of control points to use: More control points (=degrees of freedom) allow
% for more flexibility and finer control, but make the calibration procedure
% more tedious for you. Their number doesn't affect computation time when
% your experiment script is running.
% How to use:
% 1. Start the script, providing all parameters that you don't want to have
% at default settings (all parameters have defaults):
% 'caliboutfilename' Name of the file to which calibration results should
% be stored. Defaults to 'BezierCalibdata.mat' in your current working directory.
% 'xnum' and 'ynum' Number of horizontal and vertical control points to
% use. Higher numbers mean finer and more flexible control, but also a more
% tedious calibration for you. Their number doesn't affect runtime
% behaviour of your stimulus script. For simple trapezoid correction or
% translation/rotation, the minimum allowed number of control points xnum=2
% and ynum=2 is sufficient - this is the default. For most other purposes
% a 3 by 3 grid of control points xnum=3 and ynum=3 may suffice. However,
% you are not limited by any upper bound...
% 'subdivision' Number of vertical and horizontal subdivisions of the
% bezier surface - the grid resolution: Higher numbers mean higher accuracy
% but also higher computational overhead in your script. However, recent
% graphics hardware shouldn't have much problems handling reasonably sized
% meshes. Defaults to a 100 by 100 grid.
% 'imagename' Name of the image file for the test image to be rendered as
% an alternative to the mesh grid. We default to our standard 'konintjes'
% image.
% 'screenid' screen id of the target display for calibration.
% max(Screen('Screens')) by default.
% 'stereomode' Stereomode for which calibration should be applied: Defaults
% to 0 == Mono mode. [6 1] would mean: "Use stereomode 6 (Anaglyph stereo)
% and the right-eye view (1)".
% 'winrect' Size of the calibration window: Defaults to full-screen.
% 'calibinfilename' Defaults to none. If provided, results of a previous
% calibration are loaded from file 'calibinfilename' instead of starting
% from scratch. Useful for incremental calibration.
% 2. After startup, the script will display a grid onscreen, which
% represents the displayed area after calibration. Your job is to tweak,
% shift and bend that grid so that it looks as flat and rectilinear as
% possible on your display from the viewpoint of your subject. The grid has
% green control points placed at regular intervals. These are the tweakable
% points that you can move: Moving these control points will bend the
% calibration grid in a smooth fashion, as if the grid would be attached to
% the points with some springs.
% Mouse operation:
% To select a control point, just move the mouse pointer close to it, then
% press a mouse key. The selected control point will change color to yellow
% and a yellow line will connect its current position to its original
% position in the uncalibrated display.
% You can move the point by moving the mouse pointer while keeping the
% mouse key pressed.
% Keys and their meaning:
% You can also move the currently selected control point via the Cursor
% keys, at slow speed, or at a faster speed when holding down the shift
% key.
% Press the 'space' key to toggle between grid display and display of the
% test image 'imagename'. A good way to test the calibration would be to
% load a screenshot of one of your typical stimuli as image file
% 'imagename'.
% You finish the calibration and write it into a calibration file by
% pressing the ESCape key. This will end the calibration script.
% History:
% 07/16/07 Initial (incomplete) version. (MK)
% Running on PTB-3? Abort otherwise:
% No need for synctests here...
oldsynclevel = Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', 1);
UpArrow = KbName('UpArrow');
DownArrow = KbName('DownArrow');
LeftArrow = KbName('LeftArrow');
RightArrow = KbName('RightArrow');
esc = KbName('ESCAPE');
shift = KbName('RightShift');
space = KbName('space');
if nargin < 1 || isempty(caliboutfilename)
caliboutfilename = 'BezierCalibdata.mat';
fprintf('Warning: No name for calibration file provided. Using default name...\n');
fprintf('Name of calibration result file: %s\n', caliboutfilename);
if exist(caliboutfilename, 'file')
answer = input('This file already exists. Overwrite it [y/n]?','s');
if ~strcmp(lower(answer), 'y') %#ok<STCI>
error('Calibration aborted. Please choose a different name for calibration result file.');
if nargin < 2 || isempty(xnum)
xnum = 2;
if xnum < 2
fprintf('xnum set to an invalid value (smaller than 2): Reset to 2...\n');
xnum = 2;
if nargin < 3 || isempty(ynum)
ynum = 2;
if ynum < 2
fprintf('ynum set to an invalid value (smaller than 2): Reset to 2...\n');
ynum = 2;
if nargin < 4 || isempty(subdivision)
subdivision = 100;
fprintf('Will use %i subdivisions of calibration warp mesh for undistortion.\n', subdivision);
if nargin < 5 || isempty(imagename)
imagename = [PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/konijntjes1024x768.jpg'];
if nargin < 6 || isempty(screenid)
screenid = max(Screen('Screens'));
if nargin < 7 || isempty(stereomode)
viewid = 0;
stereomode = 0;
viewid = stereomode(2);
stereomode = stereomode(1);
if nargin < 8 || isempty(winrect)
winrect = [];
if nargin < 9
calibinfilename = [];
if nargin < 10
refimagename = [];
if ~isempty(refimagename)
refimg = imread(refimagename);
if nargin >= 8 && ~isempty(winrect) && strcmpi(winrect, 'REFIMAGE')
if ~isempty(refimagename)
winrect = [0, 0, size(refimg, 2), size(refimg, 1)];
winrect = [];
InitializeMatlabOpenGL([], [], 1);
win = Screen('OpenWindow', screenid, 0, winrect, [], [], stereomode, [], mor(kPsychNeedFastBackingStore, kPsychNeedOutputConversion));
if ~isempty(refimagename)
reftex = Screen('MakeTexture', win, refimg);
reftex = [];
% Allocate display list handle and build initial warpstruct:
gld = glGenLists(1);
warpstruct.glsl = [];
warpstruct.gld = gld;
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'FinalFormatting', 'GeometryCorrection', warpstruct);
PsychImaging('PostConfiguration', win);
img = imread(imagename);
tex = Screen('MakeTexture', win, img);
Screen('Flip', win);
Screen('SelectStereoDrawBuffer', win, viewid);
% Determine width and height of window:
[w, h] = Screen('WindowSize', win);
% Read parameters from previous calibration file?
if ~isempty(calibinfilename)
% Old file provided: Setup from that file:
calib = load(calibinfilename);
if ~strcmp(calib.warptype, 'BezierDisplayList')
error('Provided input calibration file %s does not describe a calibration created with this routine!', calibinfilename);
subdivision = calib.subdivision;
frompts = calib.frompts;
topts = calib.topts;
% No old file: Initialize based on call arguments:
% Setup initial mapping table for texture coordinates (source image control
% points):
frompts = zeros(2, 2, 2);
frompts(:, 1, 1) = [0 h];
frompts(:, 1, 2) = [w h];
frompts(:, 2, 2) = [w 0];
frompts(:, 2, 1) = [0 0];
% Setup initial mapping table for vertex coordinates (target image control
% points). We start with a uniform rectilinear spacing of points:
topts = zeros(3, ynum, xnum);
dx = w / (xnum - 1);
dy = h / (ynum - 1);
for y=1:ynum
for x=1:xnum
topts(1, y, x) = ((x-1) * dx);
topts(2, y, x) = ((y-1) * dy);
% Setup a 2D parametric grid with 'subdivision' subdivisions:
glMapGrid2d(subdivision, 0, 1, subdivision, 0, 1);
% Enable Bezier evaluators:
% Establish mapping for texture coordinates:
glMap2d(GL.MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2, 0, 1, 2, size(frompts,2), 0, 1, 2*size(frompts,2), size(frompts,3), frompts);
% Make sure all mouse buttons are released:
oldbuttons = 1;
while oldbuttons
[xm ym oldbuttons] = GetMouse(win);
oldbuttons = any(oldbuttons);
maxx = -1;
maxy = -1;
oldtopts = topts;
applycalib = 0;
% Prevent keypresses from spilling into Matlab window:
% Calibration loop: Runs until keypress:
while 1
% Setup mapping based on current control point matrix for destination
% points:
glMap2d(GL.MAP2_VERTEX_3, 0, 1, 3, size(topts,2), 0, 1, 3*size(topts,2), size(topts,3), topts);
% Drawing color for calibration grid is red:
glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
if applycalib
% Build a display list that corresponds to the current calibration:
glNewList(gld, GL.COMPILE);
% Compute the mesh based on current mappings:
glEvalMesh2(GL.FILL, 0, subdivision, 0, subdivision);
% List ready - and already updated in the imaging pipeline:
% Draw test image to backbuffer:
Screen('FrameRect', win, [255 0 0], [1 1 w-1 h-1]);
Screen('DrawTexture', win, tex);
% Enable pipeline: It will use the computed calibration:
Screen('HookFunction', win, 'Enable', 'FinalOutputFormattingBlit');
% The next Screen('Flip') will show the testimage with calibration
% applied...
% Visualization of the calibration grid requested.
% Draw backdrop image, if there is one:
if ~isempty(reftex)
Screen('DrawTexture', win, reftex, [], Screen('Rect', reftex));
% Reset drawing color for calibration grid to red:
glColor3f(1, 0, 0);
% Draw calibration grid:
glEvalMesh2(GL.LINE, 0, subdivision, 0, subdivision);
% Disable pipeline so the mesh gets shown one-to-one onscreen:
Screen('HookFunction', win, 'Disable', 'FinalOutputFormattingBlit');
% Draw control points in green:
for y=1:size(topts, 2)
for x=1:size(topts, 3)
Screen('DrawDots', win, topts(1:2, y, x), 10, [0 255 0]);
% Draw currently selected control point and its connecting line to
% initial position in yellow:
if maxx~=-1
Screen('DrawDots', win, topts(1:2, maxy, maxx), 10, [255 255 0]);
Screen('DrawLine', win, [255 255 0], topts(1, maxy, maxx), topts(2, maxy, maxx), oldtopts(1, maxy, maxx), oldtopts(2, maxy, maxx));
% Show it:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Query mouse:
[xm ym buttons] = GetMouse(win);
buttons = any(buttons);
if buttons
% Mouse button pressed. First press?
if oldbuttons
% Nope. This is an update of the control point location:
topts(1, maxy, maxx) = xm;
topts(2, maxy, maxx) = ym;
% Yes. Find closest controlpoint and select it as active one:
maxdist = inf;
maxx = -1;
maxy = -1;
for y=1:size(topts, 2)
for x=1:size(topts, 3)
dx = xm - topts(1, y, x);
dy = ym - topts(2, y, x);
d = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
if d < maxdist
maxdist = d;
maxx = x;
maxy = y;
% Store old buttons state:
oldbuttons = buttons;
% Check keyboard:
[isdown secs keycode] = KbCheck;
if isdown
if maxx~=-1
% Holding down shift increases the stepwidth of keyboard based
% control point movements:
if keycode(shift)
delta = 1;
delta = 0.1;
% Movement of current selected controlpoint via cursor keys:
if keycode(UpArrow)
topts(2, maxy, maxx) = topts(2, maxy, maxx) - delta;
if keycode(DownArrow)
topts(2, maxy, maxx) = topts(2, maxy, maxx) + delta;
if keycode(LeftArrow)
topts(1, maxy, maxx) = topts(1, maxy, maxx) - delta;
if keycode(RightArrow)
topts(1, maxy, maxx) = topts(1, maxy, maxx) + delta;
% Space toggles between grid visualization and visualization of
% applied calibration:
if keycode(space)
applycalib = 1 - applycalib;
while KbCheck; end;
% ESCape key marks end of calibration procedure:
if keycode(esc)
% End of calibration.
% Reenable Matlabs keyboard handling:
% Reenable sync tests:
Screen('Preference', 'SkipSyncTests', oldsynclevel);
% Disable mesh evaluators:
% Writeout of calibration/undistortion matrices:
% Define type of mapping for this calibration method:
warptype = 'BezierDisplayList'; %#ok<NASGU>
% Save relevant calibration variables to file 'caliboutfilename':
save(caliboutfilename, 'warptype', 'subdivision', 'frompts', 'topts', '-mat', '-V6');
% Close Display:
% Done.