/usr/share/octave/packages/financial-0.5.0/blsimpv.m is in octave-financial 0.5.0-1.
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## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
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## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{Volatility} =} blsimpv (@var{Price}, @var{Strike}, @var{Rate}, @var{Time}, @var{Value})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{Volatility} =} blsimpv (@var{Price}, @var{Strike}, @var{Rate}, @var{Time}, @var{Value}, @var{Limit})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{Volatility} =} blsimpv (@var{Price}, @var{Strike}, @var{Rate}, @var{Time}, @var{Value}, @var{Limit}, @var{Yield})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{Volatility} =} blsimpv (@var{Price}, @var{Strike}, @var{Rate}, @var{Time}, @var{Value}, @var{Limit}, @var{Yield}, @var{Tolerance})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{Volatility} =} blsimpv (@var{Price}, @var{Strike}, @var{Rate}, @var{Time}, @var{Value}, @var{Limit}, @var{Yield}, @var{Tolerance}, @var{Class})
## Computes implied volatility under the Black-Scholes model.
## @itemize @minus{}@minus{}
## @item
## Variable: @var{Price} The current price of the underlying asset.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Strike} The strike price the option is written on.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Rate} The risk-free interest rate.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Time} The time-to-expiry.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Value} Price of the European option from which the
## underlying's volatility is derived.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Limit} (Optional, default = 10) Upper bound of the implied
## volatility.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Yield} (Optional, default = 0) Annualized, continuously
## compounded rate of dividends of the underlying asset.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Tolerance} (Optional, default = 1e-6) Tolerance with which the
## root-finding method terminates.
## @item
## Variable: @var{Class} (Optional, default = @{'call'@}) Option class (call or
## put). To specify a call option, use a value of true or @{'call'@}. To specify
## put options, use a value of false or @{'put'@}.
## @end itemize
## Computes the implied volatility under the Black-Scholes model from a given
## market option price.
## @seealso{blsdelta, blsgamma, blslambda, blsprice, blsrho, blstheta}
## @end deftypefn
function Volatility = blsimpv (Price, Strike, Rate, Time, Value, ...
Limit = 10, Yield = 0, Tolerance = 1e-6, ...
Class = true)
if (nargin < 5 || nargin > 9)
print_usage ();
## Get maximum sizes of matrices
res_size_row = max ([rows(Price) rows(Strike) rows(Rate) rows(Time) ...
rows(Value) rows(Limit) rows(Yield) rows(Tolerance) ...
res_size_col = max ([columns(Price) columns(Strike) columns(Rate) ...
columns(Time) columns(Value) columns(Limit) ...
columns(Yield) columns(Tolerance) columns(Class)]);
res_size = [res_size_row res_size_col];
## Resize scalars
Price = resize_scalar (res_size, Price, "PRICE");
Strike = resize_scalar (res_size, Strike, "STRIKE");
Rate = resize_scalar (res_size, Rate, "RATE");
Time = resize_scalar (res_size, Time, "TIME");
Value = resize_scalar (res_size, Value, "VALUE");
Limit = resize_scalar (res_size, Limit, "LIMIT");
Yield = resize_scalar (res_size, Yield, "YIELD");
Tolerance = resize_scalar (res_size, Tolerance, "TOLERANCE");
if (isscalar (Class))
Class = repmat ({Class}, res_size);
elseif (! isequal (size (Class), res_size))
error ("blsimpv: CLASS must be a scalar or cell array of conforming size with other inputs",
## Check that all values in the cell array option are either boolean
## or the string call, and put. Replace the strings call and put by their
## respective boolean and then convert it into a boolean matrix.
if (iscell (Class))
bool_idx = cellfun ("islogical", Class);
call_idx = strcmpi (Class, "call");
put_idx = strcmpi (Class, "put");
if (! all (bool_idx | put_idx | call_idx))
error ("blsimpv: all values in OPTION must be logical, \"call\", or \"put\"");
Class(call_idx) = true;
Class(put_idx) = false;
Class = cell2mat (Class);
Volatility = zeros (res_size); # output matrix
for j = 1:res_size_row
for k = 1:res_size_col
## Make option set
## At the time of writing, fzero did not recognize the
## GradObj option.
opts = optimset ("fzero");
opts = optimset (opts, "TolX", Tolerance(j, k), "GradObj", "on");
## Construct function
if (Class(j, k)) # call
fun = @(x) blscall (Price(j, k), Strike(j, k), Rate(j, k), Time(j, k), x,
Yield(j, k)) - Value(j, k);
else # put
fun = @(x) blsput (Price(j, k), Strike(j, k), Rate(j, k), Time(j, k), x,
Yield(j, k)) - Value(j, k);
## Solve
[x, fval, exitflag, output] = fzero (fun, [Tolerance(j, k) Limit(j, k)], opts);
if (exitflag != 1)
x = NaN;
x = NaN;
Volatility(j, k) = x;
function sc = resize_scalar (res_size, sc, arg_name);
if (isscalar (sc))
sc = repmat (sc, res_size);
elseif (! isequal (size(sc), res_size))
error ("blsimpv: %s must be a scalar or matrix of conforming size with other inputs",
function [C, v] = blscall (Price, Strike, Rate, Time, x, Yield)
C = blsprice (Price, Strike, Rate, Time, x, Yield);
v = blsvega (Price, Strike, Rate, Time, x, Yield);
function [P, v] = blsput (Price, Strike, Rate, Time, x, Yield)
[~, P] = blsprice (Price, Strike, Rate, Time, x, Yield);
v = blsvega (Price, Strike, Rate, Time, x, Yield);
## Tests
%!assert (blsimpv (100, 100, 0.04, 1, [9.9251 6.0040], 1, 0, 1e-6, [1 0]), [0.2 0.2], 1e-4)
## Test input validation
%!error blsimpv ()
%!error blsimpv (1)
%!error blsimpv (1, 2)
%!error blsimpv (1, 2, 3)
%!error blsimpv (1, 2, 3, 4)
%!error blsimpv (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 2)