/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychDemos/OpenGL4MatlabDemos/FDFDemo.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% FDFDemo(dotDensity, dotLifetime) - Demo of "formless dot field" stimulus
% via moglFDF.
% This demo generates a simple "formless dot field" random dot motion
% stimulus to create "structure from motion" percept by use of the moglFDF
% function for formless dot field rendering. See "help moglFDF" for more
% details.
% The demo shows a simple spinning 3D sphere, rendered as random dot
% stimulus.
% The following optional parameters can be provided to FDFDemo:
% dotDensity = Number of dots to use for both, the background- and
% foreground distribution. Defaults to 10000.
% dotLifetime = Lifetime of dots in frames. Defaults to 10 frames.
% Control keys:
% ESCape key finishes the demo.
% SPACE key toggles between a slowly rotating sphere and a static sphere.
% 'd' toggles the display between the formless dot field stimulus and some
% debug visualization.
% 't' toggles drawing of foreground dots in the colors defined by the
% texture map of the drawn object.
% 'r' resets the distribution to empty, then incrementally recreates it.
% 'h' resets the distribution to a completely new random one.
% Arrow left/right control the density of dots, the 'dotDensity' paramter
% in decrements/increments of 5%.
% Arrow up-/down controls the 'dotLifetime' in steps of +/- 1.
% History:
% 05/02/08 Written (MK).
% 11/03/08 Documentation update, preparation for public release (MK).
% 11/15/08 Demonstrate new features of moglFDF, allow runtime change of
% some params (MK).
% Setup default settings:
if nargin < 1 || isempty(dotDensity)
% 10000 dots by default:
dotDensity = 10000;
if nargin < 2 || isempty(dotLifetime)
% 10 frames lifetime per dot by default:
dotLifetime = 10;
debug = 0;
% Is the script running in OpenGL Psychtoolbox? Abort, if not.
% Setup unified keyboard mapping:
escape = KbName('ESCAPE');
space = KbName('space');
dKey = KbName('d');
rkey = KbName('r');
hkey = KbName('h');
tkey = KbName('t');
upArrow = KbName('UpArrow');
downArrow = KbName('DownArrow');
leftArrow = KbName('LeftArrow');
rightArrow = KbName('RightArrow');
% Find the screen to use for display:
% Setup Psychtoolbox for OpenGL 3D rendering support and initialize the
% mogl OpenGL for Matlab wrapper:
InitializeMatlabOpenGL([], 0);
% Open a double-buffered full-screen window on the main displays screen,
% with fast Offscreen window support enabled and black background clear
% color. Fast Offscreen windows support is needed for moglFDF to work.
PsychImaging('AddTask', 'General', 'UseFastOffscreenWindows');
[win , winRect] = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screenid, 0);
% Prepare texture to by applied to the sphere: Load & create it from an image file:
myimg = imread([PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/OpenGL4MatlabDemos/earth_512by256.jpg']);
% Make a special power-of-two texture from the image by setting the enforcepot - flag to 1
% when calling 'MakeTexture'. GL_TEXTURE_2D textures (==power of two textures) are
% especially easy to handle in OpenGL. If you use the enforcepot flag, it is important
% that the texture image 'myimg' has a width and a height that is exactly a power of two,
% otherwise this command will fail: Allowed values for image width and height are, e.g.,
% 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and on some high-end gfx cards
% 4096 pixels. Our example image has a size of 512 by 256 pixels...
mytex = Screen('MakeTexture', win, myimg, [], 1);
% Retrieve OpenGL handles to the PTB texture. These are needed to use the texture
% from "normal" OpenGL code:
[gltex, gltextarget] = Screen('GetOpenGLTexture', win, mytex);
% Debug output settings for moglFDF: Most useful are -1 for real object
% render and 1 for silhouette render, as well as 0 for normal op.
moglFDF('DebugFlag', 0);
% Stimulus parameters:
% Size of the final output window to be drawn to:
rect = Screen('Rect', win);
% Texture coordinates on the surface of our demo object are in the
% range 0.0 to 1.0 in both x- and y- direction:
texCoordMin = [0.0 , 0.0];
texCoordMax = [1.0 , 1.0];
% Resolve motion with 512 x 512 resolution:
texResolution = [256 , 256];
% Probability with which a randomly located dot within the silhouette
% is drawn -- Kind of "Signal to noise" ratio within the objects
% silhouette, if the "object-induced dot motion" is considered the
% signal and the noise is considered the noise.
% Values between 0 - 1 are meaningful:
BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability = 0.0;
% Use max 'dotDensity' foreground dots for sampling the objects
% surface: In the current moglFDF implementation, maxFGDots must be an
% integral multiple of the dotLifetime!
maxFGDots = (1 - BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability) * dotDensity;
% Use max 'dotDensity' dots for background distribution:
maxBGDots = dotDensity;
% Init texture mapping toggle flag to "texturemapping off":
textoggle = 1;
% Use occlusion culling: Dots that would stick to the occluded part of
% the 3D objects surface are not drawn. By default - if this parameter
% is omitted or set > 1 - all dots are drawn, even "occluded" ones.
zThreshold = 0.0001;
fdf = moglFDF('CreateContext', win, rect, texCoordMin, texCoordMax, texResolution, maxFGDots, maxBGDots, dotLifetime, zThreshold, BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability);
% Define actual string of commands that renders the 3D object or scene:
% This command sequence will draw our sphere 'mysphere' at its current
% orientation. See setup code below for the definition of 'mysphere'.
callbackEvalString = 'gluSphere(mysphere, 0.7, 100, 100);';
fdf = moglFDF('SetRenderCallback', fdf, callbackEvalString);
% If texture mapping is on, load a texture mapping shader to
% demonstrate mixing static color with texture:
if textoggle > 0
drawShader = LoadGLSLProgramFromFiles('moglFDFTexturedDotsRenderShader.frag', 1);
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(drawShader, 'Image'), 0);
% Tell shader that it should roll its own pointsprite based
% anti-aliasing, instead of leaving the job up to the GPU:
% Very recent GPU's may be able to do this themselves, e.g., NVidia
% Geforce 8800 and later on OS/X 10.5.6 and later. In such a case,
% setting doPointSprites to zero may provide a slight speedup:
doPointSprites = 1
glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(drawShader, 'doSmooth'), doPointSprites);
% Assign mixweight: 0.0 = static color only, 1.0 = texture only,
% intermediate levels provide a mix between 0% and 100% texture:
glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(drawShader, 'texWeight'), 0.5);
% Assign shader for 2D foreground dot draw:
fdf = moglFDF('SetDrawShader', fdf, drawShader, [], doPointSprites);
% Enable texture:
fdf = moglFDF('SetColorTexture', fdf, gltex, gltextarget);
drawShader = [];
% Setup the OpenGL rendering context of the onscreen window for use by
% OpenGL wrapper. After this command, all following OpenGL commands will
% draw into the onscreen window 'win':
Screen('BeginOpenGL', win);
% Get the aspect ratio of the screen:
% Setup default drawing color to white (R,G,B)=(1,1,1):
% Enable proper occlusion handling via depth tests:
% Set projection matrix: This defines a perspective projection,
% corresponding to the model of a pin-hole camera - which is a good
% approximation of the human eye and of standard real world cameras --
% well, the best aproximation one can do with 3 lines of code ;-)
% Field of view is 25 degrees from line of sight. Objects closer than
% 0.1 distance units or farther away than 100 distance units get clipped
% away, aspect ratio is adapted to the monitors aspect ratio:
% Setup modelview matrix: This defines the position, orientation and
% looking direction of the virtual camera:
% Reposition camera: Sitting at (x,y,z)==(0,0,5), looking at the origin
% (0,0,0), in an upright (0,1,0) orientation:
% Set background clear color to 'black' (R,G,B,A)=(0,0,0,0):
% Clear out the backbuffer: This also cleans the depth-buffer for
% proper occlusion handling: You need to glClear the depth buffer whenever
% you redraw your scene, e.g., in an animation loop. Otherwise occlusion
% handling will screw up in funny ways...
% Enable texture mapping for this type of textures...
% Bind our texture, so it gets applied to all following objects:
% Btw. this whole texture setup is pretty futile for random dot field
% rendering as we don't apply any textures, we only use the texture
% coordinates! We apply a texture anyway, so the users sees something
% nice if one of the debug modes is enabled where the object is
% renderered in a "normal way" for illustrative purposes.
glBindTexture(gltextarget, gltex);
% Textures color texel values shall modulate the color computed by lighting model:
% Clamping behaviour shall be a cyclic repeat:
glTexParameteri(gltextarget, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.REPEAT);
glTexParameteri(gltextarget, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.REPEAT);
% Set up minification and magnification filters. This is crucial for the thing to work!
glTexParameteri(gltextarget, GL.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL.LINEAR);
glTexParameteri(gltextarget, GL.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL.LINEAR);
% Create the sphere as a quadric object. This is needed because the simple glutSolidSphere
% command does not automatically assign texture coordinates for texture mapping onto a sphere:
% mysphere is a handle that you need to pass to all quadric functions:
mysphere = gluNewQuadric;
% Enable automatic generation of texture coordinates for our quadric object:
gluQuadricTexture(mysphere, GL.TRUE);
% Apply some static rotation to the object to have a nice view onto it:
% This basically rotates our spinning earth into an orientation that
% roughly matches the real orientation in space...
% First -90 degrees around its x-axis...
glRotatef(-90, 1,0,0);
% ...then 18 degrees around its new (rotated) y-axis...
% OpenGL setup done: Switch back to 2D mode:
Screen('EndOpenGL', win);
% Init the rotation 'toggle' flag (see above) to "rotation enabled":
toggle = 1;
% Our framecounter, we love stats ;-)
fcount = 0;
% Toggle reset of dot distribution at first loop iteration:
resetDistribution = 1;
% Initial Flip to have a nice black display, and to record the 'tstart'
% timestamp of this demo animation:
tstart = Screen('Flip', win);
% Now for our little animation loop. This loop will run until a key is pressed.
% It rotates the object by a few degrees (actually: Applies a rotation transformation
% to all objects to be drawn) and then redraws it at its new
% orientation:
while 1
% Want to reinit the dot distribution?
if resetDistribution
if resetDistribution == 2
% Perform a single initial object-render, update & recompute cycle for
% set of dots. moglFDF will compute the new dot distribution, based on
% the current 3D scene appearance, but it won't draw the new dot
% distribution for the next frame yet. The special flag '1' asks
% 'Update' to generate a full initial distribution:
fdf = moglFDF('Update', fdf, 1);
% Reset state to empty distribution, so it can recreate from scratch:
fdf = moglFDF('ResetState', fdf);
resetDistribution = 0;
% Update rotation angle of rotating sphere for this redraw cycle:
% glRotate the object by 0.1 degrees around its z-axis if toggle is set to 1.
Screen('BeginOpenGL', win);
glRotatef(toggle * 0.1, 0, 0, 1);
Screen('EndOpenGL', win);
% Perform object-render, update & recompute cycle for set of dots.
% moglFDF will compute the new dot distribution, based on the
% current 3D scene appearance, but it won't draw the new dot
% distribution for the next frame yet:
fdf = moglFDF('Update', fdf);
% Wanna have nice looking random dots?
if 1
% Enable alpha blending and smooth dots for nice looking
% anti-aliased dots:
% Render 2D dot set in white:
% This performs the actual high-speed drawing of the dot field into
% window 'win':
fdf = moglFDF('Render', fdf, win, [1 1]);
% Set to 1 for readback of dots and "manual" visualization:
if 0
% This is a slow alternative to moglFDF('Render'):
% The final dot distribution is read back from the GPU into a
% Matlab dot matrix 'xydots'...
xydots = moglFDF('GetResults', fdf);
% For the fun of it, some stats of the xydots are computed and
% printed -- here the minimum and maximum 2D dot locations...
minx=min(xydots(1,:)) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
miny=min(xydots(2,:)) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
maxx=max(xydots(1,:)) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
maxy=max(xydots(2,:)) %#ok<NOPRT,NASGU>
% And good'ol Screen('DrawDots') is used to draw the 'xydots'
% vector of dots:
Screen('DrawDots', win, xydots, 2, [255 0 0], [], 1);
% Done with drawing, disable alpha blending again:
% Check for and handle keyboard input:
[pressed secs keyCode] = KbCheck;
if pressed
% Pressing ESCape finishes the demo by breaking out of the
% animation loop:
if keyCode(escape)
% Pressing SPACE toggles the 3D rotation of the sphere. As soon
% as rotation stops and motion information therefore gets lost,
% the perception of the sphere will quickly degrade into random
% dot blinking:
if keyCode(space)
toggle = 1 - toggle;
if keyCode(tkey)
textoggle = 1 - textoggle;
if textoggle
% Enable texture mapping:
fdf = moglFDF('SetColorTexture', fdf, gltex, gltextarget);
if ~isempty(drawShader)
fdf = moglFDF('SetDrawShader', fdf, drawShader);
% Disable texture mapping:
fdf = moglFDF('SetColorTexture', fdf, [], []);
fdf = moglFDF('SetDrawShader', fdf, []);
% 'r' key resets the distribution:
if keyCode(rkey)
resetDistribution = 1;
% 'h' key resets the distribution and reinits it immediately:
if keyCode(hkey)
resetDistribution = 2;
% Arroy keys control dot density and lifetime:
if any(keyCode([leftArrow, rightArrow, upArrow, downArrow]))
% Change of distribution parameters requested:
if keyCode(leftArrow)
dotDensity = max(dotLifetime, round(dotDensity * 0.95));
if keyCode(rightArrow)
dotDensity = min(1000000, round(dotDensity * 1.05));
if keyCode(upArrow)
dotLifetime = min(500, dotLifetime + 1);
if keyCode(downArrow)
dotLifetime = max(1, dotLifetime - 1);
% Recompute number of dots in distribution:
maxFGDots = (1 - BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability) * dotDensity;
% Use max 'dotDensity' dots for background distribution:
maxBGDots = dotDensity;
% Reinit context with new settings, but disable debug
% output while doing so, so we don't clutter the Matlab
% window:
olddebug = moglFDF('DebugFlag', -2);
fdf = moglFDF('ReinitContext', fdf, rect, texCoordMin, texCoordMax, texResolution, maxFGDots, maxBGDots, dotLifetime, zThreshold, BGSilhouetteAcceptanceProbability);
moglFDF('DebugFlag', olddebug);
% Hotstart the context, as if 'h' key is pressed:
resetDistribution = 2;
if keyCode(dKey)
debug = mod(debug+1, 3);
switch debug
case 0,
moglFDF('DebugFlag', 0);
case 1,
moglFDF('DebugFlag', 1);
case 2,
moglFDF('DebugFlag', -1);
% Show new image at next retrace:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Update framecounter:
fcount = fcount + 1;
% Ready for next draw loop iteration...
% End of animation loop: Take end-timestamp:
tend = Screen('Flip', win);
% Compute and show average framerate:
avgfps = fcount / (tend - tstart) %#ok<NOPRT>
avgdur = 1000/avgfps %#ok<NASGU,NOPRT>
% Enable OpenGL context for cleanup work:
Screen('BeginOpenGL', win);
% Delete our sphere object:
% Unselect our texture...
glBindTexture(gltextarget, 0);
% ... and disable texture mapping:
% End of OpenGL rendering...
Screen('EndOpenGL', win);
% Destroy FDF context, release all ressources:
moglFDF('DestroyContext', fdf);
% Close onscreen window and release all other ressources:
% In case of error, a Screen('CloseAll') will also do a good
% post-mortem cleanup job:
% Well done!