/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychDemos/MovieDemos/PlayMoviesDemo.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% PlayMoviesDemo(moviename [, backgroundMaskOut][, tolerance][, pixelFormat=4][, maxThreads=-1])
% This demo accepts a pattern for a valid moviename, e.g.,
% moviename=`*.mpg`, then it plays all movies in the current working
% directory whose names match the provided pattern, e.g., the `*.mpg`
% pattern would play all MPEG files in the current directory.
% If you don't specify a moviename, the demo will ask you if it should play
% our standard DualDiscs.mov demo movie, or rather play through a set of
% videos in a playlist which are streamed from the internet. These 'c'ool
% videos may provide you with useful information for your daily work.
% This demo uses automatic asynchronous playback for synchronized playback
% of video and sound. Each movie plays until end, then rewinds and plays
% again from the start. Pressing the Cursor-Up/Down key pauses/unpauses the
% movie and increases/decreases playback rate.
% The left- right arrow keys jump in 1 seconds steps. SPACE jumps to the
% next movie in the list. ESC ends the demo.
% If the optional RGB color vector backgroundMaskOut is provided, then
% color pixels in the video which are equal or close to backgroundMaskOut will be
% discarded during drawing. E.g., backgroundMaskOut = [255 255 255] would
% discard all white pixels, backgroundMaskOut = [0 0 0] would discard all
% black pixels etc. The optional tolerance parameter allows for some
% lenience, e.g., tolerance = 10 would discard all pixels whose euclidean
% distance in RGB color space is less than 10 units to the backgroundMaskOut
% color. Background color masking requires a graphics card with fragment
% shader support and will fail otherwise.
% If the optional `pixelFormat` is specified, it is used to choose
% optimized video playback methods for specific content. Valid values are 1
% or 2 for greyscale video playback, and 7 or 8 for optimized grayscale
% video playback on modern GPU's with GLSL shading support. Values 3, 4, 5
% and 6 play back color video. 4 is the default, 5 or 6 may provide
% significantly improved playback performance on modern GPUs.
% If the optional `maxThreads` is specified, it defines the maximum number
% of parallel processing threads that should be used by multi-threaded
% video codecs for playback. A setting of n selects n threads, a setting of
% zero asks to auto-select an optimum number of threads for a given
% computer. By default, a codec specific default number is used, typically
% one thread.
% History:
% 10/30/05 mk Wrote it.
% 07/17/11 mk Add support for background pixel color removal via shaders.
% Code cleanup, dead code removal.
% 04/14/12 mk Code cleanup, refinements for network video streams.
% Add useful videos to playlist which are less pathetic than
% the fairy-tales of the iPhone company.
% 06/30/12 mk Add 'pixelFormat' parameter, disable pathetic Apple PR
% videos. Enable cool videos on OSX-64Bit as well.
% 08/03/12 mk Add 'maxThreads' parameter.
% 06/17/13 mk Add new (c)ool movies, remove Apple PRopaganda videos, cleanup.
theanswer = [];
if (nargin < 1) || isempty(moviename)
moviename = [];
theanswer = input('Serious or cool? Type s or c [s/c]? ', 's');
if isempty(moviename)
moviename = '*.mov';
% Initialize with unified keynames and normalized colorspace:
% Setup key mapping:
% Open onscreen window with gray background:
screen = max(Screen('Screens'));
win = PsychImaging('OpenWindow', screen, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]);
shader = [];
if (nargin > 1) && ~isempty(backgroundMaskOut)
if nargin < 3
tolerance = [];
shader = CreateSinglePassImageProcessingShader(win, 'BackgroundMaskOut', backgroundMaskOut, tolerance);
% Use default pixelFormat if none specified:
if nargin < 4
pixelFormat = [];
% Use default maxThreads if none specified:
if nargin < 5
maxThreads = [];
% Initial display and sync to timestamp:
iteration = 0;
abortit = 0;
% Use blocking wait for new frames by default:
blocking = 1;
% Default preload setting:
preloadsecs = [];
if isempty(strfind(moviename, 'http'))
% Return full list of movie files from directory+pattern:
if isempty(moviefiles)
moviefiles(1).name = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/MovieDemos/DualDiscs.mov' ];
for i=1:size(moviefiles,1)
moviefiles(i).name = [ pwd filesep moviefiles(i).name ];
moviecount = size(moviefiles,1);
moviefiles(1).name = moviename;
moviecount = 1;
if strcmpi(theanswer, 'c')
% Cool stuff, streaming from the web ;-)
coolstuff = 1;
moviefiles = [];
% Make sure a cache directory for buffering exists.
% Linus Torvalds DebConf 2014 Q & A:
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2014/debconf14/webm/QA_with_Linus_Torvalds.webm';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2014/debconf14/webm/QA_with_Linus_Torvalds.webm';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'Q & A at DebConf 2014 with Linus Torvalds';
% MC Hammers Can't touch this - performed by a special ensemble:
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://archive.org/download/juniorx3_dancevideo2/juniorx3_dancevideo2.ogv';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://archive.org/details/juniorx3_dancevideo2';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'MC Hammers Can''t touch this - performed by a special ensemble';
% The Godfather of Soul giving quick dance lessons:
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://archive.org/download/9lines-JamesBrownDancingLessons151/9lines-JamesBrownDancingLessons151.ogv';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://archive.org/details/9lines-JamesBrownDancingLessons151';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'The Godfather of Soul giving quick dance lessons';
% Randy Pausch's "Last lecture":
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://archive.org/download/LastLecturebyRandyPausch/Last_Lecture_by_Randy_Pausch_Sept_2007_MWV.ogv';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://archive.org/details/LastLecturebyRandyPausch';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'Randy Pausch''s Last Lecture "Achieving Your Childhood Dreams"';
% Richard Stallman talks about the dangers of software patents:
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://archive.org/download/ifso-stallman/ifso-stallman-mpeg1_512kb.mp4';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://archive.org/details/ifso-stallman';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'Richard Stallman talks about the dangers of software patents';
% Linus Torvalds talks at Aalto University Finnland:
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://archive.org/download/AaltoTalkWithLinusTorvalds/AaltoTalkWithLinusTorvalds.ogv';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://archive.org/details/AaltoTalkWithLinusTorvalds';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'Linux creator and Millenium prize 2012 winner Linus Torvalds talks at Aalto University Finnland';
% Elon Musk talks about electrical cars, space-flight and solar power:
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://video.ted.com/talk/podcast/2013/None/ElonMusk_2013.mp4';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://www.ted.com/talks/elon_musk_the_mind_behind_tesla_spacex_solarcity.html';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'At TED Elon Musk talks with Chris Anderson about electrical cars, space-flight and solar power';
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/webcast/201211_musk.mp4';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://www.oxfordmartin.ox.ac.uk/videos/view/211';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'Elon Musk - The Future of Energy and Transport';
% FOSDEM 2012 talk about Linux's next generation graphics display server "Wayland":
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://video.fosdem.org/2012/maintracks/k.1.105/Wayland.webm';
moviefiles(end).url = 'http://video.fosdem.org/2012';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'FOSDEM 2012 talk about Linux''s next generation graphics display server "Wayland"';
% ELC 2012 talk: Gstreamer-1.0 No-longer-compromise-flexibility-for-performance:
moviefiles(end+1).name = 'http://d17mmld7179ppq.cloudfront.net/gstreamer-10-no-longer-compromise-flexibility-for-performance_52ca47/hd_ready.webm';
moviefiles(end).url = '';
moviefiles(end).credits = 'ELC 2012 talk about GStreamer - 1.0';
% Count all movies in our playlist:
moviecount = size(moviefiles,2);
if moviecount == 0
fprintf('Sorry, i do not have any cool movies for your system configuration. Will use boring default movie file.\n');
moviefiles(1).name = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos/MovieDemos/DualDiscs.mov' ];
% Use polling to wait for new frames when playing movies from the
% internet. This to make sure we don't time out too early or block
% for too long if the network connection is slow / high-latency / bad.
blocking = 0;
coolstuff = 0;
% Playbackrate defaults to 1:
% Choose 16 pixel text size:
Screen('TextSize', win, 16);
% Endless loop, runs until ESC key pressed:
while (abortit<2)
if coolstuff
url = moviefiles(mod(iteration, moviecount)+1).url;
credits = moviefiles(mod(iteration, moviecount)+1).credits;
moviename = moviefiles(mod(iteration, moviecount)+1).name;
iteration = iteration + 1;
fprintf('ITER=%i::', iteration);
% Show title while movie is loading/prerolling:
DrawFormattedText(win, ['Loading ...\n' moviename], 'center', 'center', 0, 40);
Screen('Flip', win);
% Open movie file and retrieve basic info about movie:
[movie movieduration fps imgw imgh] = Screen('OpenMovie', win, moviename, [], preloadsecs, [], pixelFormat, maxThreads);
fprintf('Movie: %s : %f seconds duration, %f fps, w x h = %i x %i...\n', moviename, movieduration, fps, imgw, imgh);
% Start playback of movie. This will start
% the realtime playback clock and playback of audio tracks, if any.
% Play 'movie', at a playbackrate = 1, with endless loop=1 and
% 1.0 == 100% audio volume.
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, rate, 1, 1.0);
t1 = GetSecs;
% Infinite playback loop: Fetch video frames and display them...
while 1
% Check for abortion:
[keyIsDown,secs,keyCode]=KbCheck; %#ok<ASGLU>
if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(esc))
% Set the abort-demo flag.
% Check for skip to next movie:
if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(space))
% Exit while-loop: This will load the next movie...
% Only perform video image fetch/drawing if playback is active
% and the movie actually has a video track (imgw and imgh > 0):
if ((abs(rate)>0) && (imgw>0) && (imgh>0))
% Return next frame in movie, in sync with current playback
% time and sound.
% tex is either the positive texture handle or zero if no
% new frame is ready yet in non-blocking mode (blocking == 0).
% It is -1 if something went wrong and playback needs to be stopped:
tex = Screen('GetMovieImage', win, movie, blocking);
% Valid texture returned?
if tex < 0
% No, and there won't be any in the future, due to some
% error. Abort playback loop:
if tex == 0
% No new frame in polling wait (blocking == 0). Just sleep
% a bit and then retry.
WaitSecs('YieldSecs', 0.005);
% Draw the new texture immediately to screen:
Screen('DrawTexture', win, tex, [], [], [], [], [], [], shader);
DrawFormattedText(win, ['Movie: ' moviename ], 'center', 20, 0);
if coolstuff
DrawFormattedText(win, ['Original URL: ' url '\n\n' credits], 'center', 60, 0);
% Update display:
Screen('Flip', win);
% Release texture:
Screen('Close', tex);
% Framecounter:
% Further keyboard checks...
if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(right))
% Advance movietime by one second:
Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex', movie, Screen('GetMovieTimeIndex', movie) + 1);
if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(left))
% Rewind movietime by one second:
Screen('SetMovieTimeIndex', movie, Screen('GetMovieTimeIndex', movie) - 1);
if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(up))
% Increase playback rate by 1 unit.
if (keyCode(shift))
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, rate, 1, 1.0);
if (keyIsDown==1 && keyCode(down))
% Decrease playback rate by 1 unit.
if (keyCode(shift))
while KbCheck; WaitSecs(0.01); end;
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, rate, 1, 1.0);
telapsed = GetSecs - t1;
fprintf('Elapsed time %f seconds, for %i frames.\n', telapsed, i);
Screen('Flip', win);
% Done. Stop playback:
Screen('PlayMovie', movie, 0);
% Close movie object:
Screen('CloseMovie', movie);
% Close screens.
% Done.
catch %#ok<*CTCH>
% Error handling: Close all windows and movies, release all ressources.