/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychDemos/BubbleDemo.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% BubbleDemo(mode, ms, myimgfile)
% OS X and WINDOWS: _______________________________________________________
% Demo implementation of a generic bubble display.
% We take one input image and create - via image processing - two images
% out of it: An image to show at the screen location were the subject
% fixates (According to the eye-tracker). A second image to show in the
% peripery of the subjects field of view. These two images are blended into
% each other via a gaussian weight mask (an aperture). The mask is centered
% at the center of gaze and allows for a smooth transition between the two
% images.
% This illustrates an application of OpenGL Alpha blending by compositing
% two images based on a spatial gaussian weight mask. Compositing is done
% by the graphics hardware.
% see also: PsychDemos, MovieDemo, DriftDemo
% mm/dd/yy
% 7/23/05 mk Derived it from Frans Cornelissens AlphaImageDemoOSX.
% Set hurryup = 1 for benchmarking - Syncing to retrace is disabled
% in that case so we'll get the maximum refresh rate.
% Setup default mode to color vs. gray.
if nargin < 1
mode = 1;
% Setup default aperture size to 2*200 x 2*200 pixels.
if nargin < 2
basepath = [ PsychtoolboxRoot 'PsychDemos' filesep ];
% Use default demo images, if no special image was provided.
if nargin < 3
myimgfile= [basepath 'konijntjes1024x768.jpg'];
myblurimgfile= [basepath 'konijntjes1024x768blur.jpg'];
mygrayimgfile= [basepath 'konijntjes1024x768gray.jpg'];
fprintf('BubbleDemo (%s)\n', datestr(now));
fprintf('Press a key or click on mouse to stop demo.\n');
% This script calls Psychtoolbox commands available only in OpenGL-based
% versions of the Psychtoolbox. (So far, the OS X Psychtoolbox is the
% only OpenGL-based Psychtoolbox.) The Psychtoolbox command AssertOpenGL will issue
% an error message if someone tries to execute this script on a computer without
% an OpenGL Psychtoolbox
% Get the list of screens and choose the one with the highest screen number.
% Screen 0 is, by definition, the display with the menu bar. Often when
% two monitors are connected the one without the menu bar is used as
% the stimulus display. Chosing the display with the highest display number is
% a best guess about where you want the stimulus displayed.
% Open a double buffered fullscreen window.
[w, wRect]=Screen('OpenWindow',screenNumber, 0,[],32,2);
% Find the color values which correspond to white and black. Though on OS
% X we currently only support true color and thus, for scalar color
% arguments,
% black is always 0 and white 255, this rule is not true on other platforms will
% not remain true on OS X after we add other color depth modes.
gray=GrayIndex(screenNumber); % returns as default the mean gray value of screen
% Set background color to gray:
backgroundcolor = gray;
% Load image file:
fprintf('Using image ''%s''\n', myimgfile);
% crop image if it is larger then screen size. There's no image scaling
% in maketexture
[iy, ix, id]=size(imdata);
[wW, wH]=WindowSize(w);
if ix>wW || iy>wH
disp('Image size exceeds screen size');
disp('Image will be cropped');
if ix>wW
if iy>wH
% imdata is the cropped version of the image.
imdata=imdata(1+ct:iy-cb, 1+cl:ix-cr,:);
imdatablur=imdatablur(1+ct:iy-cb, 1+cl:ix-cr,:);
imdatagray=imdatagray(1+ct:iy-cb, 1+cl:ix-cr,:);
% Compute image for foveated region and periphery:
switch (mode)
case 1
% Mode 1:
% Fovea contains original image data:
foveaimdata = imdata;
% Periphery contains grayscale-version:
peripheryimdata = imdatagray;
case 2
% Fovea contains original image data:
foveaimdata = imdata;
% Periphery contains blurred-version:
peripheryimdata = imdatablur;
case 3
% Fovea contains color-inverted image data:
foveaimdata(:,:,:) = 255 - imdata(:,:,:);
% Periphery contains original data:
peripheryimdata = imdata;
case 4
% Test-case: One shouldn't see any foveated region on the
% screen - this is a basic correctness test for blending.
foveaimdata = imdata;
peripheryimdata = imdata;
% Unknown mode! We force abortion:
fprintf('Invalid mode provided!');
% Build texture for foveated region:
foveatex=Screen('MakeTexture', w, foveaimdata);
tRect=Screen('Rect', foveatex);
% Build texture for peripheral (non-foveated) region:
nonfoveatex=Screen('MakeTexture', w, peripheryimdata);
[ctRect, dx, dy]=CenterRect(tRect, wRect);
% We create a Luminance+Alpha matrix for use as transparency mask:
% Layer 1 (Luminance) is filled with 'backgroundcolor'.
[x,y]=meshgrid(-ms:ms, -ms:ms);
maskblob=ones(2*ms+1, 2*ms+1, transLayer) * 0;
% Layer 2 (Transparency aka Alpha) is filled with gaussian transparency
% mask.
% Build a single transparency mask texture:
masktex=Screen('MakeTexture', w, maskblob);
mRect=Screen('Rect', masktex);
fprintf('Size image texture: %d x %d\n', RectWidth(tRect), RectHeight(tRect));
fprintf('Size mask texture: %d x %d\n', RectWidth(mRect), RectHeight(mRect));
% Set background color to 'backgroundcolor' and do initial flip to show
% blank screen:
Screen('FillRect', w, backgroundcolor);
Screen('Flip', w);
% The mouse-cursor position will define gaze-position (center of
% fixation) to simulate (x,y) input from an eyetracker. Set cursor
% initially to center of screen:
WaitSetMouse(a,b,0); % set cursor and wait for it to take effect
% Wait until all keys on keyboard are released:
while KbCheck; WaitSecs(0.1); end;
Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
Screen('FillRect', w, [128 128 128 0]);
oldvbl=Screen('Flip', w);
tavg = 0;
ncount = 0;
% Infinite display loop: Whenever "gaze position" changes, we update
% the display accordingly. Loop aborts on keyboard press or mouse
% click.
while (ncount < 10000)
% We wait 1 ms each loop-iteration so that we
% don't overload the system in realtime-priority:
% Query current mouse cursor position (our "pseudo-eyetracker") -
% (mx,my) is our gaze position.
if (hurryup==0)
[mx, my, buttons]=GetMouse(0);
% mx=500 + 500*sin(GetSecs()); my=300;
mx=500 + 500*sin(ncount/10); my=300;
% We only redraw if gazepos. has changed:
if (mx~=mxold || my~=myold)
% Compute position and size of source- and destinationrect and
% clip it, if necessary...
myrect=[mx-ms my-ms mx+ms+1 my+ms+1]; % center dRect on current mouseposition
dRect = ClipRect(myrect,ctRect);
sRect=OffsetRect(dRect, -dx, -dy);
% Valid destination rectangle?
if ~IsEmptyRect(dRect)
% Yes! Draw image for current frame:
% Step 1: Draw the alpha-mask into the backbuffer. It
% defines the aperture for foveation: The center of gaze
% has zero alpha value. Alpha values increase with distance from
% center of gaze according to a gaussian function and
% approach 255 at the border of the aperture...
Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
Screen('DrawTexture', w, masktex, [], myrect, 0, 0);
Screen('DrawTexture', w, masktex, [], OffsetRect(myrect, ms, 0), 0, 0);
% Step 2: Draw peripheral image. It is only drawn where
% the alpha-value in the backbuffer is 255 or high, leaving
% the foveated area (low or zero alpha values) alone:
% This is done by weighting each color value of each pixel
% with the corresponding alpha-value in the backbuffer
Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_DST_ALPHA, GL_ZERO);
Screen('DrawTexture', w, foveatex, [], ctRect, 0);
% Step 3: Draw foveated image, but only where the
% alpha-value in the backbuffer is zero or low: This is
% done by weighting each color value with one minus the
% corresponding alpha-value in the backbuffer
Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
Screen('DrawTexture', w, nonfoveatex, [], ctRect, 0, 0);
%Screen('FillRect', w, [128 128 128], ctRect);
% Show final result on screen. This also clears the drawing
% surface back to black background color and a zero alpha
% value.
% Actually... We use clearmode=2: This doesn't clear the
% backbuffer, but we don't need to clear it for this kind
% of stimulus and it gives us 2 msecs extra headroom for
% higher refresh rates! For benchmark purpose, we'
vbl = Screen('Flip', w, 0, 0, 2*hurryup);
vbl = GetSecs;
tavg = tavg + (vbl-oldvbl);
ncount = ncount + 1;
% Keep track of last gaze position:
% Abort demo on keypress our mouse-click:
if KbCheck || any(buttons) % break out of loop
% Display full image a last time, just for fun...
Screen('BlendFunction', w, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO);
Screen('DrawTexture', w, foveatex);
Screen('Flip', w);
% The same command which closes onscreen and offscreen windows also
% closes textures.
tavg = tavg / ncount * 1000;
fprintf('End of BubbleDemo. Avg. redraw time is %f ms = %f Hz.\n\n', tavg, 1000 / tavg);
%this "catch" section executes in case of an error in the "try" section
%above. Importantly, it closes the onscreen window if its open.
end %try..catch..