/usr/share/psychtoolbox-3/PsychBasic/PsychDrawSprites2D.m is in psychtoolbox-3-common
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% Draw little texture in multiple places, with a similar syntax as
% Screen('DrawDots').
% Usage: PsychDrawSprites2D(windowPtr, spriteTex, xy [, spriteScale=1][, spriteAngle=0][, spriteColor=white][, center2D=[0,0]][, spriteShader]);
% This is basically a 'DrawDots' work-alike, just that it doesn't draw nice
% round dots, but many copies of nice little texture images, each
% individually colored, scaled, positioned, shaded and rotated.
% It is a convenience wrapper around the Screen('DrawTextures') command, a
% more low-level, more flexible command for drawing of many textures at
% once.
% 'windowPtr' target window. 'spriteTex' texture to draw. 'xy' 2-row matrix
% with x,y locations of the centers of the drawn textures. 'center2D' adds
% an optional offset to these locations. 'spriteScale' global or per-sprite
% scaling factor. 'spriteAngle' global or per-sprite rotation angle.
% 'spriteColor' global or per sprite 1-, 3- or 4-row color matrix.
% 'spriteShader' a shader handle for shaded drawing.
% See Screen DrawTextures? for more help on the options and Screen
% DrawDots? for similar syntax. See DotDemo.m or DotDemo(1) for example
% usage.
% History:
% 18.04.2010 mk Wrote it.
% 05.09.2013 mk Use WhiteIndex() instead of hard-coded 255 color value.
if nargin < 1 || isempty(windowPtr)
error('"windowPtr" window handle missing! This is required!');
if nargin < 2 || isempty(spriteTex)
error('"spriteTex" handle missing! This is required!');
% Unpack call arguments:
if nargin < 3
error('Required dotposition vector "xy" is missing!');
if isempty(xy)
% xy position matrix is empty! Nothing to do for us:
% Must be a 2D matrix:
if ndims(xy)~=2
error('"xy" position argument is not a 2D matrix! This is required!');
if size(xy,1) == 1
xy = xy';
% Want xy matrix as a 2 row, x-column matrix:
if (size(xy, 1) ~= 2)
error('"xy" dot position argument is not a 2-row matrix! This is required!');
% Number of dots:
nrdots = size(xy, 2);
if nargin < 4 || isempty(spriteScale)
spriteScale = 1;
nsizes = length(spriteScale);
if ~isvector(spriteScale) || (nsizes~=1 && nsizes~=nrdots)
error('"spriteScale" argument must be a vector with same number of elements as textures to draw, or a single scalar value!');
if min(spriteScale) <= 0
error('"spriteScale" argument contains negative or zero scale factors!');
if nargin < 5
spriteAngle = [];
nangles = length(spriteAngle);
if ~isempty(spriteAngle)
if ~isvector(spriteAngle) || (nangles~=1 && nangles~=nrdots)
error('"spriteAngle" argument must be a vector with same number of elements as textures to draw, or a single scalar value!');
if nargin < 6
spriteColor = [];
if ~isempty(spriteColor)
% Want single spriteColor vector as a 1-4 row, 1 column vector:
if (size(spriteColor, 1) == 1) && (ismember(size(spriteColor, 2), [1,3,4]))
spriteColor = transpose(spriteColor);
ncolors = size(spriteColor, 2);
ncolcomps = size(spriteColor, 1);
if ~ismember(ncolcomps, [1,3,4]) || (ncolors~=1 && ncolors~=nrdots)
error('"spriteColor" must be a matrix with 3 or 4 rows and at least 1 column, or as many columns as sprites to draw!');
ncolors = 0; %#ok<NASGU>
spriteColor = WhiteIndex(windowPtr);
if nargin < 8
filterMode = [];
if nargin < 9
spriteShader = [];
nshaders = length(spriteShader);
if ~isempty(spriteShader)
if ~isvector(spriteShader) || (nshaders~=1 && nshaders~=nrdots)
error('"spriteShader" argument must be a vector with same number of elements as textures to draw, or a single scalar value!');
% 'center2D' argument specified?
if nargin < 7
% Default to "no center set":
center2D = [];
if ~isempty(center2D)
% Center valid?
if length(center2D) ~= 2
error('center2D argument must be a 2-component vector with [x,y] center position.');
% Yes: Add its offsets to all components of xy vector:
xy = xy + repmat(center2D(1:2)', 1, size(xy,2));
% Build dstRects from xy and size, srcRects is always the default []:
srcRect = Screen('Rect', spriteTex);
brects = srcRect' * spriteScale;
% Position the final dstRects for each texture centered on the
% target xy positions:
dstRects = CenterRectOnPointd(brects', xy(1,:)', xy(2,:)')';
% Use DrawTextures to batch-draw all textures at their proper location with
% the proper texture objects and shaders:
Screen('DrawTextures', windowPtr, spriteTex, [], dstRects, spriteAngle, filterMode, [], spriteColor, spriteShader);
% Done.