/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychDemos/DriftDemo4.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% function DriftDemo4([angle=0][, cyclespersecond=1][, freq=1/360][, gratingsize=360][, internalRotation=0])
% ___________________________________________________________________
% Display an animated grating, using the new Screen('DrawTexture') command.
% This demo demonstrates fast drawing of such a grating via use of procedural
% texture mapping. It only works on hardware with support for the GLSL
% shading language, vertex- and fragmentshaders. The demo ends if you press
% any key on the keyboard.
% The grating is not encoded into a texture, but instead a little algorithm - a
% procedural texture shader - is executed on the graphics processor (GPU)
% to compute the grating on-the-fly during drawing.
% This is very fast and efficient! All parameters of the grating can be
% changed dynamically. For a similar approach wrt. Gabors, check out
% ProceduralGaborDemo. For an extremely fast aproach for drawing many Gabor
% patches at once, check out ProceduralGarboriumDemo. That demo could be
% easily customized to draw many sine gratings by mixing code from that
% demo with setup code from this demo.
% Optional Parameters:
% 'angle' = Rotation angle of grating in degrees.
% 'internalRotation' = Shall the rectangular image patch be rotated
% (default), or the grating within the rectangular patch?
% gratingsize = Size of 2D grating patch in pixels.
% freq = Frequency of sine grating in cycles per pixel.
% cyclespersecond = Drift speed in cycles per second.
% History:
% 3/1/9 mk Written.
% Make sure this is running on OpenGL Psychtoolbox:
% Initial stimulus parameters for the grating patch:
if nargin < 5 || isempty(internalRotation)
internalRotation = 0;
if internalRotation
rotateMode = kPsychUseTextureMatrixForRotation;
rotateMode = [];
if nargin < 4 || isempty(gratingsize)
gratingsize = 360;
% res is the total size of the patch in x- and y- direction, i.e., the
% width and height of the mathematical support:
res = [gratingsize gratingsize];
if nargin < 3 || isempty(freq)
% Frequency of the grating in cycles per pixel: Here 0.01 cycles per pixel:
freq = 1/360;
if nargin < 2 || isempty(cyclespersecond)
cyclespersecond = 1;
if nargin < 1 || isempty(angle)
% Tilt angle of the grating:
angle = 0;
% Amplitude of the grating in units of absolute display intensity range: A
% setting of 0.5 means that the grating will extend over a range from -0.5
% up to 0.5, i.e., it will cover a total range of 1.0 == 100% of the total
% displayable range. As we select a background color and offset for the
% grating of 0.5 (== 50% nominal intensity == a nice neutral gray), this
% will extend the sinewaves values from 0 = total black in the minima of
% the sine wave up to 1 = maximum white in the maxima. Amplitudes of more
% than 0.5 don't make sense, as parts of the grating would lie outside the
% displayable range for your computers displays:
amplitude = 0.5;
% Choose screen with maximum id - the secondary display on a dual-display
% setup for display:
screenid = max(Screen('Screens'));
% Open a fullscreen onscreen window on that display, choose a background
% color of 128 = gray, i.e. 50% max intensity:
win = Screen('OpenWindow', screenid, 128);
% Make sure the GLSL shading language is supported:
% Retrieve video redraw interval for later control of our animation timing:
ifi = Screen('GetFlipInterval', win);
% Phase is the phase shift in degrees (0-360 etc.)applied to the sine grating:
phase = 0;
% Compute increment of phase shift per redraw:
phaseincrement = (cyclespersecond * 360) * ifi;
% Build a procedural sine grating texture for a grating with a support of
% res(1) x res(2) pixels and a RGB color offset of 0.5 -- a 50% gray.
gratingtex = CreateProceduralSineGrating(win, res(1), res(2), [0.5 0.5 0.5 0.0]);
% Wait for release of all keys on keyboard, then sync us to retrace:
vbl = Screen('Flip', win);
% Animation loop: Repeats until keypress...
while ~KbCheck
% Update some grating animation parameters:
% Increment phase by 1 degree:
phase = phase + phaseincrement;
% Draw the grating, centered on the screen, with given rotation 'angle',
% sine grating 'phase' shift and amplitude, rotating via set
% 'rotateMode'. Note that we pad the last argument with a 4th
% component, which is 0. This is required, as this argument must be a
% vector with a number of components that is an integral multiple of 4,
% i.e. in our case it must have 4 components:
Screen('DrawTexture', win, gratingtex, [], [], angle, [], [], [], [], rotateMode, [phase, freq, amplitude, 0]);
% Show it at next retrace:
vbl = Screen('Flip', win, vbl + 0.5 * ifi);
% We're done. Close the window. This will also release all other ressources:
% Bye bye!